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Presentation on theme: "BOOK MONITORING NUMERACY STAFF INSET SCHOOL NAME DATE OF INSET."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives of INSET To feedback findings from monitoring of children’s books. To discuss ways to continue current good practice. To highlight, discuss and prioritise points for action. To consider next steps and focus of future support.

3 Questions to consider... Why do we monitor children’s work? Who should be responsible for monitoring work? What are the next steps for monitoring within school?

4 Monitoring Cycle Monitoring: Plans Children’s work Lessons Evaluation: Good Practice Areas for development Training: Shared focus Shared expectations

5 The process of monitoring Monitoring grid and guidelines Medium and short term planning Lesson observations Interviews with children Highlighting implications for learning and teaching

6 Areas of good practice

7 Presentation Is there a whole school policy for presentation?  Setting out calculations  1 digit per square  Dates and titles  Clearly labelled front covers  Colouring in  Pens and pencils

8 Recording work How and where are jottings recorded - empty number lines, working out? What type of books and paper do we use to record on? Do we need to review the types of books and paper we use? Where should worksheets and assessments be filed? Is the published scheme cost effective?

9 Marking Does the type of marking in the books reflect our marking policy?  How do we show who is marking the work?  Marking related to learning objectives?  Using a marking key?  Written comments – praise, evaluative and targets?  How and when should children start marking own work?

10 Accuracy How should …?  … children correct mistakes?  … wrong answers be marked?  … teachers track work and corrections? What should happen if there is consistently incorrect answers/misconceptions?

11 Range and balance of work Whole school approach to use of Unit Plans Noting on short term planning if an activity is practical or resource used How do you know that you have covered all the learning objectives? Use of traffic light system

12 Range and balance of work Is a record keeping system used to track attainment and progress?  Progression of topics and concepts  Calculator skills  Using and applying maths  ICT Use of supplements of examples when planning and teaching.

13 Differentiation Are you catering for all ability groups of children in your class? How do you show differentiation in planning? Consider differentiation by outcome, support, use of resources and type of activity. Note activities for higher, average and lower attainers and role of adults on short term planning Development of guided group work.

14 Open ended tasks Do you plan and teach a variety of tasks that are open ended? Consider a range of investigations, different way of approaching tasks and varied questions. ‘Mathematical challenges for more able pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2’ DfEE 0083/2000 Tel : 0845 60 222 60

15 Spaceship Some Tripods and Bipods flew from planet Zeno. There were at least two of each of them. Tripods have 3 legs. Bipods have 2 legs. There were 23 legs altogether. How many Tripods were there? How many Bipods? Find two different answers.

16 Mental to written calculations The development of recording mental strategies in KS1. Is there sufficient evidence of jottings, expanded and compact methods of calculation in the books? Has a whole school approach to expanded and compact methods for the four operations been decided upon?

17 Teacher absence Are supply teachers aware of the NNS framework, schools marking policy and approach to numeracy and calculations? How do we monitor supply teachers work?

18 Next steps Discuss issues as a staff Decide upon a whole school approach Highlight any additional training or support that is needed Individual classes, year groups and whole school monitoring


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