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Welcome to 6th Grade Science!

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1 Welcome to 6th Grade Science!
Jay M. Robinson Middle School Mr. Taylor Hoyle

2 Who am I? UK/UNCC for undergrad-History with a minor in American Studies. GO BIG BLUE! Graduate Degree from UNCC IN Middle Grades Education and English. Certified in Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. 5th Year teaching at JMR. Grew up in the South my entire life.

3 Warm-Up Answer the following questions:
What topics will we cover in science this year? Where do I find important information regarding science? What should your child do when he/she is absent? Where do all science notes and daily information go?

4 Keys to success in this class
Students that perform well in my class share the following traits: Come to class prepared. Follow directions. Display proper behavior. Turn in work on time. Take good notes and study. Follow all classroom and school rules.

5 Questions I will answer in my directions
Do we have to finish this for homework? Do we have homework tonight? Can we work with a partner? Is the test multiple choice? How many questions are on the test? What's my grade in this class? Is this for a grade? What do we do when we're done?

6 Units of study Unit 1: Lab Safety and Diving Into Science
Students will trace the development of human society from its origin through the Renaissance Era. Students will explore patterns of change and continuity by focusing on the expansion of and the decline of civilizations, patterns of geography, and development of political, economic, and societal systems. Students will analyze and evaluate how foundations of society influence the modern era. Units of study Unit 1: Lab Safety and Diving Into Science Unit 2: Matter Unit 3: Energy Unit 4: Ever-Changing Earth Unit 5: Astronomy Unit 6: Final Exam Review

7 Textbooks -In class and NOW @home!
All students have been given access to an online textbook. (See Prospectus) Website and Student Log-in given in class and is on my website. If internet access is a difficulty in your home, please LET ME KNOW ASAP so that I can ensure your student has the materials they need to be successful. All tests and quizzes are based on notes given, class discussions, maps, and information found in their notebooks. The Science website has most necessary materials for students to make up their binder pages if they are absent. It will list the object, warm up, class work agenda, and homework for the day. All notes must be copied from a classmate and all handouts gotten from me.

8 Late/missing homework
If you fail to complete a homework assignment on time, you will not receive credit until it is turned in. It becomes your responsibility to show the teacher all late completed homework. When homework is turned in late, the highest you can earn is a 70.

9 Tutoring I am available Thursday mornings before school by appointment. Tutoring Time: 7:15-7:45 AM All tutoring must be by appointment as the doors to the school will be locked and I must come to let you child in. Therefore, punctuality is very important!

10 Grading policy Grades will be determined by the following percentages:
Informal Assessment - Class work/notebook/unannounced quizzes/ Homework-35% Formal Assessment—Tests and announced quizzes, and Projects - 65%

11 Grading Scale A= B= 85-92 C= 77-84 D=70-76 F= 69 and below

12 Corrections Tests and Projects/Writing Assignments with lower than an 84% can be brought up to an 84% through a test correction procedure as detailed by the teacher. Quiz corrections may only be made if the score is below an 80% and the student has NO missing assignments for that unit of study.

13 Websites How do you contact me? Johnathan “Taylor” Hoyle, BroncosTeam
Wiki Site access from School Wiki site 6th Grade Science teacher Phone:

14 Thanks for coming!!! Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I cannot take any individual questions or comments about your child right now. Please me at the address above.

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