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The Ridge Junior School Year 3 2011 - 2012. Ensuring a smooth transition. We have been working very closely with Broadway to ensure a smooth transition.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ridge Junior School Year 3 2011 - 2012. Ensuring a smooth transition. We have been working very closely with Broadway to ensure a smooth transition."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ridge Junior School Year 3 2011 - 2012

2 Ensuring a smooth transition. We have been working very closely with Broadway to ensure a smooth transition from Key Stage one to Key Stage two. Initial meetings between teachers began in term 5. Year 2 and year 3 teachers have met to moderate examples of work from year 2 and year 3. The children first visited the school to attend a year 3 class assembly and have been invited to a year 2 – 3 film evening.

3 Year 5 and year 2 have used Merlin Learning Platform to share their learning and experiences in class. Year 2 have spent a session with their year 5 buddy for next year. Year 2 and current year 3 have shared joint playtimes on the Ridge playground. The current year 3 children each wrote to a child in year 2 explaining how they felt this time last year and described their experiences.

4 Year 2 will come and visit their new classrooms and work with their year 3 teachers. They will be given Ridge Junior School passports. During their visit to the year 3 class later this term, the children will be given a task to complete over the holidays. This will be a great start to our topic in the Autumn term. The year 3 teachers are going to Broadway to observe and work alongside the children.

5 September 2011 Thursday 1 st and Friday 2 nd September are inset days. Monday 5 th September will be their first day in school. During the first few weeks of term, after the children have settled in to their new class, we will assess the children to find their current levels. We look at Reading comprehension and knowledge of sounds for reading and spelling. Numeracy. Writing.

6 We will use these assessments to gain a clear understanding of the level at which your child is currently working. This will inform our planning so that we can ensure the work is pitched at the correct level for your child. We may feel that your child would benefit from some initial adult support in the first term. Please do not worry if your child has not had this before, we may be teaching them specific skills, ie sounds for reading or spelling that they may need to brush up on. You will be informed of any support that your child will receive within school.

7 Targets and groups. Using our September assessments, key stage 1 assessments and our knowledge of your child, they will be put into Literacy and Numeracy groups with children of a similar ability within the class. These may not be the same groups that the children were previously in. 2 days a week the Mrs. Day will take a group to teach specific literacy and numeracy skills. Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Pike / Mrs. Forman will teach the remainder of the classes, enabling us to have smaller, more focused groups, with work aimed specifically to meet the needs of your child. Your child will be set Literacy and Numeracy targets that they will work on each term.

8 School houses In September your child will be placed into a school “House”. They will remain this house throughout their school life. The houses are Avon, Severn, and Frome. Your child can gain house points for their team through good work, effort or behaviour. Each week the house points are counted and the winning weekly house is announced. At the end of the academic year an overall winning house is decided upon. Your child will represent their house at sports day events.

9 A typical school day Children are allowed on School site from 8.40am. It is important that they do not arrive before this time as they will be unsupervised. The bell rings at 8.50am and your child will line up outside the main school entrance. Please encourage your child to line up with their belongings ready for the teacher. Your child’s class teacher will collect them and escort them into the classroom. We will be encouraging all children to be as independent as possible, so in order to help us, please allow your child to organise themselves in the cloakroom.

10 This is an example of a typical day. 9am. Registration. If you arrive after this time please report to the school office. 9.05 – 10.00 Numeracy 10.00 am Assembly 10.15 am Playtime (toast and fruit available) 10.30 am Literacy 11.30 am Guided reading/Snappy lesson/Handwriting/Spellings 12.00 Lunch 1.00pm – 3.15pm Topic lessons/P.E/ICT/Music/French/R.E etc

11 Reading in year 3 Each child will be given a reading book to take home and read to an adult. Your child will be expected to read as often as possible. 5 minutes each day is more beneficial than 30 minutes once a week! The adult that has listened to your child read has to record that they have heard the child. This can be as simple as a date and initials, however a comment about how your child is getting on would be helpful. Your child will be encouraged to change their book as often as possible. This of course, will vary due to the size and difficulty of the book that they are reading.

12 Your child’s teacher and/or teaching assistant will hear your child read either individually or in a guided reading session. They will record that they have listened to your child in their reading record that they will bring home. If your child needs to change their reading book BEFORE their next reading session with the teacher it is their responsibility to change their book. The class teacher will of course remind the children on a daily basis and provide opportunities for them to do so. If you are aware that your child needs to change their book and forgets to, please let us know, or remind your child to change their book before or after school.

13 Homework Each week your child will have homework activities to complete. Reading. Spellings. Your child will learn a new spelling pattern each week and have a list of words that they will be tested on. Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested the following Monday. Your child may also bring home a piece of home work to complete that is connected to either Literacy, Numeracy or their current topic. Children will have homework books to complete their work in. Homework will always be explained to the children in class, and an explanation written down to take home. Your child will have at least a week to complete their homework. If you feel you need any guidance or your child needs some support to complete the task please do not hesitate to see the class teacher.

14 Clubs We run a variety of after school clubs and lunchtime clubs that your child may have the opportunity to take part in, this year they included, Street dance Drama Gardening club Scrap booking Year 5/6 football Gym club Netball club Sewing club Your child will receive information about any year 3 clubs for next year.

15 Keeping you informed. The school will send e-mail, text message or if required paper letters home (please contact office). Your class teacher will send home a class newsletter to inform you of the curriculum, or any trips that may be taking place. Information is also available on the school website. We welcome any parent/carer support in school and if you would like to help in the classroom, be part of a club, or have a skill that you with to offer us, please see your child’s class teacher.

16 The creative curriculum. At The Ridge we pride ourselves on our creative curriculum. We aim to provide the children with a range of exciting and stimulating topics that cover all subject areas of the curriculum. In year 3 we cover Weather Around the World Teeth and Healthy Eating What is special about Yate and the surrounding area? The Romans. Here are just SOME of the things that we have done in year 3.

17 At the Ridge, I want to………….. “Enjoy learning” Liam “Do harder work” Leah “Make new friends” James “Play with my buddy” Avtar “Be happy” Sophie “Feel very PROUD of you” Mrs.Watts “ Learn lots of new things together.” Mrs. Forman & Mrs. Pike

18 If you have any questions please let us know.

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