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The Later Cold War 1964-91. Vietnam War Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Later Cold War 1964-91. Vietnam War Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Later Cold War 1964-91

2 Vietnam War Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Before the war France controlled Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Called the area Indo-china Called the area Indo-china People hated the oppressive French rule. People hated the oppressive French rule.

3 WW2 Japan invades Indo-China. Japan invades Indo-China. Group called the Vietminh was set up to resist the Japanese. Group called the Vietminh was set up to resist the Japanese. Led by Ho Chi Minh who was a communist. Led by Ho Chi Minh who was a communist. Allies worked with the Vietminh to get rid of Japanese. Allies worked with the Vietminh to get rid of Japanese.

4 ww2 Two weeks after the end of ww2 the French turn on the Vietminh and tried to regain control. Two weeks after the end of ww2 the French turn on the Vietminh and tried to regain control. China and the USSR help the Vietminh China and the USSR help the Vietminh French are defeated 8 years later at Dien Bien Phu and pull out of Northern Vietnam. French are defeated 8 years later at Dien Bien Phu and pull out of Northern Vietnam.

5 1954 Geneva Conference Ended war in Vietnam Ended war in Vietnam Independence granted to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia Independence granted to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia Vietnam divided between Northern communist Vietminh and Southern Vietnam backed by France and U.S. Vietnam divided between Northern communist Vietminh and Southern Vietnam backed by France and U.S. South ruled by unpopular dictator Diem who was opposed by a communist group, the Vietcong South ruled by unpopular dictator Diem who was opposed by a communist group, the Vietcong


7 Vietcong was supplied by the USSR and China through the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Vietcong was supplied by the USSR and China through the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Popular with the rural people and the force grew to 100,000 troops occupying 40% of the land. Popular with the rural people and the force grew to 100,000 troops occupying 40% of the land. Communism was on the verge of spreading throughout South East Asia. Communism was on the verge of spreading throughout South East Asia.

8 Ho Chi Minh Trail

9 1964 North Vietnam torpedoes US ships in the gulf of Tonkin. 1964 North Vietnam torpedoes US ships in the gulf of Tonkin. President Johnson starts bombing the North and sends in US troops to the South. President Johnson starts bombing the North and sends in US troops to the South. Believes it will be a quick war. Believes it will be a quick war.

10 Timeline 1964 Operation Rolling thunder 1964 Operation Rolling thunder Aims to destroy bases, ports and supply lines through bombing. Aims to destroy bases, ports and supply lines through bombing. More bombs dropped here then in all previous wars combined. More bombs dropped here then in all previous wars combined. Troops fight the Vietcong in the South. Troops fight the Vietcong in the South.

11 1968 Tet offensive 1968 Tet offensive Vietcong conducts surprise attacks on U.S bases. Vietcong conducts surprise attacks on U.S bases. Shows the Vietcong can strike in American held territory. Shows the Vietcong can strike in American held territory. Hurts American morale believe war cannot be won. Hurts American morale believe war cannot be won. Johnson stops bombing and negotiates peace. Johnson stops bombing and negotiates peace.

12 1969 Vietnamization 1969 Vietnamization Nixon hand over fighting to the South Vietnamese army and pulls out troops. Nixon hand over fighting to the South Vietnamese army and pulls out troops. 1970 US invades Cambodia to sneak attack North Vietnamese bases. Failed 1970 US invades Cambodia to sneak attack North Vietnamese bases. Failed 1971 South Vietnam fails to destroy Ho Chi Minh Trail 1971 South Vietnam fails to destroy Ho Chi Minh Trail 1972 North attacks the South, Nixon reorders bombing of North. 1972 North attacks the South, Nixon reorders bombing of North.

13 1973 US agrees to ceasefire with the Two Vietnams and Vietcong. 1973 US agrees to ceasefire with the Two Vietnams and Vietcong. Pulls out remaining troops. Pulls out remaining troops. North invades South Vietnam, North invades South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos form Communist governments. Cambodia, and Laos form Communist governments.

14 Unpopular War 1. High level of casualties 50.000 High level of casualties 50.000 300 dying per week 300 dying per week 2. economic cost of 30000000 or half a billion a year in today’s terms. 2. economic cost of 30000000 or half a billion a year in today’s terms. 3. Use of horrific weapons like Napalm and Agent Orange. 3. Use of horrific weapons like Napalm and Agent Orange.


