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Harnessing Technology: Meeting the needs of London’s Learners November 2006 Lewisham College Dame Ruth Silver.

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Presentation on theme: "Harnessing Technology: Meeting the needs of London’s Learners November 2006 Lewisham College Dame Ruth Silver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harnessing Technology: Meeting the needs of London’s Learners November 2006 Lewisham College Dame Ruth Silver

2 Vision “ To establish a personalised learning community with access to high quality cost effective learning resources and support, offering opportunities for self-directed, differentiated learning which engages, motivates and responds to the needs of each individual learner.”

3 Student e-Learning Pathway Enquiries All enquiries logged and tracked All information live and real and recorded Access to on-line advice Application On-line information, No data re-entry Advice, reinforce by email On-line access to advice and guidance Pre-entry assessment options on-line All data shared, accurate, secure Automated offer based on assessment? Vibrant web site, accessibility kitemark, CD as well Virtual tours, tasters of on-line learning Real, live course information Progression and employment information Role of e-Learning Marketing Student steps

4 Student e-Learning Pathway Enrolment On-line enrolment On-line fee assessment and payment Integrated with pass-cards, photo id and security All resource access rights auto setup Learning Delivery Information All College documents and information on-line Course documentation and information on-line Resources Classrooms – all networked, demonstration equipment in all Flexible access to IT – groups, ad-hoc, labs, workshops. Student support – loan, wireless laptops, purchase. Student stepsRole of e-Learning

5 Student e-Learning Pathway Learning Delivery Resources Learning resources – Rich and appropriate available on-line in college and from home, workplace, community via extranet Research resources – clear sign posts to these from learning Disparate devices – phones, PDAs, Set-top, and ubiquitous access Management and Communication Induction – learning styles evaluation, skills evaluation Assessment of individual learning needs on line ILPs available on-line to learner and tutor Group work – on-line discussions Tutoring – on-line support Student stepsRole of e-Learning

6 Student e-Learning Pathway Learning Delivery Management and Communication Assessment – on-line assessment and marking Attendance and achievement data Learning On-line learning opportunities – Learn Direct and in house Curriculum delivery - broad range of blended opportunities available on-line, staff and students skilled and able to use Re-enforcement of taught sessions – lecture notes, remedial materials, assignments On-line mock assessments Support and enrichment On-line advice, support and guidance and counselling Enrichment activities and support services available on-line Student stepsRole of e-Learning

7 Student e-Learning Pathway Progression Guidance – email and on-line links, discussions University application – support, “how to” Careers – Advice available on-line, links to employers and work placement Employability – range of on-line materials On-line post exit support (GURU) Student stepsRole of e-Learning

8 (Fento ILT Management standards M and N) How are we becoming an e-confident organisation? by creating “a culture that encourages innovation in ILT” by leading the organisation’s ILT vision, strategy and objectives’

9 Strategic Goals 1.Curriculum development and support 2.Student skills, training and support 3.Staff development and training 4.Accessibility and Usability 5.E-Assessment 6.Capacity Building and Collaboration 7.Information infrastructure 8.Physical infrastructure 9.Quality assurance 10.Reporting, reviewing and monitoring

10 High Low Degree of Change with IT Range of Potential Benefits 5 4 3 2 1 Localised Co-ordinated Transformative Embedded Innovative Evolutionary stage Transitional stage Revolutionary stage Transformation Model

11 Moving towards Innovation Innovation led by enthusiasts only Isolated funding for resource provision Variable access and usage by College Topic-based content with limited activities Minimal involvement of teachers in design Teaching as a skill learned once Strategic innovation led by College leaders Sustainable provision linked to strategic aims Universal access / embedded use throughout the College Adaptive activities supporting learners’ individual needs Generic design tools to engage all teachers Teaching as a professional, innovative activity

12 Surfing Success The Learner CEL EQuIP

13 Transforming Teaching

14 Transforming Learning Transforming TeachingTechnology Transforming Learning

15 Learners World


17 Harnessing Technology This slide contained some images from ESOL – see separate link from the main report page

18 Harnessing Technology This slide contained a video clip of Lewisham's Beauty, Hospitality and Health & Social Care areas – see separate link from the main report page

19 Communication

20 Harnessing Technology: Meeting the needs of London’s Learners November 2006 Lewisham College Dame Ruth Silver

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