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BERA’99 Computer-Mediated Learning: Towards a typology of online educational interaction Philip Crompton Research Fellow Institute of Education, University.

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Presentation on theme: "BERA’99 Computer-Mediated Learning: Towards a typology of online educational interaction Philip Crompton Research Fellow Institute of Education, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 BERA’99 Computer-Mediated Learning: Towards a typology of online educational interaction Philip Crompton Research Fellow Institute of Education, University of Stirling Email:

2 Background SCHEMA –EU funded under 4th Framework –Research in the area of internet-based learning in the social sciences –Develop continuing professional development courses

3 Computer-based Learning 1950’s programmed learning 1980’s multimedia-based learning 1990’s internet-based learning

4 Collaborative Learning Shift from individual work (essays) to larger pieces of work due to the technology (e.g. presentations, portfolios include graphics, auidio, video etc..) Co-operative and collaborative learning –“emphasises cognitive processes such as conflict resolution, hypothesis testing, cognitive scaffolding, reciprocal, peer tutoring and overt execution of cognitive and meta-cognitive processes and modelling –(Underwood and Underwood, 1999)

5 Community Portraits Course Post-graduate course in social work Students in Scotland, Germany and Finland Groups of 3 (one from each country) Course over a period of 16 weeks Internet-based course (TELSIpro)

6 Research What are the features of successful online discussion in a collaborative learning environment? To what extent is collaboration useful as a predictor for successful learning outcomes?

7 Evaluation Data Pre and post course questionnaire Emoticon web form Likert scale) Online conversations Web statistics

8 Data analysis Discourse using a modified version of Bales (1950) Interaction Analysis schedule –1. Group agreement –2. Offers suggestions/answers –3. Asks for suggestions/answers –4. Group disagreement –5. Organisational –6. Technical

9 Preliminary findings Takes time - online relationships may reflect its face-to-face counterpart but in slow motion Process benefits from being steered and facilitated Development of strategies for steering depends on increased understanding of the minutiae of collaborative relationships

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