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THE ENGINEERING PEER TUTORS KATE DURKACZ. OVERVIEW Introduction Background Peer tutor role and operation Results and feedback Discussion.

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2 OVERVIEW Introduction Background Peer tutor role and operation Results and feedback Discussion

3 INTRODUCTION Little has been published on the use of peer tutoring in HE. In the late 60s peer tutoring gained some momentum in HE [1]. Topping [2] discusses developments in peer learning from a psychological viewpoint. Colvin [3] suggests that peer tutoring is being explored in HE institutions but concurs that there is little published. Crouch and Mazur [4] have been using peer instruction during two introductory physics courses at Harvard University. This technique engages the students by requiring them to explain concepts to their fellow students.

4 BACKGROUND Big (48%) increase in student numbers in 2011/2012. ELE07102 Foundation Maths had two parallel groups taught by the same lecturer. “Small” groups were no longer small so tutorial assistants deployed. In 2012/2013 intake at the same level as 2011/2012. No PhD students available. Decision taken to trial the use of 3 rd and 4 th year students as tutorial assistants in trimester one 2012/2013.

5 PEER TUTOR ROLE AND OPERATION Peer tutors required for second hour of each of three 2 hour blocks per week. Working alongside the lecturer giving help in tutorials. Any difficult questions to be handed on to the lecturer. All module materials made available to the peer tutors via Moodle. Peer tutors own work had to take priority. The role was voluntary and unpaid. Four 3 rd year students selected initially to help with ELE07102 Foundation Maths in trimester 1. In January 2013 a mechanism for paying the peer tutors was developed. In trimester 2, two 4 th year students helped with ELE08102.

6 RESULTS AND FEEDBACK The peer tutors are a very effective solution to the problem of insufficient support in tutorials due to class size. To the lecturer, the peer tutors’ help has been invaluable. The 1 st and 2 nd year students’ perception of the peer tutors is that they offer the same help as the lecturer. The peer tutors are regularly mentioned in the module questionnaires as one of the best things about the module. Feedback has been obtained from both tutees and tutors via focus groups, facilitated by Elaine Mowat.

7 FEEDBACK FROM FOCUS GROUPS 2 nd year students April 2013


9 Peer tutors and lecturer April 2013

10 DISCUSSION Peer tutors, students and lecturer have benefitted from the experience. Students have more help available in tutorials. Peer tutors keep their Maths skills fresh, enhance their employability skills, gain confidence. Lecturer has much-needed assistance in tutorials and input from peer tutors on the presentation of mathematical concepts. Scheme ran successfully in 2013/2014 and payment system is in place. Younger students are expressing an interest in becoming peer tutors. There is now a pool of articulate, well-motivated students available for other roles within SEBE, such as Open Days and outreach work.

11 REFERENCES 1. Goldschmid, B. and Goldschmid, M.L., 1976. Peer teaching in higher education. Higher Education, 5, pp. 9–33. 2.Topping, R., 2005. Trends in peer learning. Educational Psychology, 25 (6), pp. 631–645. 3. Colvin, J.W., 2007. Peer tutoring and social dynamics in Higher Education. Mentoring and Tutoring, 15 (2), pp. 165–181. 4. Crouch, C.H. and Mazur, E., 2001. Peer instruction: ten years of experience and results. American Journal of Physics, 69 (9), pp. 970–209.

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