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East Central Regional Center Ohio College Tech Prep SCTAI Update September 26, 2012 Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)

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Presentation on theme: "East Central Regional Center Ohio College Tech Prep SCTAI Update September 26, 2012 Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 East Central Regional Center Ohio College Tech Prep SCTAI Update September 26, 2012 Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)

2 Overview of Topics  Review of SCTAI  What is it?  Introduction to the SCTAI team  Update: 2011-2012  How did we do?  Update: 2012-2013  Where are we going?  Q & A

3 Review of SCTAI: What is it?  The project combines two processes to create new Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs) for Secondary Career-Technical Students 1.The ODE Career Field Technical Content Standards revision process 2.The OBR CTAG creation process

4 Quick Reminder: Key Concepts  SCTAI is a part of (CT)²  (CT)² aim is to create CTAGs for Adult and Secondary career-technical students  Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG)  Non-degree granting institutions such as career centers, high schools, etc. to degree-granting Public College/University  Career-Technical Articulation Number (CTAN)  Learning Outcomes  Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG)  Public College/University to Public College/University  Ohio Articulation Number (OAN)

5 Review of SCTAI: What is it?  The OBR CTAG creation process is student-focused and faculty-driven  SCTAI Faculty Lead Experts  Identify CTANs and draft and align Learning Outcomes  SCTAI Faculty Panel Experts  Provide feedback on proposed CTANs  OBR Five Steps to Equivalency  SCTAI responsible for the “defining” and “agreeing” steps

6 Five Steps to Equivalency 1.Defining – Joint faculty panels meet to define learning outcomes and credit hour ranges. 2.Agreeing – Educational partners reach consensual agreement on the learning outcomes via a statewide feedback process. 3.Matching – Institutions match courses to learning outcomes and credit hour ranges. 4.Submitting – Institutions submit specific course materials based on learning outcomes and credit hour ranges. 5.Reviewing – Faculty review panels validate course materials against learning outcomes, recommended credit hour ranges, and other requirements.

7 SCTAI Team  Dr. Mitsu Narui, Associate Director of Statewide Secondary Career-Technical Articulation Agreements  Tim Keller, Assistant Director of Statewide Secondary Career-Technical Articulation Agreements  Kimberly Jones, Administrative Assistant of SCTAI

8 Review of SCTAI: What is it?  The project focuses on completing statewide endorsement of the new Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs) and establishing assessment instruments  Statewide Endorsement  Assessment

9 SCTAI Team  Jamilah Jones Tucker, Associate Director of Assessment and Data Analysis  Tim Keller, Assistant Director of Statewide Secondary Career-Technical Articulation Agreements  Kimberly Jones, Administrative Assistant of SCTAI





14 Update: 2011-2012  How did we do?  Examined 6 Career Fields (24 Pathways)  Worked with 111 faculty (21 Lead Experts and 90 Panel Experts)  Facilitated 7 faculty Panel Meetings  42 Proposed New CTANs  35 Proposed alignments to Existing CTANs and OANs  Sent 10 CTAG Statewide Endorsement Surveys for 29 CTANs  Piloted Assessment process in Lodging and Travel Services and Performing Arts  Created Directive 2012-015  Bilateral Articulation Agreements with Secondary Career-Technical Institutions: Principles and Guidelines

15 Update: 2011-2012  Construction Technologies  1 CTAG with 4 CTANs  Health Science  11 CTAGs with 21 CTANs (note: 2 of 11 CTAGs pending)  Information Technology  3 CTAGs with 21 CTANs  Law and Public Safety  6 CTAGs with 6 CTANs  Manufacturing Technologies  3 CTAGs with 16 CTANs  Transportation Systems  2 CTAGs with 9 CTANs Preliminary Total: 26 CTAGs with 77 CTANs

16 Update: 2012-2013  Where are we going?  Complete 6 Career Fields examined during 2011:  Alignment to Ohio Department of Education’s revised Career Field Technical Content Standards  Statewide Endorsement Survey Process  Assessment

17 Update: 2012-2013  Where are we going?  Examine 6 new Career Fields (22 Pathways):  Agricultural and Environmental Systems  Arts and Communications  Business and Administrative Services  Engineering and Science Technology  Finance  Marketing

18 Update: 2012-2013  Where are we going? (6 new Career Fields)  Faculty Lead Expert Selections  21 faculty participating; research is underway  Faculty Panel Expert Nominations  139 faculty nominated  Invitations being sent in September  7 Panel Meetings scheduled for November 2012  Statewide Endorsement of the proposed CTANs  Alignment to Ohio Department of Education’s revised Career Field Technical Content Standards

19 Q & A Thank you! We appreciate your support of the SCTAI. Feel free to contact us with any questions:  Julie Clemens, Director of Career-Technical Initiatives, or 614-728-4706  Mitsu Narui, Associate Director of Statewide Secondary Career- Technical Articulation Agreements, or

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