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Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) School of Computing and Communications Technology Faculty of Business, Science and Technology Glyndŵr University.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) School of Computing and Communications Technology Faculty of Business, Science and Technology Glyndŵr University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) School of Computing and Communications Technology Faculty of Business, Science and Technology Glyndŵr University Plas Coch Campus, Mold Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AW, UK

2 GRDT CAIR Structure Within the Centre are research/project teams of different sizes concerned with various aspects of Internet Technologies and Applications Three main groups Network Algorithms Group (NAG) Network design & management; Routing and compression protocols; Network security & policies Vic Grout Human Computer Interaction Group (HCIG) Network interfaces; Reusable components; Standards; Visualisation; e-Learning/business Rich Picking Music Technologies Group (MTG) Audio technologies; Studio technologies Mike Wright CAIR NAG HCIG MTG (VG) (RP) (MW) ITA (VG/DO/RP) (RH)

3 Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) Network Algorithms Group (NAG) Human-Computer Interaction Group (HCIG) Music Technologies Group (MTG) CAIR Structure ITA GRDT

4 Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) Network Algorithms Group (NAG) Human-Computer Interaction Group (HCIG) Sound Broadcast Group (SBG) CAIR Projects Routing protocols Filtering/firewalls Compression algorithms Network performance Optimisation Automation Information visualisation Adaptive tutoring Computing ethics Systems failure Component standards Perceptual modelling and spatial awareness Psycho-acoustics Sound synthesis Music ethics

5 ITA 05, 07, … International Conference Series on Internet Technologies and Applications 150 papers submitted. 65 accepted from 30 countries 4 th – 7 th September 2007

6 CAIR Projects EU FP6 EASY-LINE+ 2,110,000 Euros “ Low Cost Advanced White Goods for the Elderly and/or Disabled ” Vic Grout, Rich Picking Development of accessible interfaces for intelligent fridges dishwashers cookers washing machines etc.

7 CAIR Projects Decision & Argumentation Visualisation Explorer (DAVE) John McGinn, Rich Picking A software development project to produce a visual tool to aid complex decision-making Various applications including health/suicide risk assessment Decision & Argumentation Visualisation International Explorer (DAVIE) Compound version of DAVE

8 Project DARC Rich Hebblewhite, John McClenaghen Digital Action Research Collaboration Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Bridge between staff research and curriculum delivery Digital template for practice led research CAIR Projects

9 Accessible Laboratory Project (ALP) John McGinn, Rich Picking, Colin Heron, John Reynolds, Mike Wright Working to provide laboratory and studio facilities suitable for disabled people

10 CAIR Projects Games Research and Development Team (GRDT) Rich Hebblewhite Various projects in network and Internet gaming games technology games industry 2D/3D games engines NEWC – North East Wales Checkers program Contender: World Man-Machine Checkers Championship

11 Packet Filtering Project (PFP) John Davies, John McGinn, Vic Grout Seeking to improve the efficiency (reduce the latency) of Access Control Lists (ACLs) on routers real-time optimisation algorithms and heuristics CAIR Projects

12 Quality and Ethics Project (QEP) Denise Oram, Mike Headon Modelling the causes of failure and analysing ethical issues in information systems cultural differences ethical decisions The culturally negotiated ethical triangle should rightness ought obligation must duty regulations laws constrained ethics negotiated ethics situated ethics shareholder theory stakeholder theory social contract theory

13 CAIR Projects Audio Compression Project (ACP) Stuart Cunningham, Vic Grout Seeking to exploit repetition in (for example) music sequences for reduced storage and transmission lossy/lossless compression file formats and transforms search techniques and pattern matching perceptual testing and coding

14 CAIR Projects Network Performance Prediction (NPP) John Davies, Vic Grout Looking for ways of characterising and predicting network behaviour through traffic parameters traffic measurement statistical analysis

15 CAIR Projects Intelligent Tutoring Systems Project (ITSP) Rich Hebblewhite, Rich Picking Investigating methods of adapting teaching materials to student profile cognition complexity indices Rapid Assessment & Instruction Developer (RAID)

16 CAIR Projects Optimal Routing Project (ORP) Nigel Houlden, Vic Grout, John McGinn Searching for improved routing algorithms domain optimal routing end-to-end cost metrics

17 CAIR Projects Holistic Distributed Knowledge (HDK) Fatima Mansour, Rich Picking Trying to make efficient use of visual information to convey complex information collaborative decision-making XML representation

18 CAIR Projects Wireless Network Optimisation (WNO) Mike Morgan, Vic Grout Algorithms for design of least-cost bridge/relay networks spanning trees combinatorial optimisation heuristics constraints greedy algorithms tabu search simulated annealing

19 CAIR Projects Reusable Interface Components (RIC) Max Mulawa, Rich Picking Research into standardising the development and use of reusable interface components need to verify components use and functionality need to coexist with many standards browsers environments

20 CAIR Projects Data Archiving Project (DAP) Dave Wilson, Vic Grout Streamlining the storage retrieval of large quantities of documents distributed processing security

21 Studio Projects Music Ethics Project (MEP) Richard Smith, Colin Heron, Mike Wright, John Reynolds Community Sound Studio (CSS) Colin Heron, John Reynolds, Mike Wright Musical Turing Test (MTT) Colin Heron, John Reynolds, Mike Wright

22 Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR) School of Computing and Communications Technology Faculty of Business, Science and Technology Glyndŵr University Plas Coch Campus, Mold Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AW, UK

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