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Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program

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1 Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program
The Program Process

2 New Training Format Web Conference format replaces concurrent sessions in the regional face-to-face workshops. Web Conference format is a pilot. Feedback and evaluation is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the Web Conference format.

3 Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program Web Conference Schedule
Session 1- September 16, :30am- 11am. Session 2- September 16, :00pm- 3:30pm. Session 3- September 23, :30am-11:00am.

4 During this Web Conference
Your phone has been muted. Type your questions into the chat window and send to Host and Presenter. Time will be allotted throughout the presentation to answer your questions.

5 Web Conference Housekeeping
You will need a copy of the VSEP Implementation Manual This manual is available on the Virginia Department Of Education website at

6 Purpose of this Training
To update Division Directors of Testing, Special Education Directors, and instructional leaders on program procedures for the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP).

7 Web Conference Topics Overall Program Description
Participation Criteria and Review Submission Procedures Evaluation Plan Resubmission and Appeal Process Manuals and Forms VSEP Program Dates

8 Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program
The Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP) is an alternative method of assessing students who by the nature of their disability are unable to access the regular Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment even with testing accommodations. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 1.

9 Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program
The VSEP is available to students with disabilities who are enrolled in end-of-course SOL assessment classes and students who need the grade 8 numeracy and literacy certification required to earn a Modified Standard Diploma. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 1.

10 End-Of-Course Evaluated Content Areas
English: Writing English: Reading Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Biology Earth Science Chemistry Virginia and United States History World History I World History II World Geography English: Reading (1995) has been removed for this assessment.

11 Grade 8 Requirements for Modified Standard Diploma
Reading (literacy assessment) Reading (literacy cumulative: will be the last administration of this test.) Mathematics (numeracy assessment) Mathematics (numeracy cumulative: will the last administration of this test.)

12 Participation Criteria
And Review

13 Participation Criteria and Review
The student must have a current IEP or 504 plan (or one being developed). The student must be enrolled in a course or have passed a course that has an SOL EOC test and/or the student must meet the literacy and numeracy certification to earn a Modified Standard Diploma. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 5.

14 Participation Criteria and Review
All accommodations on the SOL test must have been considered for use with the student in the course/content submission area. The impact of the student’s disability demonstrates to the IEP team or 504 committee that the student will not be able to access the SOL assessment even with accommodations and therefore requires an alternative evaluation. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 5.

15 VSEP 2008 - 2009 Participation Review
306 students participated representing course work compilations 24 EOC English: Reading 18 EOC English: Writing 65 Algebra I 20 Geometry 21 Earth Science 20 Biology

16 VSEP 2008 - 2009 Participation Review (cont)
2 Chemistry 12 VA & US History 32 World History I 3 World History II 23 World Geography 36 Literacy 53 Numeracy

17 VSEP 2008 - 2009 Performance Review
Issues identified in scoring resulting in lower scores Inadequate anecdotal records Ungraded work Work completed with open-book Inconsistent accuracy in work samples

18 Submission Procedures

19 Submission Procedures
If IEP team or 504 committee determines that a student meets the criteria for participation in VSEP for a specific SOL assessment, the Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation form is completed. A complete Intent to Submit package includes: Intent to Submit Evaluation Form Allowed Accommodations Justification Statement Evaluation Plan Submission Form Evaluation Plan/Worksheets (for the specific content area) Evaluation Plan Approval/Denial Form

20 Submission Procedures
Once the Intent to Submit form has been completed, the student’s course content teacher and special education teacher are responsible for completing the Evaluation Plan Submission Form. The Intent to Submit Substitute Evaluation form, Evaluation Plan Submission Form and Evaluation Worksheets are submitted to a building administrator or designee. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 7.

21 Submission Procedures
Building Administrator reviews and signs the plan before submitting to the Division Director of Testing (DDOT). The DDOT reviews and signs the plan before submitting to the Virginia Department of Education, Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 7.

