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Results of survey for national capacity Dr. Lucie Rogo Consortium of the Barcode of Life

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Presentation on theme: "Results of survey for national capacity Dr. Lucie Rogo Consortium of the Barcode of Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of e-mail survey for national capacity Dr. Lucie Rogo Consortium of the Barcode of Life

2 Capacity Assessment Survey The Questionnaire Who it was sent to Results of the responses received The Questionnaire Who it was sent to Results of the responses received

3 Capacity Assessment Questionnaire. Type of research Who are the consumers/ end-users of your taxonomic information/ products Major research institutions in your country working in different areas (Bio & Tax…….) What networks exist in your country/ region that could help promote taxonomic & biodiversity research What are the obstacles that limit collaboration/biodiversity research with other countries Type of research Who are the consumers/ end-users of your taxonomic information/ products Major research institutions in your country working in different areas (Bio & Tax…….) What networks exist in your country/ region that could help promote taxonomic & biodiversity research What are the obstacles that limit collaboration/biodiversity research with other countries

4 Capacity Assessment Questionnaire Ctd. Is your department or institution involved in molecular genetics work ? Do you have national / institutional regulatory policies for sharing of taxonomic information? Do you have national / institutional regulatory policies on the lending of biological specimens to other institutions in your country Do you have national/ institutional regulatory policies on the lending of biological specimens to institutions in other countries? Is your department or institution involved in molecular genetics work ? Do you have national / institutional regulatory policies for sharing of taxonomic information? Do you have national / institutional regulatory policies on the lending of biological specimens to other institutions in your country Do you have national/ institutional regulatory policies on the lending of biological specimens to institutions in other countries?

5 Capacity Assessment Questionnaire Ctd. Describe very briefly the speed and reliability of the internet access in your home institution. Describe very briefly the adequacy/ inadequacy of your library facilities and your access to current literature. Describe very briefly the speed and reliability of the internet access in your home institution. Describe very briefly the adequacy/ inadequacy of your library facilities and your access to current literature.

6 Who was sent the Questionnaire 42 Participants: 9 Western and Central Africa countries: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Ghana; Ivory Coast; Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo 27 Scientist within the WAFRINET Network (NECI Coordinator assistance), Gambia, Sierra Leone Total of 69 Questionnaires 30 Responses received.

7 Type of Research Taxonomic Research: BF, C, G, Gh, Ngr, 23 participants Species Conservation 5 countries 25 participants Reference Collections 6 countries 20 participants Taxonomic Research: BF, C, G, Gh, Ngr, 23 participants Species Conservation 5 countries 25 participants Reference Collections 6 countries 20 participants Environmental research management 8 countries 19 participants Agricultural research 8 countries 11 participants

8 2. Who are the consumers/ end-users of your taxonomic information/ products Most Common Government departments and institutes Decision-makers Universities (local & international, Researchers, students Also: Industry, NGOs, Crop Producers, Protected area managers, police/ regulatory agencies, Amateur scientists, general public

9 5. Obstacles to collaboration in taxonomy and biodiversity research in the region Most Common response: Funding, especially long-term Trained professionals Career opportunities Capacity Also Isolation, lack of connections to international and local networks Restrictions on specimen export

10 5. Obstacles to collaboration in taxonomy and biodiversity research in the region Other responses: Lack of regional research program Lack of communication channels between researchers of the region Lack of regional research policy Unreliable internet communications

11 7. National or Institutional Policies on Sharing of Taxonomic Information 3 Countries have policies But policies have no negative impact on research 8. National or Institutional Policies on Lending Specimens Within Country 5 Countries have policies with no negative impact on research

12 9. National or Institutional Policies on Lending Specimens to Other Countries 3 Countries have policies Varied with no negative impact 10. Speed and Reliability of Internet Access Reasonably fast, adequate, reliable: Most countries When functional, not reliable in the least; Presently out of use Limited reliability: 1 country

13 10. Adequacy of Library Facilities and Access to Current Literature Good to Adequate: 6 countries Variable access to journals: 4 countries Limited access: 4 countries

14 Institutions in region doing molecular gene sequencing IITA, Nigeria University of Yaounde.

15 PCR IITA, Nigeria University of Yaounde.

16 Networks in the region WAFRINET- Dr. Muaka Toko. REBAC ( Réseau des Botanistes d’Afrique Centrale) Genetic resource network of west and central Africa.(GRENEWECA). Société Ouest Africaine de Parasitologie;

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