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The Holocaust. Dates of Expulsion of Jews 1938 attack on Jews.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust. Dates of Expulsion of Jews 1938 attack on Jews."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust

2 Dates of Expulsion of Jews

3 1938 attack on Jews

4 Jewish population, 1939

5 Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Soviet Union





10 When You See This Symbol


12 The Eternal Jew

13 The Jew

14 The Jew controlls FDR and Churchill

15 The Jew Leads Churchill

16 Auschwitz

17 Auschwitz children

18 Belsenmas mass grave

19 Children deported from Holland

20 Killing those they missed

21 David Olere No actual photographs were taken of what went on within the crematoriums; only the hands and eyes of David Olere reproduce the horrible reality.David Olere did not sketch for pleasure. He sketched in testimony to all those who never came back. The lone witness (Olere himself) is often present. The ghostly face observes with pain the inhuman scenes that cannot be erased from his photographic memory.

22 Gassing

23 Grave Digger

24 Selection

25 For a Crust of Bread

26 Gathering Food

27 Going to Work

28 Rabbi and Priest

29 Medical Experiment

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