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Welcome to CS 101 With Dr. Basit Qureshi.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CS 101 With Dr. Basit Qureshi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CS 101 With Dr. Basit Qureshi

2 Who am I? About me Education Associations
Awards and Professional Activities When and where to find me?

3 Education I am Dr. Basit Qureshi… my students call me Dr. Basit.
2011 – Doctor of Philosophy - UK 2008 – Master of Philosophy - UK 2002 – Master of Science - USA 2000 – Bachelor of Science - USA

4 Associations Member IEEE - USA Member ACM – USA
Fellow Higher Education Academy UK (A.F) IEEE Certified Software Development Professional (IEEE CSDP) Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 6 Dev

5 Awards and Professional Activities
Over 25 peer reviewed publications A total of 600,000 SR of Research funding received from KACST, STC, IBM, PSRTC and MEGDAM. Reviewer of over 7 international journals including IEEE TMC, TDSC, TCC, Comcom, SuperComputing, IJMC, and ACI Chair, Reviewer and TPC for 15 conferences including SDMA2014, RSC2014, IUCC2012, SDMA2012, Softcom2011, DSDE2011, MOSN2011, ICESS2010, CIT2010, WAMIS2010, SPECTS2009 ITI09, ITI07, NCC08, NCC06. IEEE Best Paper award at TrustCom 2010 Best Poster award at SDMA2014 Listed in Who’s who 2009 Supervised Master SE Thesis students Supervised 17 Bachelor CS students Many PSU awards and certificates of appreciation

6 Where to Find me? Currently I am Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science at College of Computer and Info Sc at Prince Sultan University. Also I am the Director of Prince Megrin Data Mining Center (MEGDAM). My Office – MEGDAM Area

7 When to find me? Office Hours: to AM Sunday Tuesday and Wednesday Open door: Everyday from to PM By Appointment: Send to for an appointment. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 8.00 CS101 9.00 10.00 OFF HR 11.00 12.00 OPEN HR

8 About CS101 course: Past 439 Students attended CS101 (last 6 terms) F

9 Classroom engagement Reasons for these??? Attends all classes
Studies the material before coming to class Asks a lots of intelligent questions Thinks aloud and Discuss Solves Problems and Provide Solutions

10 Lab Participation level
Reasons for these??? Lab Participation level Attends all labs Thinks aloud and Discuss in group Solves Problems and Provide Solutions Writes code himself Compares his work with peers to fix mistakes Use tools to fix errors

11 Hours of Independent Study
Reasons for these??? Hours of Independent Study Reads recommended resources Looks for online resources Learns from you-tube videos Spends approx. 1 hour daily on internet looking for new techniques and technologies Visit codeguru or similar websites Use Cloudera videos

12 Hours of Practice Reasons for these??? Plays with Netbeans or Eclipse
Thinks about how to solve a problem Write code to test solutions Practices 1-2 hours daily Solves tutorial exercises on weekends Look for similar challenges online Try to work on small scale programming projects

13 Hours of Independent Study
How to get a Good Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Classroom Engagement Lab Participation Hours of Independent Study Hours of Practice

14 About CS101 course Fellowship of Higher Education Academy, UK
Teaching methods and techniques Tutoring and Learning Styles Assessments and Feedback LEARN PRACTICE TEST FEEDBACK


16 Teaching approach for this class!


18 Traditional Approach 4 Credits BUT 6 Contact Hours
3 – Lectures : Study in class 1 – Tutorials (Revision): Do Activity 2 – Laboratory: Practice 15% 25% 40% 20%

19 With Flipped Class Approach
Sunday Tuesday Thursday Watch Videos: Do Activity Practice: Do Lab Exercises

20 My goals for this class! B A+ B+ C+ A C D+ D F DN/W

21 My goals for this class!

22 What are we going to learn?
Course Learning Outcomes CLO 1: Understand fundamentals of problem solving techniques using variables, conditions, logical expressions, looping structures, methods, memory manipulation and I/O operations. CLO 2: Design solutions for reasonably challenging problems by creating computer programs using Java Programming language. CLO 3: Use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write code for interactive programs, build, test and debug errors to create defect free applications. CLO4: Appraise team work utilizing effective group techniques to design, implement and demonstrate a programming project.

23 YES YOU NEED TO BUY IT! 4 Resources Needed Text Book!
Why??? Because its good for courses! YES YOU NEED TO BUY IT! 4 Programming I Programming II Data Structures Web Development

24 Assessments 10% = 2 quizzes 30% = 2 Exams 10% = 1 Project
10% = Participation (if you show good classroom engagement) 40% Final

25 Learning Resources Textbook
Class web page: Virtual Learning Environment:

26 LATE IS ABSENT After 8.15 AM Notes Class Starts at 8.15AM
Exams are NOT repeated. If you are absent for a medical reason, you need to deal with Student Affairs. If you are not in class for whatever reason, you would be marked ABSENT After 8.15 AM

27 What is Programming?


29 What is JAVA?


31 What is JVM?


33 Quiz! Can you think loudly about the following??
Why we need programming? What's the difference between a programmer and a coder? Where we use programming? Why Java? What is Code, compiler, assembler, Machine language

34 What Next? Download Get to know Development Environment Java SDK
Netbeans Get to know Development Environment Create a new project See packages and folders Run class files in DOS

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