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Overview System modelling and holistic simulation :

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0 System modelling and holistic simulation
Saïd EL FASSI ERTMS Project Manager SNCF Engineering All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014

1 Overview System modelling and holistic simulation :
To optimise the design in interface with existing infrastructure systems To identify and to confirm performance targets To optimise cutover plan To mitigate project risks All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 2

2 Mass transportation in dense railway network
Large cities as Paris, London are facing a significant increase of the transport capacity demand. Suburban lines are crossing the city. In the core area, the passenger flow is tremendous. Without extending the existing infrastructure, our challenge is to offer to passengers a significant improvement of the service quality by : Increasing the transport capacity offer, Increasing the service regularity, Increasing the overall availability. Challenges to improve the service quality in dense area of the existing railway network All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 3

3 Mass transportation in dense railway network
Transport capacity Journey Time Regularity Passenger’s expectations Constraints How to answer? Rules & regulations Safety Existing system Challenges : How to provide the best answer ? All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 4

4 Mass transportation in dense railway network
Railway system Rolling stock Interlocking Trackside Operation and Maintenance CBTC CBTC technology but in an open railway environment? Handle the complexity without forgetting the final users’ expectations All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 5

5 CBTC in a railway system
Rolling out CBTC technology in a railway system is not just upgrading the signalling sub-system. The Railway System is an entire complex system consisting of Trackside Technical Systems Train sets Technical interfaces between sub-systems, components Environment in which the system is operated Operation rules Maintenance policies Human resources The overall performances of the railway system is achieved by a system wide vision approach. Introducing CBTC technology in a railway system requires to visit all its components and to govern signalling revamping project through an holistic approach All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 6

6 Handle complexity : Facts
Functional and safety requirements are not anymore confined in a single piece of equipment or subsystem. They are spread off between rolling stock, trackside systems,… A tight management of the interfaces is required, The functional allocation makes the interfaces more fuzzy, Digital systems and distributed architecture require to manage time effects, Operation and maintenance constraints have to be addressed, Text-based approach proves a less efficient means of handling such complexity. Environment Diversity between rolling stock and trackside principles, Diversity of signalling systems, Diversity of geographic configurations, Diversity of suppliers, Difficulties to communicate between suppliers and railway experts. Signalling systems and environment are more and more complex All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 7

7 System performances are achieved through a global system vision
Handle complexity The signalling system has to be considered in the overall system with all its intricacies The overall performances of the railway system is achieved by determining the right allocation of performance of each sub- system: Rolling stock, Signalling, Headway, Dwell time in station, Global safety : Safe braking model, track conditions, A global system vision approach has to be developed. System performances Global safety Rolling Stock Signalling Traction power Track Dwell time Headway Availability System performances are achieved through a global system vision All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 8

8 Requirements Performance allocations
Holistic approach from the definition phase up to the construction phase Main goals have to be addressed During the earliest stage of the project Define performance requirements of main system parameters Coordinate expert with skills in a wide range of disciplines Get a clear cut picture of what requires modification Define functional and technical requirements During the project execution Check continuously the system consistency. Check the cutover program and its performance Detect at the soonest non compliance Requirements Performance allocations Definition phase What we are expecting System performances Construction phase What we get Holistic approach for reducing project risks All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 9

9 Holistic approach and system requirements
Our approach is to develop a model-based system design methodology starting from the earliest stage of the project Determine performance allocation Build up models of existing signalling system Build up kinematic model for rolling stock Build up models of functional requirements Follow a continuous refinement and improvement of models Use of models to validate interface specifications Use of models to proof safety requirements Connect all models Connect model based design and Hardware in the Loop Setup a versatile system integration platform Check & proof Refine Specify Key to success : Model-based system approach as a collaborative tool with suppliers and partners All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 10

10 Holistic approach and system requirements
Three examples of model based system approach System performance allocation Signalling model System integration platform Key-success : Model-based system approach as a collaborative tool with suppliers All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 11

11 Performance allocation
Performance allocation thanks to simulation tool allows assessment of : Sensitivity of the various parameters Safe braking model parameters Braking capability Propulsion capability Degraded modes Response times of the different systems Traffic regulation margins Energy consumption optimisation Modes of operation Final choice is governed by the best balance between CAPEX OPEX Performance achievement Performance allocation is a key project driver All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 12

12 Signalling Interface management
PRCI Interlocking is a relay based technology Using such interlocking in the CBTC environment requires some adaptation. The main goal is to switch from a functional specification to a dynamic model in order to Make available an interlocking with a real behaviour Define and check the modification at the interlocking level Introduce the model in CBTC and system integration platform Define and check all migration phases of the interlocking Assess performances of each migration phase Model of Interlocking provides system assurance All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 13

13 Interlocking environment
MES / TRI SNCI/SNCO Interlocking Trackside equipment MMI command/control Adjacent interlocking Switch Track Circuit Signal Part included in the model Environment Point machines Signals (nominal and degrade modes)a, Track circuits Trackside status behaviour User’s interface : allows to command and to control the interlocking Adjacent interlocking Interlocking modelling principles All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 14

14 Interlocking Sample of cabling
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15 Interlocking environment
MMI for trackside components and commands and controls of routes All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 16

16 System integration platform
Models during system design HIL system integration Tender specifications Environment models Reuse of environment models Refinement The integration of the system follows the system development cycle All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 17

17 Global system vision through modelling
Our first lessons Model-based approach launched in the early phase of the project provides means : To define more accurately the system and its interfaces To clarify the behaviour of the system To locate and to correct non conformance along the design and construction phases and not at the end of the project To communicate and to share with external partners and to create more efficient supplier relationships. To get a better vision at project management level Model-based system approach as a collaborative tool with partners and suppliers All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 18

18 Global system vision through modelling
Our first lessons Model-based approach increases the efficiency of the project by : Reducing on site and dynamic testing costs : dynamic testing is focused on the verification of real time constraints, Giving a clear guide of the project’s testing plan, Providing a clear vision of the status of the project : the validation of functional requirements in advance of the design phase clears specification’s uncertainties, Reducing project’s risks and providing a better assurance in project’s risk assessment Securing the overall project schedule: clearance of technical risks in the early stages of the project procures margins for optimizing the overall schedule. Model-based system approach increases the efficiency of the project All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 19

19 Thanks for your attention
All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés – SNCF 17/02/2014 – page 20

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