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China and space security National Defense University, PLA, China National Defense University, PLA, China Zhong Jing.

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Presentation on theme: "China and space security National Defense University, PLA, China National Defense University, PLA, China Zhong Jing."— Presentation transcript:

1 China and space security National Defense University, PLA, China National Defense University, PLA, China Zhong Jing

2 Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security Part II. China’s concern and position on space security Part III. Recommendations

3 Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security This change mainly stems from the current politics, economic and S&T environment. the collapse of the Soviet Union a reflection of technological prowess and tied directly to economic development. the rapid diffusing space technology

4 1. the recent changes in U.S. space policy and doctrines are running a great risk of reigniting a new round of competition among the major powers and generating new vulnerabilities in space. 1. the recent changes in U.S. space policy and doctrines are running a great risk of reigniting a new round of competition among the major powers and generating new vulnerabilities in space. Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security

5 missile defense system is a virtual step leading to space weaponization First, defensive technology can easily change into offensive technology and use in offensive operation

6 missile defense system is a virtual step leading to space weaponization Second, one side with strong defensive and offensive capability, its offensive power and willing are surely enhanced

7 missile defense system is a virtual step leading to space weaponization Third, verify capabilities of space weapons in series of tests of missile defense system to conquer and control outer space the investment of defensive technology : 9 the investment of offensive technology : 1 the investment of offensive technology : 1

8 NSP toward a more militarily-oriented and unilateral approach to space security will have a far-reaching impact on the other countries Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security uncontrolled competition in developing advanced technology leads to escalation and generate action-reaction spirals

9 2. with rapid development of space technology, space power has tightly linked with land power and become the most important component of future integrated battlefield. Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security

10 the Gulf War 1991 the Kosovo War1999 the Afghanistan War2001 the Iraq War 2003 The Iraq war enabled the coalition force to integrate all its assets into joint operations in true sense. It is indeed the first real “Space War”

11 Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security First phase Second phase a compact linkage between space and earth in operation new concepts of space operation, space weapons and space troops “Space War”

12 engaging space power into global military deployments at every level from strategy to tactics Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security space assets become targets subject to attack or deception possibility of space conflict increase, an accident or misjudgment in space possible expand to a conflict or war

13 3. space weapon might be hidden in civil space items due to space technology dual-use characteristic. Part I. Emerging new challenges to space security How to regular space items both ensuring equal right of peaceful use and guaranteeing no military intention ?

14 Firstly, China is taking an active part in space exploration and unflinching in taking the road of peaceful development, and always supporting all activities that utilize outer space for peaceful purposes. Part II. China’s concern and position on space security

15 Firstly, China is taking an active part in space exploration and unflinching in taking the road of peaceful development, and always supporting all activities that utilize outer space for peaceful purposes. Part II. China’s concern and position on space security Peaceful use comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development limited targets, key breakthroughs on small scale

16 Secondly, to ensure the peaceful use of outer space, prevent the weaponization of outer space, and avoid an arms race in outer space, it is urgent for international community to begin the negotiation of treaty on space nonweaponization. Part II. China’s concern and position on space security

17 Not to test, deploy, or use in outer space any weapons, weapon systems or their components; Not to test, deploy, or use on land, in the sea or atmosphere any weapons, weapon systems or their components that may be used for war-fighting in outer space; Not to resort to the threat or use of force against any outer space objects; Not to assist or encourage other states, groups of states or international organizations to participate in activities prohibited by the treaty, etc

18 Thirdly, it is a very effective way for international community to call for space cooperation for reducing mutual suspicion and achieve two-winning in future space security. Part II. China’s concern and position on space security on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful utilization of outer space and common development

19 Last but not the least, it is necessary to develop limited defense capability before coming to a treaty on space nonweaponization, since space security is an very important part of national security. Part II. China’s concern and position on space security require the capability of protecting our space assets defense capability is very limited and not to threaten any other country

20 First, to establish a new security concept is the key point for ensuring space security Recommendations

21 Second, to enhance the mutual exchange and understanding is an important strategic measure for achieving the aim of space security. Recommendations

22 At bottom, the most important, it is urgent to begin the negotiation on treaty of space nonweaponization for preventing the arms race and relaxing the tension. Recommendations

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