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2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen1 Latin Mass for Dummies It’s Good to Be Catholic CCRC.

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Presentation on theme: "2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen1 Latin Mass for Dummies It’s Good to Be Catholic CCRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen1 Latin Mass for Dummies It’s Good to Be Catholic CCRC

2 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen2 Et introibo ad altáre Déi  The Mass begins with Psalm 42  Known as the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, this expresses an ardent desire to worship God

3 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen3 Latin Mass?  Which Latin Mass do you mean?  For Roman Catholics, there are currently two forms of the Mass, either of which can be celebrated in Latin  These are the Ordinary Form, and the Extraordinary Form

4 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen4 Rites, Usages, and Forms  There is no firm definition of Rite within the Catholic Church  There are four major families of Rites within the Catholic Church, with a variety of liturgies to be found within each Rite.

5 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen5 Latin Rite  The largest number of Catholics in the world fall within the Roman Rite, so much so that Catholic is often used as a synonym for Roman Catholic  Other Latin Rites include the Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Bragan, Dominican, Carmelite, and Carthusian.

6 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen6 Antiochian Rite  Maronite  Syriac  Malankarese  Chaldean  Syro-Malabarese

7 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen7 Byzantine Rite  For nearly every Orthodox Church, there is a group of Catholics that celebrate a similar liturgy to the Orthodox Christians, but recognize the primacy of the See of Peter

8 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen8 Alexandrian Rite  Coptic  Ethiopian/Abyssinian

9 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen9 History  The Council of Trent (1545-63)  The Second Vatican Council (1962- 65)  Ecclesia Dei  Summorum Pontificum

10 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen10 The Order of the Mass  The Mass of the Catechumens  The Mass of the Faithful

11 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen11 The Mass of the Catechumens  The Preparation Prayers at the Foot of the Altar Introit Kyrie Gloria  The Instruction Collect Epistle Gradual Alleluia Gospel Credo

12 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen12 The Mass of the Faithful  The Offertory which includes the Offertory antiphon, the offering of bread, the pouring of water and wine into the chalice, the offering of the chalice Lavabo Secret  The Consecration (or Canon) Preface Canon of the Mass  Holy Communion Pater Noster Agnus Dei Reception of Holy Communion by the Faithful Ablutions Ite, Missa Est The Last Gospel

13 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen13 Mass  Low Mass  High Mass

14 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen14 Vestments  Amice  Alb  Cincture  Maniple  Stole  Chasuble  Biretta

15 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen15 Amice

16 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen16 Alb

17 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen17 Cincture

18 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen18 Maniple

19 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen19 Stole

20 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen20 Chasuble

21 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen21 Biretta

22 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen22 Gregorian Chant  Named after Pope Gregory the Great  Gregorian Chant is the traditional music of the Roman Rite

23 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen23 FAQs  Participation  Fasting  Veils  What else?

24 2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen24 Sources    lic Beliefs/Liturgical Vestments.html lic Beliefs/Liturgical Vestments.html  s/catholic_rites_and_churches.htm s/catholic_rites_and_churches.htm

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