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Chapter 4. Random Processes

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1 Chapter 4. Random Processes
4.1 Introduction 1. Deterministic signals: the class of signals that may be modeled as completely specified functions of time. 2. Random signals: it is not possible to predict its precise value in advance. ex) thermal noise 3. Random variable: A function whose domain is a sample space and whose range is some set of real numbers. – obtained by observing a random process at a fixed instant of time. 4. Random process: ensemble (family) of sample functions, ensemble of random variables. 4.2 Probability Theory 1. Random experiment 를 위한 요구 사항 1) Repeatable under identical conditions 2) Outcome is unpredictable 3) For a large number of trials of the experiment, the outcomes exhibit statistical regularity, i.e., a definite average pattern of outcomes is observed for a large number of trials.

2 2. Relative-Frequency Approach
2) Statistical regularity  Probability of event A. 3. Axioms of Probability. 1) 용어 a) Sample points sk: kth outcome of experiment b) Sample space S: totality of sample points c) Sure event: entire sample space S d) : null or impossible event e) Elementary event: a single sample point 2) Definition of probability a) A sample space S of elementary events b) A class  of events that are subsets of S. c) A probability measure P() assigned to each event A in the class , which has the following properties: Axioms of Probability

3 4. Conditional Probability
3) Property 1. 4) Property 2. If M mutually the exclusive events have the exclusive property then 5) Property 3. 4. Conditional Probability 1) Conditional Probability of given A (given A means that event A has occurred) 2) Statistically independent ex1) BSC (Binary Symmetric Channel) Discrete memoryless channel 1-p A0 B0 [0] p A1 B1 [1]

4 [1]수신[1]송신확률 4.3 Random variables 1.개요 Priori prob.
Conditional prob. or likelihood [0]송신[1]수신확률 [0]송신[0]수신확률 Output prob. Posteriori prob. [0]수신[0]송신확률 [1]수신[1]송신확률 4.3 Random variables 1.개요 1) Random variable: A function whose domain is a sample space and whose range is some set of real numbers 2) Discrete r. v. : X(k), k번째 sample ex)주사위 range {1,,6} Continuous r. v. : X ex) 8시~ 8시 10분 버스도착시간 3) Cumulative distribution function (cdf) or distribution fct. FX(x) = P(X  x) a) 0  FX(x) 1 b) if x1 < x2, FX(x1)  FX(x2), monotone-nondecreasing fct.

5 4) pdf (probability density fct.)
pdf: nonnegative fct., total area = 1 ex2)

6 4.4 Statistical Average 1. Mean or expected value
2. Several random variables (2 random variables) 1) Joint distribution fct. 2) Joint pdf 3) Total area 4) Conditional prob. density fct. (given that X = fixed x) If X,Y are statistically independent fY(y|x) = fY(y)  Statistically independent fX,Y(x,y) = fX(x)fY(y) 4.4 Statistical Average 1. Mean or expected value 1) Continuous ex) 10

7 2. Function of r. v. 3. Moments 2) Discrete Y=g(X) X, Y : r. v.
1) n-th moments 2) Central moments where is standard deviation

8 4. Characteristic function
X2의 meaning: randomness, effective width of fX(x) 그 이유는 Chebyshev inequality을 통해서 알 수 있다. 4. Characteristic function Characteristic function X(v) fX(x) ex4) Gaussian Random Variable ; Chebyshev inequality

9 5. Joint moments X, Y are orthogonal
E[X] = 0 or E[Y] = 0 X, Y are orthogonal X, Y are statistically independent uncorrelated uncorrelated O X

10 4.5 Transformations of Random variables: Y=g(X)
1. Monotone transformations: one-to-one 2. Many-to-one transformations where xk = solution of g(x) = y Y y x X

11 4.6 Random processes or schocastic process
r. v. {X}: Outcomes of a random experiment is mapped into a number r. p. {X(t)} or {X(t,s)}: Outcomes of a random experiment is mapped into a waveform that is fct. of time indexed ensemble (family) of r. v. Sample function xj(t) = X(t,sj) {x1(t),x2(t),,xn(t)} {x1(tk),x2(tk),xn(tk)} = {X(tk,s1),X(tk,s2)X(tk,sn)} constitutes a random variable r. p. 의 예) X(t) = A cos (2fct+), Random Binary Wave, gaussian noise sample space

