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J2Y1L8 THE BOOK OF 2KINGS. HYMN- 158 Walking in the King's Highway 走在主路上 2.

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2 HYMN- 158 Walking in the King's Highway 走在主路上 2

3 MV 7 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built! 神果真住在地上麼、看哪、 天和天上的天、尚且不足你居住的、何況 我所建的這殿呢。 (1King 8:27) 3

4 MV 8 Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who delights greatly in His commandments. 你們要讚美耶和華。敬畏耶和華、甚喜愛 他命令的、這人便為有福。 (Psa 112:1) 4

5 REVIEW L7 In what ways was Solomon a good king? Why do you think Solomon did not keep his faith towards the latter part of his life? What were some of the miracles in the life of Elijah which proved that he was indeed a prophet of God, with God’s abidance? What similarities do you see in Solomon and Ahab? Conclusion: Choices 5

6 L8 LESSON AIM That the students would have basic knowledge about the kings of Israel and Judah That the students would learn from the strengths and weaknesses of the characters studied in this lesson 6

7 KINGS CHART Bird view of all the kings Israel/kings.html Israel/kings.html How many kings in total? How many good kings? 7

8 ELIJAH 2 Kgs 1 What are the major accomplishments of Elijah, which king does he interact with? program/imagesbrp/charts/c0203_kingschart.jpg program/imagesbrp/charts/c0203_kingschart.jpg 1King – Ahab: Cherith, widow(1King17), Carmel (18), flee from Jezebel (19), Naboth (21) 2King 1 – Ahaziah’s injury and the fifty men Successor: 1King 19:16 8

9 ELISHA 2King 2 Followed Elijah till the last minute Double portion of the spirit (2:9-10) Event’s to learn from Elisha Elisha understood his position as the servant of God and did not allow himself to accept the gift of gratitude from Naaman During the battle against the Syrians, when the city of Samaria was under siege… 9

10 OTHER MIRACLES THROUGH ELISHA - healing the water at Jericho (2:19–22) - helping the three kings to defeat the Moabites (3:5--27) - enabling the vessels of the widow to be filled with oil (4:1–7) - prophesying that the woman of Shunem would bear a son (4:8–17) - raising the son of the woman at Shunem (4:18–37) - counteracting the poison in a pot of stew (4:38–41) - feeding a hundred men with twenty barley loaves (4:42–44) - healing Naaman, the general of Syria (5:1–14) - causing the ax head to float (6:4–7) 10

11 THE KINGS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL P1 1.Athaliah – Mother of Ahaziah (Ch 11). 2.Joash (Jehoash) (Ch 12) was a king who walked in God’s ways 3.Jehoahaz and, later, Jehoash ruled in Israel (Ch 13). 4.Amaziah succeeded the throne after his father Joash was murdered. 5.Ahaz, the son of Jotham, did not keep the ways of the Lord when he became king (Ch 16). 6.Hoshea, the king of Israel, did evil in the sight of the Lord (Ch 17). 11

12 THE KINGS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL P2 7.Hezekiah was one of the last kings of Judah (Chs 18, 19). He was a good king who walked before God. He rebelled against the king of Assyria. Hezekiah pleaded for an extension of his life 8.Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, was probably the most evil king of all the kings of Judah (Ch 21). He practiced idolatry 9.Josiah was a king who walked in the ways of God (Chs 22, 23). He restored the temple of God, removed idols 10.Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah were the last kings of Judah (Chs 24, 25). Essentially, these kings were almost like puppet kings 12

13 CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING 1.What did Elisha ask of Elijah before Elijah was taken up to heaven? 2.Describe at least three miracles performed by Elisha 3.Without referring to the notes in this workbook or the Bible, could you name some of the kings who were (a) evil and did not walk in God’s ways, (b) good and walked in the ways of God? 4.Which empire conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel and in which year did Israel fall? 5.Which empire conquered the Southern Kingdom of Judah and in which year did Judah fall? 13

14 MEMORY VERSE Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who delights greatly in His commandments. 你們要讚美耶和華。敬畏耶和華、甚喜愛他命令的、這人 便為有福。 (Psa 112:1) 14


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