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Parents Welcome Meeting
The Foundation Stage Parents Welcome Meeting Monday 6th July 2015 10.00 – am
Children are encouraged to access all areas
Organisation Giraffes, Koalas and Bears 3 classes and 2 outdoor spaces (new classrooms) 75 children Children are encouraged to access all areas
Staff Mrs Bagshaw Miss Parkin Mrs Wyatt Mrs Steeper Mrs Timmins
Teacher Teaching Teacher Teaching Teaching Bears Assistant Giraffes Assistant Assistant Bears Giraffes Koalas
Part-time/Full-time children January starters
Currently 5 children PT, 2 in Bears and 3 in Koalas and 2 children coming later in the year.
Home Visits / Starting School
Home visits 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th September Start Dates Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September If you have not already signed up for a home visit, the forms are at the back of the hall.
Settling In School rules and routines Becoming familiar with the building Building up relationships with staff and peers Learning how to access resources Treasure Bags We have visited all children in their nursery or pre-school setting and staff there have been given treasure bags for the children to decorate and bring home. With each bag is a letter for parents explaining their use and suggesting things that could be put into them. We ask that children bring these on their first day at school when they prvide a useful talking point and link between pre-school setting, home and school.
School Rules
Whole School Behaviour System
The Curriculum Children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which covers children from birth to age 5. This is the same curriculum that children are following at their pre-school setting.
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing & Exploring – engagement Active Learning – motivation Creating & Thinking Critically - thinking
Areas of learning and development
The areas of learning and development have been divided into two groups: Prime areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language The three prime areas are important as they lay the foundations for children’s success in all other areas of learning and of life. Specific areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Our aim is to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant and interesting and which helps them develop the skills and interests to be lifelong learners.
All children are different
All children are different ... some will need mostly play based learning, others will be ready for aspects of a more formal approach. Our job is to find a way to meet these needs in a creative, flexible and caring environment. Assessment of children’s knowledge & experience to date
Baseline Assessment The Department of Education have introduced a new assessment process for children starting school. Each school has chosen an assessment kit to assess children’s basic skills on entry to school. The assessment is face-to-face with a mixture of tasks and observational checklists.
A typical day in Reception…
8.40 Self-registration 8.40 – 9.30 Child Initiated Activities (choosing) 9.30 – Literacy or Numeracy Activities Snack Time Playtime Literacy or Numeracy Activities Lunch time 1.10 – 1.30 Phonics Creative/Physical/Understanding the World/R.E./PSHE Story/singing/circle time At first we take the Foundation Stage children out separately to the yard to show them how to play and let them get used to the playground without the other children. We are having some building work done, so some of the yard will be out of bounds for part of the Autumn tem.
Lunch Time Universal Infant Free School Meals
Universal free school meals. Not sure how this will affect lunch time. We have only a very small number of children who have chosen to take packed lunches from home all the rest have opted for a free school meal.
Please ensure names are in EVERYTHING!!
What do you need? Uniform; Coat (unless the weather is very bad we try to go out every day); Sensible shoes; PE bag, labelled on the front, with shorts, top and plimsolls; Water bottle (non-spill); Book bag, bring to school daily and check every night. Please ensure names are in EVERYTHING!! All uniform is ordered on line. Some of you will have seen the samples on your child’s first school visit. If you have not had this opportunity the school office will be able to show you samples for your children to try on.
End of the day... The school day ends at 3.10pm for children in the Foundation Stage and 3.20pm for children in Years 1 & 2. Children are gathered together on the carpet and parents/carers come into the classroom to collect. Children are only released when their adult arrives. Each class has a sheet which should be completed if another adult will collecting a child that day. We have an After School Club here and also have children attending Fulwood Nursery for both Breakfast and After School Club.
Readiness for school Before starting school your child should be able to … Use the toilet independently Get dressed and undressed Eat with a knife, fork and spoon Put on his or her own coat Recognise his or her own name Write his or her first name
Walking Bus
And Finally… Leaving your child in the morning. Toys in school.
If you would like to come in to school to help out in Reception we are always grateful for volunteers once the children are settled in. If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will do our best to help you. We look forward to working with you and your child this year.
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