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CPD 2 CREATIVE NUMERACY 27 Feb 2008 Venus Carew “I am interested in mathematics only as a creative art.” (G.H.Hardy, London 1941)

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Presentation on theme: "CPD 2 CREATIVE NUMERACY 27 Feb 2008 Venus Carew “I am interested in mathematics only as a creative art.” (G.H.Hardy, London 1941)"— Presentation transcript:


2 CPD 2 CREATIVE NUMERACY 27 Feb 2008 Venus Carew “I am interested in mathematics only as a creative art.” (G.H.Hardy, London 1941)

3 Fire alarm Location of conveniences Delivery times Group work Any other questions? Health and Safety

4 What is Creativity? Creativity is a mental process involving generation, or of discovering new associations between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative, more everyday concept of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new.

5 Creative Introductions Introduce yourself including: The number of your name Three things (properties) about the number of your name, eg odd, square, factors, etc. What did you have to do to get here?

6 Learning objectives: By the end of the session you will have: Clarified assumptions about teaching and learning of mathematics Outlined ways to help learners become more actively engaged in own learning Identified nature and causes of learners’ mistakes and ways to use them to promote learning Examined ways of making questioning more effective Produced an action plan to improve own teaching of mathematics.

7 Number energiser energisers27 Feb.notebook energisers27 Feb.notebook

8 What are my perceptions, views about teaching numeracy? What do we teach? How do we teach it? Before we discuss how to become better at teaching and supporting learning of numeracy we need to explore and reflect on our own view and perceptions about the teaching and learning of mathematics. Rank

9 In your group, discuss the statements and then individually rank them from 1 - 5: 1 = almost never2 = occasionally 3 = half the time 4 = most of the time 5 = almost always Activity Ranking Practice Statements

10   Multiple of 6Right hand   Multiple of 4Left hand   Multiple of 6 and 4Both hands   Multiple of neitherNo hands! Quick Energiser

11   Based on years of research and reflection on teaching of maths and numeracy.   In your group discuss and decide which ones you use in your teaching or support sessions. How can we make our teaching even better? Principles of Effective Teaching A, B, C, D

12 So what are Principles of Effective Teaching Handout of the 8 principles DO YOU AGREE WITH THEM WILL YOU BE ABLE TO PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE?

13 What are errors, mistakes and misconceptions?

14   Working in pairs, write down one mathematics mistake you have come across in your teaching/support?   Explain why you think learners make this mistake?

15 What are errors, mistakes and misconceptions? Now look at the examples of learners’ Work (CPD2.1) For each one   Write down the nature of the error.   And the thinking that may have led to this error?

16 Why do learners make mistakes?  Lapses in concentration  Hasty reasoning  Memory overload  Failure to notice points Or is it due to misconceptions which are necessary stages in conceptual development?

17 Common Generalisations  Have a look at CPD 2.3  Can you add other examples to the list?  Can you think of a mathematical misconception you have had?  How did you overcome it?

18 How do we deal with mistakes and misconceptions?  Avoid them?  Use them as learning opportunities?

19 comparing decimals of different lengths  Write decimals in order of size beginning with the smallest: 0.75, 0.4, 0.375, 0.25, 0.125, 0.04, 0.8

20 Group activity comparing decimals of different lengths  To correct a misconception about decimals: card set 16 - 5 For each decimal number, find 2 cards that represent that number and explain your reasons!

21 Must be lunch time!! Collaboration Networking Reflection on articles/activities/ideas

22 And the six faithful serving men “I keep six faithful serving men Who teach me well and true. Their names are What and Where and When And How and Why and Who.”

23 Why do we ask questions? Teachers nearly always know the answers to the questions already, so why ask them? How can we develop Questioning? How many times can you subtract 7 from 83 and what is left afterwards? You can subtract it as many times as you like and it leaves 76 each time!!

24   To interest, engage, recall, assess, focus Also to:   Extend thinking, promote reasoning, problem solving, thinking, evaluation and reflection. Why do we ask questions?

25   In your group discuss characteristics of effective and ineffective questioning.   Sort the cards into 2 sets   Now put all the cards in a continuum from most effective strategy to the least effective strategy.   Feedback to the whole group. Do we use effective or ineffective questions? Cards CPD5.1

26   CPD5.2Open mathematical questions   CPD5.3 Making up your own questions   Follow up activities Always true, or sometimes true? 18-5 What types of questions can we ask?

27 Group Creative Activity Plan a session: Think of a session you will be teaching in your own setting Use some of the ideas and activities discussed here to produce a draft lesson plan

28 Action planning How can we make our sessions more effective using  better questioning skills and  common misconceptions to promote effective learning.

29 Evaluation and Reflection Please complete evaluation sheets Identify areas of training needs Keep a note of your action plan Any questions please?

30 What is the answer to the universe? And a must read article about the Beauty of Maths BBC NEWS | Magazine | The beauty of maths

31 And very Finally Congratulations for attending Creative Numeracy 2!! BE HAPPY AND KEEP SMILING We hope you enjoyed your time here and benefited from the session

32 busters/quiz-busters-game.aspx?game_id=4660 Blockbuster quiz Quiz-Busters - Maths !!!! - from teachers-direct busters-game.aspx?game_id=4660 Another one game.aspx?game_id=114 Quiz-Busters - Algebra - from teachers-direct

33 Once upon a Time 11 was a race horse 12 was 12 1111 race 1 day 12 112 I need a new mind set to do this puzzle!

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