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Student Database Changes 2011-12 Presenter: Dr. Ruth S. Jones June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Database Changes 2011-12 Presenter: Dr. Ruth S. Jones June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Database Changes 2011-12 Presenter: Dr. Ruth S. Jones June 2011

2 Agenda Element Format, Survey Periods, Formats, Wording Changes Throughout Changes by Format Appendixes Elements – Deleted, Optional & Other Edits Local ID Lookup (Not covered: Staff Database, WDIS, details)

3 Element Format New format Access ADA compliant Excel available Description of change

4 Survey Periods No surveys added or deleted. Survey 7 – send all ELL students who will take CELLA. Survey Dates – see handout.

5 Formats Deleted three formats. Department of Juvenile Justice Student Entry Assessment Department of Juvenile Justice Student Exit Assessment Exceptional Student Program Six elements moved to Exceptional Student format.

6 Wording Changes Made Throughout “Vocational” changed to “Career and Technical Education” (CTE) “Referral” changed to “Resultant”

7 Career and Technical Education Student Course Grade Level Added 06-08. Submit for 06-12. Added existing element – Career and Professional Academy Identifier.

8 Career and Technical Education Teacher Course No changes

9 DJJ Student Entry and Exit Assessments Formats deleted.

10 Dropout Prevention Program Data Deleted Teenage Parent Program – Birth Weight of Child Element may be kept at local level but is optional.

11 English Language Learners Information No changes

12 Exceptional Student Six elements moved to this format from Exceptional Student Program format. Exceptional Student Placement Status Exceptional Student Referral Reason Evaluation Completion Date Exceptional Student Placement Date Exceptional Student Eligibility Determination Date Date of Consent for Evaluation

13 Exceptional Student - Continued Added new element - Exceptional Student 60-Day Exception. Codes N, Y and Z.

14 Exceptional Student Program Format deleted. Six elements moved to Exceptional Student format.

15 Federal/State Compensatory Project Evaluation Federal/State Project Area and Model Deleted code 08 in positions 3-4.

16 Federal/State Indicator Status Added four new elements. Bullied or Harassed – Disability Bullied or Harassed – Race Bullied or Harassed – Sex School Related Arrest Codes N, Y & Z for Bullied or Harassed. Codes N & Y for School Related Arrest. Deleted Career Academy Participant.

17 McKay Prepayment Verification FEFP Program Number Added codes 101-103, 130 and 300 for Section 504 students.

18 Prior School Status/Student Attendance No changes.

19 School Environmental Safety Incident Report Drug Description Added code N.

20 Student Assessment Also submit for all Advanced Placement and International baccalaureate Program exams. Test Name – added values APT & IBP.

21 Student Course Schedule Reading Intervention Component Added code E.

22 Student Course Transcript Information School Number, Where Credit Earned Added code 9900. School Year – Record Submission Removed key field designation but it functions like a key field due to edit 30. Course, State Subject Area Requirements and Course Substituted, State Subject Area Requirements Added codes A1, BI and GE.

23 Student Course Transcript Information - Continued Added new element – Course Assessment Status Codes A, B, C, D, E and Z. Plan to add code F.

24 Student Demographic Information No changes.

25 Student Discipline/Resultant Action Incident, Date No longer a key field. Added new element - Zero-Tolerance: Expulsions Codes N, Y and Z.

26 Student End of Year Status Deleted Career and Technical Education Academic Disadvantaged.

27 Student Transportation No changes

28 Teacher Course No changes.

29 Title I Supplemental Educational Services (TI SES) Deleted six elements. TI SES – Achievement Goals – Reading/Language Arts TI SES – Achievement Goals – Math TI SES – Achievement Goals – Science TI SES – Achievement Goals Mastered – Reading/Language Arts TI SES – Achievement Goals Mastered – Math TI SES – Achievement Goals Mastered – Science

30 Appendixes Revised wording in names or definitions. Colleges (Appendix F) Incident reporting (Appendix P) Transportation membership category (Appendix U) Revised course lists. NCLB core courses (Appendix R) Class size core courses (Appendix S) AP, IB and AICE courses (Appendix V) ELL FTE eligible courses (Appendix DD)

31 Appendixes (continued) Added tests and sub-tests. Test Names (Appendix I) Test Subject Content Codes (Appendix L) Available later. TI SES Service Providers (Appendix T) – available in September 2011. CAPE Academies (Appendix Y). 2010-11 codes replaced with 2011-12 codes. Industry Certification Identifier (Appendix Z)

32 Appendixes (continued) Appendix deleted. Class Size Average Algorithm for Grade Groupings (Appendix AA) To be further revised. Virtual Instruction Providers (Appendix CC) New appendix. Vaccine Status and Date (Appendix EE)

33 Deleted & Optional Elements Career Academy Participant Career and Technical Education Academic Disadvantaged Title I Supplemental Educational Services Achievement Goals Achievement Goals Mastered Teenage Parent Program – Birth Weight of Child - Optional

34 Other Element Changes Health Examination, School Entry – added code V. Career Pathways Student Participant – added to FASTER format. Added Migrant Tracking use type to District Number, Where Credit Earned School Number, Where Credit Earned

35 Edits Changes to edits are listed in the comments embedded in the mainframe programs available at NWRDC.

36 Local ID Look-up Coming soon. CICC menu at NWRDC. Enter Student Number Identifier, Local to find the Student Number Identifier, Florida for a student.

37 Contact Information Ruth S. Jones, Ph.D. Education Information Services (850) 245-9577

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