12 1. r. p. X(t) is stationary in the strict sense – If
for all time shift , all k and all possible t1,,tk. < observation > 1) k = 1, FX(t)(x) = FX(t+)(x) = FX(x) for all t & . 1st order distribution fct. of a stationary r. p. is independent of time 2) k = 2 &  = -t, for all t1& t2 2nd order distribution fct. of a stationary r. p. depends only on the differences between the observation time 2. Two r. p. X(t),Y(t) are jointly stationary if the joint distribution functions of r. v. X(t1),,X(tk) and Y(t1’), ,Y(tk’) are invariant with respect to the location of the origin t = 0 for all k and j, and all choices of observation times t1,,tk and t1’, ,tk’. ex6)

13 4.8 Mean, Correlation, and Covariance functions 1. Mean of r. p.
probability of the joint event A={ai < X(ti)  bi} i=1, 2, 3 4.8 Mean, Correlation, and Covariance functions 1. Mean of r. p. For stationary r. p constant, for all t 2. Autocorrelation fct. of r. p. X(t) For stationary r. p. RX(t1,t2) = RX(t2-t1)

14 3. Autocovariance fct. of stationary r. p. X(t)
CX(t1,t2)=E[(X(t1) - X)(X(t2) - X)] =RX(t2 - t1) - X2 4. Wide-sense stationary  strict-sense stationary wide sense stationary 5. Properties of the Autocorrelation Function Autocorrelation fct. of stationary process X(t) RX()=E[X(t+)X(t)] for all t Properties a) Mean-square value by setting  = RX(0) = E[X2(t)] b) RX(): even fct RX() = RX(-) c) RX() has its maximum at  = 0, RX()  RX(0) pf. of c) o x

15 Physical meaning of RX()
“Interdependence “ of X(t) and X(t+) Decorrelation time 0: for  > 0, RX() < 0.01RX(0) ex7) Sinusoidal wave with Random phase

16 RX(T) = E[X(t)X(t+T)] = 0
ex8) Random Binary Wave RX(0) = E[X(t)X(t)] = A2 RX(T) = E[X(t)X(t+T)] = 0

17 6. Cross-correlation Functions
r. p. X(t) with RX(t,u) r. p. Y(t) with autocorrelation RY(t,u) Cross-correlation fct. of X(t) and Y(t) RXY(t,u) = E[X(t)Y(u)] RYX(t,u) = E[Y(t)X(u)] Correlation Matrix of r. p. X(t) and Y(t) If X(t) and Y(t) are each w. s. s. and jointly w. s. s. where  = t-u 여기서 RXY()  RXY(-) i.e. not even fct. RXY(0) is not maximum RXY() = RYX(-)

18 4.9 Ergodicity ex9) Quadrature - Modulated Processes
X1(t) and X2(t) from w. s. s. r. p. X(t) X1(t)=X(t)cos(2fct + ) X2(t)=X(t)sin(2fct + ) where  is independent of X(t) Cross-correlation fct. R12() = E[X1(t)X2(t-)] = E[X1(t)X2(t-)]E[cos(2fct+)sin(2f1t-2fc +)] = R12(0)=E[X1(t)X2(t)]= orthogonal 4.9 Ergodicity For sample function x(t) of w. s. s. r. p. x(t) with -T t  T – Time average (dc value)

19 1. w. s. s. r. p. X(t) is ergodic in the mean
– Mean of time average X(T) 1. w. s. s. r. p. X(t) is ergodic in the mean 2. w. s. s. r. p. X(t) is ergodic in the autocorrelation fct. where RX(,T) = = time averaged autocorrelation fct. of sample fct. x(t) from w. s. s. r. p. x(t) 4.10 Transmission of a r. p. through a linear filter Thus 구해보면 w.s.s r.p w.s.s r.p 구할 수 없다

20 1. Mean of Y(t) 2. Autocorrelation fct.
Mean square value E[Y2(t)]=RY(0)