16 4. Stories of drug addiction among US troops. 4. Stories of drug addiction among US troops. 5. US atrocities – My Lai – US soldiers attack an undefended village raping and killing 300 villagers, mainly women and children. 5. US atrocities – My Lai – US soldiers attack an undefended village raping and killing 300 villagers, mainly women and children. 6. Protests at Kent State University turns violent when Nixon calls in National Guard and they shoot on protesters. 4 Killed. 6. Protests at Kent State University turns violent when Nixon calls in National Guard and they shoot on protesters. 4 Killed.

17 Why was US defeated? Failed to respond to guerilla warfare tactics by vietcong. Failed to respond to guerilla warfare tactics by vietcong. US troops were inexperienced, low morale, avg age of 19. US troops were inexperienced, low morale, avg age of 19. The South army was weak. The South army was weak. US failed to win support of peasants who then helped Vietcong. US failed to win support of peasants who then helped Vietcong. US support lost at home. US support lost at home.

18 Why was Vietcong Successful? High morale, believed they were helping their people against invaders. High morale, believed they were helping their people against invaders. Effective guerilla tactics. Effective guerilla tactics. Backed by China and the USSR using Ho Chi Minh Trail. Backed by China and the USSR using Ho Chi Minh Trail. Hide bases underground away from bombing (300 kms worth) Hide bases underground away from bombing (300 kms worth)

19 Late Cold War Global Soviet Involvement

20 Czechoslovakia 1968 Czechoslovakia was a Soviet satellite state since 1948. Czechoslovakia was a Soviet satellite state since 1948. Its communist government took direct orders from Moscow. Its communist government took direct orders from Moscow. USSR controlled economy and what was produced. USSR controlled economy and what was produced.


22 Czechoslovakia 1968 Czech people wanted change Czech people wanted change Freedom of expression of opinions on radio Freedom of expression of opinions on radio Freedom to set up parties and vote Freedom to set up parties and vote Control the economy and what is produced. USSR forced them to produce steel rather than consumer goods. Control the economy and what is produced. USSR forced them to produce steel rather than consumer goods.

23 Prague Spring Czechoslovakia communist party chose a new leader and decided on reforms. Czechoslovakia communist party chose a new leader and decided on reforms. USSR afraid this would result in reforms in the countries included in the Warsaw pact. USSR afraid this would result in reforms in the countries included in the Warsaw pact.

24 Czechoslovakia 1968 USSR and Warsaw pact countries invade Czechoslovakia. USSR and Warsaw pact countries invade Czechoslovakia. Forced the reform leader out of power and put in a new leader and reverses reforms. Forced the reform leader out of power and put in a new leader and reverses reforms. New Soviet Leader Brezhev releases his doctrine which states the Soviet Union can attack countries that try to convert to capitalism. New Soviet Leader Brezhev releases his doctrine which states the Soviet Union can attack countries that try to convert to capitalism.


26 Afghanistan Xmas Eve 1979 Brezhnev invades Afghanistan. Why? Xmas Eve 1979 Brezhnev invades Afghanistan. Why? Important piece of land since it is located between Russia and Middle East oil. Important piece of land since it is located between Russia and Middle East oil. USA was giving them aid. USA was giving them aid. Groups within wanted to create a Muslim state and Soviet Union was afraid it would spread to southern USSR. Groups within wanted to create a Muslim state and Soviet Union was afraid it would spread to southern USSR.


28 Invasion USSR quickly take the capital of Kabul and install a new communist government. USSR quickly take the capital of Kabul and install a new communist government. An opposition group called the Mujaheddin is formed with military aid and training from the US. An opposition group called the Mujaheddin is formed with military aid and training from the US. Osama bin Laden is a leader within this group and gets a reputation for being a brave fighter. Osama bin Laden is a leader within this group and gets a reputation for being a brave fighter.

29 Mujaheddin

30 Mujaheddin engages in Guerilla warfare tactics in the mountain areas develop a system of caves. Mujaheddin engages in Guerilla warfare tactics in the mountain areas develop a system of caves. By 1988 the Mujaheddin occupied 75% of country. By 1988 the Mujaheddin occupied 75% of country. New Soviet leader is choosen Mikhail Gobachev and he realises war cannot be won. New Soviet leader is choosen Mikhail Gobachev and he realises war cannot be won. Pulls out in 1989. Pulls out in 1989.

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