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The T5 Instructional Design Model Kevin Harrigan, Tom Carey, Diane Salter University of Waterloo Goals for a new instructional design model Components.

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Presentation on theme: "The T5 Instructional Design Model Kevin Harrigan, Tom Carey, Diane Salter University of Waterloo Goals for a new instructional design model Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 The T5 Instructional Design Model Kevin Harrigan, Tom Carey, Diane Salter University of Waterloo Goals for a new instructional design model Components of the T5 model Technology infrastructure Resources for learning task designb Learning object re-use as a socio-technical issue

2 Goals for a new design model Assume/embed re-use of learning objects Focus on learning activities, supported by subject content Model on-campus [classroom] and online courses Encourage rethinking of learning process & roles increase ROI through learning productivity emphasize performance support, not info system Maintain faculty ‘ownership’ of learning design Scaffold transition from concept to design

3 Components of the T5 Model Objectives Assessment Learning Tasks Deliverables Feedback Topics Tools Learning objects = task environments, topics, tools, frameworks Tutoring [ supply side] Teamwork

4 UWOnE Learning Management System Content management system Learning task design tool Units of study [model + links] Learning task management tool Curriculum [objectives, assessment] Repositories [topics, tools] Learner profiles, dossiers, etc. Learning management system Task repositories [models, exemplars, frameworks, etc.]

5 UWOnE Learning Management System Where are we? F02 – V0.8; W03 – V0.9; S03 – V1.0 Learning Task Design Tool (Homegrown) –F02: Moving to IST production system and versioning (2.2) –W03: Enhancements and prototype new interface Learning Task Management Tool –Delivery system (Homegrown) As with Learning Task Design Tool above –Underlying vendor tool sets F02: Blackboard in use; Prototyping Angel integration W03: migrate from Blackboard to Angel –Locally developed tool set (“CM Tools”, primarily DE) W03: co-development with DE to better integrate

6 UWOnE Learning Management System Where next and other factors? Connection to campus information systems –No true integration; work towards automation in F02/W03 Standards –IMS; will help with compatibility and sharing issues –OKI nears first release; will eventually help with interfacing to campus systems, and “plug’n’play” for LMS tool sets Content Management Systems –Various formats, versions, access, etc.; IMS data standards; OKI will help with interfaces –Currently, our own (database and file system), as most LMS –LT3 and others will investigate

7 Resources for learning task design (works barely in progress) Task menus: AcquisitionMotivation/induction ConceptualizationReflection ApplicationExtension IntegrationPrerequisite/review articulation elicit/confront/resolve Art Explorer Elicitation Engine ( Educational modeling languages for task metadata (

8 Guidelines for Re-usable Learning Activity Objects Technical: modular for inter-operability Subject: consistent domain knowledge, cohesive activity Instructional: coherent design of learner activity Cultural: fits with context for re-use Similar for Frameworks for Learning Activity Objects “Re-use is a social and technical issue”

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