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Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Tracking graduate careers in Hungary - central and institutional program - Modernisation of Higher Education, PLA.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Tracking graduate careers in Hungary - central and institutional program - Modernisation of Higher Education, PLA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Tracking graduate careers in Hungary - central and institutional program - Modernisation of Higher Education, PLA in The Hague, 8-10 March, 2010. Tamás Horváthdr. Pál Veres, PhDPaszkál Kiss, PhD expert Educatio Nonprofit Company professional adviser Ministry of Culture and Education vice-dean for education Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology

2 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Overview 1.Higher education and labour market in Hungary 2.Graduate tracking system: objectives and institutional scheme 3.What should be traced?

3 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Higher education and labour market in Hungary

4 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Graduates in the labour market Graduates’ career opportunities have worsened, especially among freshly graduated: – longer term of the job-seeking – no labour needs in certain fields: e.g. law, business, communication But: – need for labour in other fields: e.g. engineering – Salaries are significantly higher for graduates (highest diff. in EU) – varying needs of the labour market: some skills become more important (communication, foreign language knowledge) Unemployment rate among graduates is lower, approx. 3-5%, (average 10%)

5 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Will you find a proper job in your profession in 1-2 years? Source: Student Survey 2009,

6 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary HE and labour market Government actions / provisions – introducing the Bologna system – compulsory professional internship (3-6 months) – establishing ‘Financial Boards’ supervising HEIs Institutional actions – formalising labour market relations (EC, Magistrate) – joint degrees (internship, sandwich training, integrated industrial training) – joint development projects (R&D) – Career Offices: career counselling, employment agency, alumni – Graduate Career Tracking Program

7 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Graduate tracking system: objectives and institutional scheme

8 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Internal and external contexts Internal training and service development: labour market feedback marketing: competitive advantage in entrance exam competition part of quality assurance information for career orientation ("what is the value of degree like?) alumni programmes, labour market connections (sponsorship opportunities later). External Act on Higher Education : "Higher education institutions shall fulfil the tasks in career tracking, in which they shall monitor the labour market situation of graduates.„ institutional accreditation 3-year financing agreement with government external application sources

9 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Motives to GCTS* Government (sectorial) motivation: information on graduates availability and labour demands, feedback to carrier orientation, performance indicator of institutional output, feedback for curriculum development. Institutional motivation: quality assurance, institutional development, marketing, public relations, carrier counselling. * Graduate Career Tracking System

10 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Tracking system at central and HEI levels support HEI projects: provide the standard of tracking systems, helpdesk, conferences, handbooks central services: national surveys, database, communication (web) Educatio Nonprofit Company ~ 2M euro, (15.05.2008-15.10.2010) Establish or improve graduate tracking system: surveys, institutional background, external and internal communication 30 projects of HEIs, total 16M euro 01.2010-12.2010)

11 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Implementers of the program within HEIs

12 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Developing institutional model Empiric research 2. Large sample: graduates, motivational "road-show" to size up demands Domestic practices International practices (OECD countries) International and domestic professional literature Exploring the situation Institutional GCTS model development Handbook, institutional APPLICATION requirement spec. know-how - web good practices case studies conference GCTS booklets Institutional GCTS monitoring training, help-desk Professional support f or institutional developments monitoring, assessment Ma y 2008November 2008April 2009October 2009February 2010May 2010 25-30 ("AUDITED") INSTITUTIONAL GTS PREPARED ON THE BASIS OF UNIFIED METHODOLOGY Empiric research 1. (focus group, regional- pilot)

13 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary 3 pillars of the institutional model 1.Methodology of the survey student motivation study, competence and labour market research same part of questionnaires (central data processing) 2.Institutional background organisational framework, regulatory environment, quality assurance, information technology, sustainability, legal and data protection background 3.Communication internal and external, forms central data service Professionally established and sustainable model

14 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary What should be traced?

15 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Scope of questions asked Questions related to workplace and labour market position Professional satisfaction, assessment of personal career Retrospective assessment of education and institution Professional competences - applicability of studies Socio-demographic questions Regional or ethnic questions in countries of special circumstances

16 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Competencies: expectations of the labour market Source: GVI; More:

17 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Indicators for career assessment at national level income; prestige of the job (position, work done); satisfaction (with level of education – motivation – expectancies – labour market position – income); and composite indicators derived from the above. Frame of reference used: field of study, subject of study.

18 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary Thank you for your attention! More (in english):

19 Tracking graduate careers in Hungary

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