21 4.11 Power Spectral density
1. Mean square value of Y(t)를 p. s. d. 로 표현 h1(1) H(f) Power spectral density or power spectrum of w. s. s. r. v. X(t) Mean square value of Y(t)

22 2. Properties of the Power Spectral Density
1) Einstein - Wiener- Khintchine relations 2) Property 1. For w. s. s. r. p., 3) Property 2. Mean square value of w. s. s. r. p. 4) Property 3. For w. s. s. r. p., SX(f)  0 for all f. 5) Property 4. SX(-f) = SX(f): even fct.  RX(-) = RX() 6) Property 5. The p. s. d., appropriately normalized, has the properties usually associated with a probability density fct. 7) rms bandwidth of w. s. s. r. p. X(t)

23 ex10) Sinusoidal wave with Random Phase
R. p. X(t) = A cos (2fC(t) + ) where  is uniform r. v. over [-, ] ex11) Random Binary wave with +A & -A

24 3. Relation among the Power Spectral Density of the Input
Energy spectral density of a rectangular pulse g(t) ex12) Mixing of a r. p. with a sinusoidal process. 3. Relation among the Power Spectral Density of the Input and Output Random Process

25 ex13) Comb filter differentiator

26 4. Relation among the Power Spectral Density and the
Amplitude Spectrum of a Sample Function Sample fct. x(t) of w. s. s. & ergodic r. p. X(t) with SX(f) X(f,T): FT of truncated sample fct. x(t) Conclusion) Sample function 으로부터 SX(f)를 구할 수 있다. 5. Cross Spectral Density A measure of the freq. interrelationship between 2 random process

27 – Consider Z(t) = X(t)+Y(t) – Auto correlation of Z(t)
ex14) – X(t) and Y(t) has zero mean, w. s. s. r. p. – Consider Z(t) = X(t)+Y(t) – Auto correlation of Z(t) ex15) X(t), Y(t); Jointly w. s. s. r. p. where h1, h2 are stable, linear, time-invariant filter Cross correlation fct. of V(t) and Z(t) X(t) Y(t) V(t) Z(t) h1(t) h2(t)


29 4.12 Gaussian Process 1. Definition
Process X(t) is a Gaussian process if every linear functional of X(t) is a Gaussian r. v. If the r. v. Y is a Gaussian distributed r. v. for every g(t), then X(t) is a Gaussian process 여기서

30 2. Virtues of Gaussian process
1) Gaussian process has many properties that make analytic results possible 2) Random processes produced by physical phenomena are often such that a Gaussian model is appropriate. 3. Central Limit Theorem 1) Let Xi, I = 1, 2, , N be a set of r. v. that satisfies a) The Xi are statistically independent b) The Xi have the same p. d. f. with mean X and variance X2  Xi : set of independently and identically distributed (i. i. d.) r. vs. Now Normalized r. v. < Central limit theorem > The probability distribution of VN approaches a normalized Gaussian distribution N(0,1) in the limit as N approaches infinity. 즉 Normalized r. v. 이 많이 모여서 하나의 r. v. 을 만들면 이는 N(0,1) 이 된다.

31 4. Properties of Gaussian Process
1) Property 1. X(t) h(t) Y(t) If a Gaussian process X(t) is applied to a stable linear filter, then the random process Y(t) developed at the output of the filter is also Gaussian. 2) Property 2. Consider the set of r. v. or samples X(t1), X(t2), , X(tn) obtained by observing a r. p. X(t) at times t1, t2, , tn. If the process X(t) is Gaussian, then this set of r. vs. are jointly Gaussian for any n, with their n-fold joint p. d. f. being completely determined by specifying the set of means and the set of auto covariance functions 3) Property 3. If random variables X(t1), X(t2), , X(tn) from Gaussian process X(t) are uncorrelated, i. e. then these random variables are statistically independent 4.13 Noise External: e. g. atmospheric, galactic, man-made noise Internal: e. g. spontaneous fluctuation of I or V in electric circuits  shot, themal noise Gaussian P. stable, linear

32 Channel Test Model < H. W > Chap 4, 4.6, 4.15, 4.23

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