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Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Ray Grannall Regional Senior Specialist for Skills Development ASEAN HR Conference Melia Hotel,

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Presentation on theme: "Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Ray Grannall Regional Senior Specialist for Skills Development ASEAN HR Conference Melia Hotel,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Ray Grannall Regional Senior Specialist for Skills Development ASEAN HR Conference Melia Hotel, Hanoi 25 May 2010 Towards harmonized ASEAN Competency Standards

2 Overview Main purposes of Competency Standards ILO Support for Skills Development Typical Development Pathway Some examples of harmonisation Future Directions

3 Main Purposes of Competency Standards Clearly define workplace skill requirements Improve dialogue between employers, workers and training organizations –Reduce mismatch –Improve workplace learning –Improve Skills Migration –Define training options for disabled and disadvantaged groups

4 ILO Long Involvement in Supporting Competency Standards APSDEP Model Occupational Skills Standards (MOSS) Regional Model Competency Standards (RMCS) –Simple format –Available for Agriculture, Construction, Manufacturing, Automotive repair etc. –Future – health services, business finance etc

5 National Skills Development Follows Typical Steps National Skills/HR Strategy National coordinating body Qualifications Framework Systems for Quality, statistical information, industry consultation etc Competency standards Curriculum development

6 Benefits of RMCS Speed up development process Provide basic standards for industry groups to modify Potential for future shared development of resources for: –Teaching –Learning –Assessment

7 What does harmonisation mean? It does not mean each country using the same set of standards. Competency standards can be used to compare systems (similar to EQF) Advanced countries can assist developing countries GMS countries can work together – develop full sets earlier than if they work alone

8 ASEAN Examples of Harmonisation ASEAN Tourism Competency Standards Current ADB Project for GMS Countries reviewing skills recognition based on ILO RMCS 2005-2008 project for ASEAN Labour Ministers to review skills recognition systems (AADCP)

9 Thank you Asia Pacific Skills and Employability Program (SKILLS-AP) ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

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