22 Submission Procedures
Each Intent to Submit Evaluation Form and Evaluation Plan Submission Form will be reviewed by Virginia Department of Education staff using the rubric in Appendix D (pg in your manual) and returned to the school division within ten business days from receipt. A separate Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form is required for each content area assessed. Turn to page 23 in your manual.

23 Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form
This form documents that the student meets the VSEP participation criteria. The form is completed and signed by the student’s IEP team or 504 committee. NEW FOR THIS YEAR… Late submission of an Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form and Evaluation Plan Submission will be approved ONLY is there are extenuating circumstances. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 23

24 Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form cont.
Section III: Allowed Accommodations Accommodations listed below have been added to the Allowed Accommodations form. Small Group Testing Test administered in locations with minimal distractions Noise buffers Plain English Version VSEP Implementation Manual , p 24-25

25 Intent to Submit A Substitute Evaluation Form
Section IV: Justification Statement Brief Overview of the student’s disability Impact of the disability on the student’s classroom performance Accommodations that have been used in classroom, division, or state assessments, and impact on the student’s performance. Page 27 Appendix B, gives sample justification statements for you to reference. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 26

26 Evaluation Plan Submission Form Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
This form provides information about the participating student and school division. This form describes the assessment evidence planned to demonstrate the student’s individual achievement for each SOL on the test blueprint. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 28-31

27 Evaluation Plan Approval/Denial Form
The Approval/Denial form indicates the Virginia Department of Education’s response to the submission of the Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form and Evaluation Plan Submission Form.

28 Overall Program Participation Criteria Submission Procedures
Questions???? Overall Program Participation Criteria Submission Procedures

29 Evaluation Plan Submission Form
Evaluation Plan Worksheet

30 Evaluation Plan Submission Form
The Evaluation Plan Submission Form identifies student and school division information. NEW THIS YEAR……. The Evaluation Plan Submission Form include the signatures of the Building Administrator and the Division Director of Testing. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 7 and p

31 Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
The Evaluation Plan/Worksheet should address the evidence planned for the Course Work Compilation (CWC) over the duration of the course. The Evaluation Plan/Worksheet should reflect a complete demonstration of the skills and knowledge related to the standards addressed in the test blueprint. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 7and p

32 Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
Pertinent Points Each SOL stem and bullet should be addressed in this plan. The plan should contain the methods or products used to demonstrate achievement of the standards. Submit one copy with the Evaluation Plan Submission Form. Use your copy to monitor the CWC throughout the semester. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 29

33 Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
The special education teacher and course content teacher are responsible for completing the Evaluation Plan/Worksheet and should work collaboratively in addressing each standard in the test blueprint for the assessed content area. Methods or products planned for the student to demonstrate achievement of each standard should be included in the Evaluation Plan/Worksheet. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 7and p 29.

34 Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
The Evaluation Plan/Worksheet should be unique and individualized for the student. Consider the following when completing the evaluation plan/worksheet The student’s disability How the student accesses SOL content How the student demonstrates skills and knowledge; and Specific assessment methods or products for each SOL stem and bullet.

35 Examples

36 Don’t Do That…… G.7 The student will solve practical problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem, properties of special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Solutions will be expressed in radical form or as decimal approximations. Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, and Test.

37 But Do This…… G.7 The student will solve practical problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem, properties of special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Solutions will be expressed in radical form or as decimal approximations. Students will solve 5 different practical problems involving properties of right triangles including the use of the Pythagorean theorem, right triangle trigonometry, and specials right triangles. Two problems will be word problems that require the student to create diagrams. The other 3 problems will be labeled diagrams and the student must find missing measurements.

38 Don’t Do This…….. 9.5 The student will read dramatic selections.
c. Describe how stage directions help the reader understand a play’s setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme. Julius Caesar i-movie

39 But Do This…… 9.5 The student will read dramatic selections.
c. Describe how stage directions help the reader understand a play’s setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme. While reading The Crucible, the student will complete a graphic organizer that uses stage directions to identify setting, mood, characters, plot and theme.

