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Wave 1 English Mathematics Social/Emotional Support Differentiated spellings to target specific spelling needs Differentiated topic vocabulary to ensure.

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1 Wave 1 English Mathematics Social/Emotional Support Differentiated spellings to target specific spelling needs Differentiated topic vocabulary to ensure children retain new words Handwriting prompt cards to support children in forming letters Lessons planned to suit individual needs to enable all to access the learning Word books to support and consolidate language development Differentiated self-chosen targets for Reading and Writing Bespoke and progressive handwriting program used by the whole school Access to a variety of Literacy resources linked closely to the theme/topic to enhance new learning Vocabulary mats where needed for English, Maths and Topic to support the use of new vocabulary Differentiated Maths targets on display for children to review their achievements Word Walls in classrooms to encourage the use of new vocabulary Mathletics to encourage Mathematical development at school and at home Vocabulary mats where needed for Maths to support the use of new vocabulary Numicon to develop concepts of number in a visual and kinaesthetic way Access to a variety of Maths apparatus linked closely to the theme/topic to enhance new learning Help Box, which is used by children to communicate to Mrs Belbin any worries they may have A structured award and behaviour system implemented consistently throughout the school teaching children to make good choices Training for children at Manorcroft to support children in using the designated areas in the playgroud for safe playtimes Other Visual timetable in all classrooms to ensure smooth transitions between activities for the children In lessons the Success Criteria is shared with the children so that they know their next steps in learning Vocabulary mats where needed for Topic work to support the use of new vocabulary

2 Wave 2 English Mathematics Social/Emotional Support Additional Teacher and TA support in class to help groups of children reach their potential Access to resource packs for groups of children in Numeracy to support learning Numeracy vocabulary mats for groups of children to support the use of new vocabulary SNAP Maths to develop children’s concept of Maths Numicon for groups of children to develop their understanding of specific concepts in a visual and kinaesthetic way The use of Maths manipulatives (specific apparatus) to support groups of children Additional Teacher and TA support in class to help groups of children reach their potential Children’s Talking Points (dictaphones) used to support a child’s memory for constructing sentences Additional reading sessions each week to enhance children’s progress Spelling Box activities, which provide a kinaesthetic approach to language learning Sound cards/mats to support children’s development in reading and writing Access to resource packs for groups of children in Literacy to support learning Numeracy vocabulary mats for groups of children to support the use of new vocabulary Other Lunchtime HATS group to encourage and support children socially and emotionally Prefect jobs given out to develop children’s sense of responsibility Motor skills program (activities to support accuracy and spatial awareness when writing)

3 Wave 3 English Mathematics Social/Emotional Support Other Tacks Literacy intervention to support children in reading writing and spelling Comprehension support groups to target children’s specific needs in reading Precision Teaching, which offers children a highly structured approach to reading that is tailored to individual needs Individual vocabulary mats specific to the child’s needs Outside specialist teacher support for Speech and Language Outside specialist teacher support for Language 1st Class @ Number which targets individual needs to support progression in Maths 1 to 1 Maths support to target children’s individual needs Outside specialist teacher support for Occupational therapy Outside specialist teacher support from Freemantles for children with ASD Individual targets set by outside specialist teachers Wedged seat cushions to support children’s sensory needs Weighted blankets to support children’s sensory needs Specific activities/resources to improve focus in the classroom Pencil grip to aid children in their writing skills Sloped board for writing Outside specialist teacher support for Behavioural/Social Emotional needs Emotional/Social/Behavioural specialist support to target specific needs Incentive target Charts to monitor and support children in making positive choices First and then boards to support and reassure children about the day ahead Activity boxes used to calm and support children’s educational needs Self esteem activities support to develop positive attitudes Individualised transition support for children who find change difficult Specific techniques for children who find managing emotions a challenge

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