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Evaluation of learners progress in an Intelligent e-Learning System Sisteme Inteligente si Colaborative de Instruire pe Web "POLITEHNICA" University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of learners progress in an Intelligent e-Learning System Sisteme Inteligente si Colaborative de Instruire pe Web "POLITEHNICA" University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of learners progress in an Intelligent e-Learning System Sisteme Inteligente si Colaborative de Instruire pe Web "POLITEHNICA" University of Bucharest Department of Control & Computers 9 Decembrie, 2003 Paul Dan CRISTEA “Politehnica” University of Bucharest Spl. Independentei 313, 77206 Bucharest, Romania, Phone: +40 - 21- 411 44 37, Fax: +40 - 21- 410 44 14 e-mail:

2 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Tools for Innovative ODL Coordinator : “Politehnica” University of Bucharest SOCRATES - MINERVA PROJECT 87574-CP-1-2000-1-RO-MINERVA-ODL

3 Vrije Universiteit Brussels, BE Prof. Jan Cornelis, Vice-Rector Prof. Edgard Nyssen, Prof. Rudi Deklerck Universität Erlangen-Nürenberg Prof. Manfred Kessler, Director Institute für Physiologie und Kardiologie Université de la Rochelle, FR Prof. Michel Eboueya, Assistant Director of Information and Industrial Imaging Lab. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT Prof. Adolfo Steiger Garcao, President of UNINOVA Prof. Jose Manuel Fonseca University of Edinburgh, UK Dr. Judy Hardy, Applications Consultant at EPCC Dr. Mario Antonioletti Patras University, GR Prof. Nicolas Pallikarakis, Coordinator of BioMedical Engineering Scool Res. Cristian Badea &Equant Romania, RO Dr. Pavel Budiu, Strategy Manager Partners

4 Objectives Main goal : develop and use a set of innovative ODL tools for on-line and Internet-based learning, using the methods and techniques of artificial intelligence and neural networks. - O1. Provide a model of the collaborative learning process involving human and artificial intelligent agents; O2. Provide a set of tools based on AI&NN techniques to develop innovative ODL systems; O3. Carry out pilot implementations of ODL systems; O4. Develop a methodology for intelligent ODL production and performance evaluation; O5. Evaluate and disseminate the outcomes of the project for future developments.

5 Contractual Time Table Start of eligibility period1 October 2000 Submission of 1st Interim Report 1 June 2001 Submission of 2nd Interim Report 1 June 2002 Extended Eligibility Period1 March 2004 Submission of Final Report 1 May 2004 Initial Eligibility Period1 September 2003

6 WP0: Project Management, Monitoring and Reporting (PMMR) PUB + PMG WP1: Collaborative Learning Model (CLM) ULR + PUB + UP WP2: Learner’s Profile Eliciting Tool (LPET) EPCC + PUB + GOC WP3: Automatic Tutoring Tool (ATT) UNL + ULR + PUB + VUB WP4: Learner’s Personal Assistant (LPA) PUB + UNL + UEN + GOC WP5: ODL courses on Bio-Medical Data Processing and Visualisation (BMDPV) using the new AI&NN tools BMDPV – M1: Medical visualisation UEN + PUB + VUB BMDPV – M2: Cortical brain anatomy VUB + PUB + UP + UEN WP6: Elaboration of Instructions, Guidelines, and Examples of integrating the AI&NN tools with existent ODL materials (IGE) UP + UPB + EPCC + all WP7: Testing, evaluation, assessment and dissemination (TEAD) of AI&NN tools for innovative ODL PUB + all Workpackages and Responsabilities


8 Learning Objectives Control ModuleCommunication Module Learner’s Profile Eliciting Tool Student input Registration form Questionnaires Learning Modalities Knowledge Watch Curricular study for a diploma Complementary study Executive up-dating Specialist up-dating Problem centered Test oriented Preferredly / Predominantly: Descriptive Demo Analytical details Practical aspects Examples Multimedia / Text Material to study 1 First Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1 Section 1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 1.1.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 1.1.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 1.2 Section 1.2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 1.2.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 1.3 Section 1.3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 Second Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1 Section 2.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 2.1.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ………………………………… Studied material 1 First Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1 Section 1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2 Section 1.2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3 Section 1.3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 Second Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1 Section 2.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.1. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.2. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.3. Paragraph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ………………………………… ? Standard Path Recommended Path Content Management Mandatory Testing Contribution to Collaborative Learning Tutor input On-line students monitoring Validation of students proposals Self Testing Student Tracking Tool

9 Platform Web server: Tomcat 4.1.29 - DB server: MySQL 3.2x - Scripts tool: Apache ANT - Versioning server: CVS -,

10 Actors and modules New user – first sign in Learner Tutor Admin





15 Learning appraisal Sum of points for a question Q - the set of selected options at question Q. Correct choices  positive points, Wrong answers  negative points. Assigning negative points to wrong choices discourages guessing. Points acknowledged for question Q T(Q) - the threshold for the acceptance of the reply to Q

16 Sum of points for a learning item LI C (LI) – the children of LI. The points obtained for LI are transferred upwards Points acknowledged for a learning item LI T(LI) - threshold A(LI) - award for the successful completion of the study of LI

17 Status of the learning item LI 0 – pending, 1 – studied, Down-propagation of the acquired knowledge confirmation

18 Points obtained for choices C from the set of options O(Q) pertinent to a certain question Q are recorded at the LI to which the question is attached and transferred upwards.




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