40 Appeals Process Resubmission Process

41 Appeals Process The purpose of the appeal process is to ensure the assigned score to the student’s Course Work Compilation (CWC) is a true depiction of the student’s achievement. School divisions may request that a student’s CWC be appealed if the student received a failing score and there is evidence the CWC should have received a higher score. Two division staff members who are familiar with the VSEP scoring rubric must review the CWC and agree that the CWC should have received a higher score. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 19.

42 Appeals Process Procedures
Appeal requests can be initiated by parents or school personnel. All requests to appeal must be reviewed and approved by the school division before submitting to Pearson. The DDOT is responsible for the CWC’s appeal submission to Pearson. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 19.

43 Resubmission Students are allowed to resubmit failed CWCs.
Students are required to resubmit the entire CWC including additional evidence for standards that previously received low scores. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 19.

44 Resubmission Procedures
Indicate the “Resubmission Subject/Course” in Section 1 of the Intent to Submit Substitute Evaluation Form (Appendix B page 23 in your manual). In the Evaluation Plan/Worksheet portion, teachers should address the SOL that received failing or low scores in the original submission.

45 Resubmission Procedures
The original Course Work Compilation Submission Cover Sheet and Affidavit along with a new Course Work Compilation Submission Cover Sheet and Affidavit completed and signed to cover the new evidence being submitted should accompany the resubmission. In addition to the evidence submitted in the original submission, the student must submit new or additional evidence that addresses the SOL that received low or failing scores. VSEP Implementation Manual , p 19.

46 Questions??? Evaluation Plan Submission Form Evaluation Plan Worksheet
Appeals Process Resubmission Process

47 VSEP Dates Important Reminders
Manuals and Forms VSEP Dates Important Reminders

48 Manuals and Forms The VSEP Implementation Manual is a guide primarily for teachers who are providing instruction to students participating in the VSEP assessment. The VSEP Implementation Manual is located on the Virginia Department of Education Student Assessment web page. School divisions will be allocated 5 manuals per division. You can order more manuals through additional orders from PearsonAccess.

49 Manuals and Forms All important forms needed for implementation of the VSEP are located in the Appendices in the back of the VSEP Implementation Manual. (Page 21-38) Appendix A  Frequently Asked Questions Appendix B  Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation Form Appendix C  Evaluation Plan Submission Form and Evaluation Plan/Worksheet Appendix D  Evaluation Plan Approval/Denial Form

50 Manuals and Forms (con’t)
Appendix E  Course Work Compilation Submission Cover Sheet and Affidavit. Appendix F  Teacher Checklist for Course Work Compilation Appendix G Administrator Checklist for Course Work Compilation Appendix H Completed Coursework Compilation Submission Checklist.

51 VSEP Dates Fall 2009 Administration
October 16 Fall VSEP Intent Forms due to VDOE Nov. 2 – Dec. 4 Register Student (SDU or Manual) December 18 CWC Shipping Materials Arrive in Divisions January 8 All CWC’s due to Pearson January Fall Scoring Event February 1 Preliminary Reports February 5 CWC’s Returned to Divisions February 19 Resubmission Intents ONLY!!! March 12 Appeal Requests Due

52 Spring 2010 Administration
VSEP Dates Spring 2010 Administration February 12 Spring VSEP Intent Forms due to VDOE February 19 Resubmission Intents from Fall Admin ONLY Jan. 4 – April 23 Register Students (SDU or Manual) May 7 CWC Shipping Materials Arrive in Divisions May 21 All Spring CWC’s Due to Pearson May 25 – June 4 Spring Scoring Event June Preliminary Reports July CWC’s Returned to Divisions June 14 – July 16 Appeal Requests Due

53 Important Reminders All students participating in the VSEP assessment must meet the eligibility criteria established by the Virginia Department of Education. Participation decisions are the sole responsibility of the IEP team or 504 team committee. Students are not allowed to participate in the VSEP and regular SOL assessment for the same subject area during the fall or spring administrations.

54 Important Reminders Consideration for VSEP is done on a test-by-test basis. Work samples in multiple choice format are not permitted as evidence. Students participating in the VSEP are counted as non-participants in the calculation of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).

55 Questions Virginia Department of Education
Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement (804)

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