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TVSD Conference, Copenhagen, 24 February 2009 Eldrid K. Midttun, Senior Education Adviser, NRC.

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Presentation on theme: "TVSD Conference, Copenhagen, 24 February 2009 Eldrid K. Midttun, Senior Education Adviser, NRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 TVSD Conference, Copenhagen, 24 February 2009 Eldrid K. Midttun, Senior Education Adviser, NRC

2 NRC is a Humanitarian NGO which provides Protection and Assistance to Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Returnees ”Hands on” support in 20 countries in phases of conflict and early post conflict; with a presence of 7 years on average Standby Rosters of Expert Professionals to strengthen UN capacity NRC Education – TVSD Conference Feb 2009 >

3 Education, one of five core activities Youth Education Pack - a holistic concept for Protection Knowledge Livelihood Citizenship Implemented in Africa: Burundi, DR Congo, Ivory Coast, Kenya/Dadaab, Liberia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda 5000+ youth in programmes NRC Education – TVSD Conference Feb 2009 >

4 Target groups Conflict affected youth aged 14 to 18; 50/50 girls and boys: Refugees, IDPs, returnees with little or no basic education or training Local youth in the same situation 20% formerly associated with fighting forces

5 LiteracyLife skills Skills training The YEP offers One year with three equally important components: < NRC Education – TVSD Conference Feb 2009 >

6 Objectives NRC Education – TVSD Conference Feb 2009 > That the young people Achieve functional literacy and numeracy Acquire practical skills for future income and self-sufficiency Put civic and health related life-skills into practice, gain self- confidence and awareness of their role in helping to rebuild their society and reducing violence

7 Who are they? Conditions for joining the YEP Meet key criteria of vulnerability Have fair chance of attending classes and completing the full year

8 25 Youth will spend a year together, work, discuss, cooperate, compete...

9 Enabling elements Child care for the babies of young mothers allow them to attend and complete the year Side benefits Community mothers hired as care givers Are included in training sessions

10 Enabling elements Hot meals each day Enable youth to stay for classes for a full day Side benefits Community members are hired as cooks and are included in training sessions

11 Planning a YEP – demanding task Agreements Assessments Funding Recruitments Training Infrastructure Logistics Selections Implementation Follow-up

12 Planning tool - YEP Resource Kit Introductory document – how to plan and establish a YEP programme Sample documents from ”YEP countries” CD-rom with YEP & Teacher Training Manuals and PP presentations

13 Quality elements Training of teachers Literacy/numeracy Life skills, culture, sports Team teaching Training of all staff Good learning environment Non-use of violence Participatory methodology

14 Quality elements Pre skills selection: Assessments and checks on Product needs Marketability Young people’s interests and wishes Re-check before each new ”year”

15 Ownership in community Reference Group Representatives of education authorities, institutions, community leaders Parents, learners

16 Partnerships for Skills Training National & local education authorities Local NGOs in established centres Somaliland

17 Education & Training Centres NRC hands-on implementation Uganda Kenya; Dadaab Camp Liberia

18 Boys’ choices & trades

19 Girls’ choices & trades

20 Joint possibilities

21 Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

22 Innovative crafts & skills Computer literacy Audio- visual skills Fuel- saving stoves

23 Importance of Certification

24 Literacy and life skills National Adult Literacy Materials in the local language NRC Literacy and Life Skills Manuals in French

25 Start-up Kits In most cases the YEP youth would not be able to start making a living without some equipment and materials Loan schemes are not always available

26 Cooperatives – joint efforts How will they manage? How can they make a living – for all members? Contract: 1500 sets of desks and tables Contract: Rehab for next year’s YEP classes

27 Lessons learned Assessment of skills needed and marketable - and crafts teachers available Some follow-up needed, to identify problems and improve curriculum More business and money management skills needed than in first curriculum

28 Issues for discussion Sustainability – define within context Graduates work individually or in groups ? Start-up kits or loan schemes – or neither? Monitoring and support – for how long? How to reach more youth in need of same

29 NRC support to Education in Emergencies and hope for the future

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