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 Mrs Bates  Miss Ashfield  Mrs Prestedge  Mrs Pereira  Mrs Castledine  Mrs Sherwood.

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3  Mrs Bates  Miss Ashfield  Mrs Prestedge  Mrs Pereira  Mrs Castledine  Mrs Sherwood

4  Rabbit class

5  Salamander Class

6 8:40 Children enter class and begin morning activity 9:00 Start 10:30 Break time 12:00 Lunch time 2:30 Break time 3:30 Home time (wait under the covered way)

7  Numeracy and Literacy (including ERIC time) usually in the mornings  Topic work and PE in the afternoons  Phonics once a day

8 Phonics Reading and Writing Numeracy IPC

9 Systematic progression in phonic teaching following on from prior teaching year groups Based on Government’s Letters and Sounds programme will support phonics in the new national curriculum Supported by interactive lessons, phonic based reading material both fiction and non- fiction

10  Individual reading with adult  Parents  Class teacher  Teaching Assistant  Reading in groups – ERIC  Parents  Class teacher  Teaching Assistant  Differentiated literacy groupings within class  Spellings/Skills : Monday and Tuesday  Writing : Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

11  Groupings for their current level of knowledge reviewed every half term  Using ABACUS resources


13  Buildings and Structures  Famous People  Our Environment  Transport  Flowers and Insects  Super Me

14  ART and DT  Looking at the work of craftsmen  Looking at the use colour and texture inside and on the outside of buildings  GEOGRAPHY  Finding out about different houses, homes and other buildings around the world.  HISTORY  Finding out about how buildings were made in the past  Finding out how buildings have been used  SCIENCE  Testing the strengths of structures  Finding out about materials used in structures  Properties of materials and how they can change  ICT  ESafety and sending messages and emails  MUSIC  Beat listening to music and making music with instruments



17  ART and DT  Working with line and tone using charcoal and pastels  GEOGRAPHY  Looking at the cities and rivers where famous people resided at points in history using past and current maps  Different ways to communicate across the world  HISTORY  Finding out Samuel Pepys, Guy Fawkes, Henry VIII, Alexander Bell, Tim Berners-Lee  Reviewing communication inventors and their inventions  SCIENCE  Understanding the states of materials  Recording investigations and drawing on observations  ICT  Using the keyboard to produce digital text and pictures for an eBook  MUSIC  Exploring sound through famous musicians


19  ART and DT  Looking at paintings of different environments – urban and rural through the Constable and Hockney  Finding out about colours and material selection  making model gardens  GEOGRAPHY  Finding out about plans and maps of our classroom and journey to school  Finding out the effects of any changes to the environment, good and bad  SCIENCE  Making electrical circuits and learning about electricity  ICT  Coding roamers and digital devices  MUSIC  Exploring timbre and texture in song


21  ART and DT  Creating texture through collages of transport  Making plans and building a vehicle  Testing different vehicles  GEOGRAPHY  Finding out about different types of transport here/abroad  Finding out about getting to other countries  Thinking about the good and bad things about different types of transport  HISTORY  Reviewing transport through the ages  SCIENCE  Reviewing forces used in transport  ICT  Using word processing to build factsheets  MUSIC  Changing tempo and music improvisation


23  ART  Review of Van Gogh’s sunflowers and our multimedia interpretations  Observational sketches of living things  SCIENCE About where flowers and insects prefer to live and grow About how and where seeds grow How to set up tests to discover how plants use water How to grow lots of different things About the life cycles of insects About ants and bees  ICT/Geography  How to collect and store data about creatures in the garden  MUSIC  Understanding pitch




27  DT  Levers and moving mechanisms in a body model  GEOGRAPHY  Continents of the world and where food comes from  How food is transported  SCIENCE Food chains and sources of food Importance of exercise, eating healthily and hygiene  ICT  Using graphing software to represent data collected in PE  MUSIC  Exploring sound through beat in song and percussion instruments


29  PSHE supports the key values per half term  Friendship  Courage  Honesty  Tolerance  Perseverance  Happiness

30 Celebrating success Prepared for learning Supporting positive behaviour

31  School rules  Class rules  Golden time  Golden tickets  PSHE/Assembly times

32  PE teaching covers:  Gym and basic movement control  Dance  Unihoc and ball skills  Orienteering  Swimming and games  Athletics

33  Kit in school for every PE lesson  Outdoor  Jogging bottoms, sweater, outdoor trainers  Indoor  Shorts, t-shirt, plimsolls  1 session with teacher  1 session with sports coach  Swimming – summer term  Parent helpers

34  Daily reading  Book and record to return to school the next day  Word packs to practise in home and school  Weekly spellings  New spellings to learn in home book  Tests in test book left at school  Weekly numeracy  Weekly reading questions  Begins after Christmas  Occasional topic homework


36  Please ask any further questions in classrooms.  We look forward to seeing you and your children in September!  Thank you for coming tonight

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