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1 JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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1 1 JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

2 2 The Mission of the IHCP Is to protect the interests and health of the consumer in the framework of EU legislation on chemicals, food, and consumer products by providing scientific and technical support including risk- benefit assessment and analysis of traceability. Science for a healthier life

3 3 IHCP Director: Elke Anklam Management Support Unit Ray Crandon Toxicology and Chemical Substances Ana Paya Perez (Acting) Physical & Chemical Exposure Dimitrios Kotzias Biotechnology and GMOs Guy Van den Eede Nanotechnology and Molecular Imaging Hermann Stamm Validation of Biomedical Testing Methods Laura Gribaldo (Acting) IHCP Management Team

4 4 IHCP Staff and Gender Balance 326159167Total IHCP 927Seconded National Experts 111 (5)1(4)Post-Doc Grant-holders/(Trainees) 1307555 Contractual/Auxiliary Agents including the 20 temporary EChA Trainees 29209Temporary Agents 1475691Officials TotalFMIHCP Staff (2007)

5 5 Age Distribution of Staff

6 6 Competences Life Sciences Biology/Molecular Biology Biometrics Chemistry/Food Chemistry/Biochemistry Medicine/Nutrition Pharmacology Toxicology Physical Sciences Biophysics Engineering Information Technology Materials Science Physics

7 7 Agenda-setting Identification of Emerging Issues Effectiveness & impact assessment (A posteriori impact assessment) Expert Advice e.g. A priori impact assessement Validation, Standardisation Certification, benchmarking, monitoring, checking compliance Decision making process Selection of Policy Options Draft legislation Crisis-response 10% 5% 75% 5% 0% IHCP IHCP Support in the Policy Cycle

8 8 IHCP Policy Areas Main topics Alternative Methods Chemicals and Biocides Consumer Products Safety Environment and Health Food Safety GMOs Nanotechnology Minor topics Agricultural Products Antifraud Illicit Drugs Future topics Cosmetics Nutrition and Health Chinese Medicine Commission Customer DGs ENV(40%) SANCO(35%) ENTR(15%) AGRI( 5%) OLAF TAXUD TRADE ( 5%) JLS }

9 9 Risk Assessment (mainly on Chemicals) Classification and Labelling Support to European Agency on Chemicals (Helsinki, started in July 2007) Evaluation and validation of alternative testing –Computational models –In-vitro testing methods (3 R methods) Indoor and Outdoor Exposure

10 10 Methods Validation of alternative test methods (in-vitro) Method validation for GMOs, food contact materials, textiles, food authenticity control Sampling protocols Traceability

11 11 Databases/Repositories Databases on e.g. alternative methods, IUCLID 5, European wines Material banks (food contact materials, wine, nanomaterials)

12 12 Provision of robust analytical data Analysis in support to implementation of legislation (complementary to work carried out in IRMM) Genetically modified organisms Food contact materials European wine Chemicals from consumer products

13 13 Innovative Tools Pre-spotted 96 well plates for real-time PCR Development of biosensors High-throughput systems

14 14 Community Reference Laboratories Community Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials Complementary to work carried out in JRC-IRMM (Geel): 4 CRLs Complementary to work carried out in EFSA (Parma) Community Reference Laboratory for GMOs in Food and Feed

15 15 EC Customer DGs AGRI:EU wine data base; authenticity assessment of specific agricultural products ENTR:Nanotechnology; alternative methods to replace animal testing for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals; REACH implementation projects; analysis of textiles ENVGMO detection methods; alternative methods for chemicals; risk assessment of chemicals and biocides; databases on chemicals; support to REACH implementation projects; analyses for chemical exposure assessment; evaluation of health effects due to noise and chemicals; manufactured nanomaterials JLS:Illicit drug profiling SANCO:Community Reference Laboratory (CRL) on GMOs in food and feed, CRL on food contact material; exposure and risk for assessment of consumer products; toxicity of nanoparticles; tobacco ingredients OLAF, TAXUD, TRADE: Identification; taxation and monitoring of traded substances (food and chemicals); consolidated antifraud techniques; tracking of GMOs in food and feed

16 16 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) –Method validation for GMO analysis –Contributing to EFSA's safety assessments on GMOs, food contact materials, pesticides –Working group on nanotechnology IHCP and European Agencies -1 European Environment Agency (EEA) –Participation in Annual Work Plan (with IES), under thematic area Integrated Assessments and Supporting Sustainable Development –Discussion to start up Human Exposure Data Centre

17 17 European Medicines Agency (EMEA) 2002 – IHCP activities concerning the support in the access to information on medicinal products were transferred to EMEA IHCP and European Agencies -2 European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) –Support to start-up of ECHA – it trained the first intake of recruits and also seconded senior staff in the start-up phase –Transfer of REACH-related activities to ECHA. IHCP will continue to support the Agency but ECB officially closed in 2008

18 18 IHCP and its Collaboration Networks International Organisations:OECD, WHO, CEN, ISO Member States Authorities:GMOs, REACH, …. European Network of GMO laboratories ECVAM’s Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) Various scientific committees (e.g., SCENIHR, SCHER, EPAA) Indirect Action networks (NoEs)

19 19 Peer-reviewed IHCP publications: 2003 – 2007

20 20 Web: Contact: Thank you

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