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Quality Education: UNICEF Quality education includes: Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Education: UNICEF Quality education includes: Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Education: UNICEF Quality education includes: Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning by their families and communities; Environments that are healthy, safe, protective and gender-sensitive, and provide adequate resources and facilities; Content that is reflected in relevant curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills, especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy and skills for life, and knowledge in such areas as gender, health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention and peace. Processes through which trained teachers use child-centred teaching approaches in well-managed classrooms and schools and skilful assessment to facilitate learning and reduce disparities. Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills and attitudes, and are linked to national goals for education and positive participation in society. 1

2 Quality in Education Internal tools –top level Abstract, complex, multifaceted terms efficiency, effectiveness, equity and quality Frequent transfer of Educational Administrators Attempts to set basic boundaries Open to change and evolution based on information, contexts, and new understandings of the nature of education’s challenges. 2

3 Checklist and Monitoring Parameters for comprehensive quality improvement programme Objectives – To provide a dash board listing interventions (20) and activities (75) – To enable in gap analysis – Monitoring tools Target group: Education Secretaries/SPDs/SPOs and District Officials Utility: Identify the interventions that require 1.Start afresh /review / revision 2.Consolidation and proper monitoring The States/UTs are free to customize the model checklist Format : 2 mandatory columns viz., timelines and officer (s) responsible. Schemes/Programmes: SSA and other Schemes viz., Teacher Education, SPQEM, State Education Deptt. Schemes etc. in convergence. Use of other component checklists viz.,- Access and OoSC and IE (are circulated to States/UTs) will further the effectiveness Quality Action Plan. Consultation: National Workshop on Quality 9-10 January 2014 3

4 No.Quality ComponentNo.Intervention 1 Orientation /Communication Sensitization on Quality challenges and Strategies 2 RTE complianceNotifications and compliance monitoring 3 Convergence/ Institutional networking In SSA & education department, with other Departments (Tribal/Social/Minority Welfare, Women & CW, Labour etc.) and civil society 4 Human Resource Management- HRM Organization level Constitution and operationalization of S/DRGs SSA management structure and org.consolidation SCERT & DIET and organizational consolidation SIEMAT and organizational consolidation Educational Administrators- & org. consolidation 5 HRM-School level Action plan Rationalisation of Teachers Recruitment of Teachers Part Time Instructors at UPS level Head Teachers Teachers support to Madrasas /Vedic Schools/Gampas/ (under SPQEM/State Scheme) 4

5 6 Developmen t of Curriculum & Teaching Learning packages Adoption/ Adaptation / Dev. of curriculum Syllabus according to NCF 2005 and S. 29 of RTE Learning indicators ( if it is not clearly Formulate) Textbook development Special training material development KGBVs/ Madrasas/Vedic Schools/Gompas on General Education CCE package / Module 7 Learning Condition and Requiremen ts Student attendance and retention Teacher attendance Distribution of Free Text Books Teaching-Learning Time / Schooling hours Seating space, Safety, building, Cleanliness, Functional Drinking Water and Toilets Teaching Learning Material (TLM) Non- discrimination Non-threatening environment in schools Distribution of Uniforms Libraries in Schools School Grant Linkage with Early Child hood Education Centre Linkages with Secondary Schools 5

6 8 Classroom processes: Teaching- Learning 1 Framework for Classroom transaction 2 CCE Implementation 3 Early Reading, Writing and Comprehension 4 Early Mathematics among children of class –I & II 5 Science and Mathematics at Upper Primary Level 6 MLE among children of primary classes 7 Framework for Supplementary Additional (remedial) instructions S.24 (d) 9 Quality education in Special Training for OoSC 10 Quality Education for CWSN 11 Quality Education Plan for KGBVs 12 Quality Education Plan for Madrasas/ Vedic Schools/Gompas Quality Education (in General Education subjects) under SPQEM/State Plan. 13 Technology Enabled Education/CAL in UPS 14 Sports, health & physical education, Art education, work education in school 6

7 9 Professionals development of Teachers 1. Teacher Code 1. Teacher Training-Induction and In-service 1. Training of Untrained Teacher 1. Teacher training for KGBVs /Special Training/Madrasas/ Vedic Schools/ Gompa General Teachers (for General Education) 1. Assessments (PINDICS & Competency test) 10 Professional Development of Edu. Administrators 1. Induction and In-service Training 1. Regular In-service training on Quality Challenges 11 Professional Development of Teacher Educators 1. SCERT faculty–Induction and In-service Training 1. DIET faculty- Induction and In-service Training 1. Training of BRC/CRC-BRPs and CRPs 12 Academic & Administrative support to Schools 1. Academic Support through DIETs 1. Academic Support through BRC/URC 1. Academic Support through CRC 1. School Mentoring and Monitoring 1. Mentoring for KGBVs and Madrasas for Gen.Edu 1. Benchmark for BRCs and CRCs and Monitoring 7

8 13 Parental / Community Participation 1. SMC’s and Parent-Teacher participation 1. Institutional linkage of SMCs with Local bodies (PRIs & URIs) 14 School leadership and Standards 1. School Leadership-transforming schools 1. School Performance Standards 15 Private Schools1. Compliance to RTE with School recognition 1. Mentoring and Monitoring for Curriculum/Syllabi S.29 RTE Act, 2009 16 Learning out comes 1. National Achievement Survey 1. State Level Learning Achievement Survey 17 Grievance redressal 1. Decentralised Grievance redressal by Local Auth. 1. SCPCR/NCPCR reports and follow up action. 18Research1. Follow up on earlier State/National/ studies 1. Completion of pending studies 1. Documentation& Disseminationof Best practices 8

9 19Financing1. Finances and Utilisation 20 Monitoring & Evaluation 1. Appropriate Evaluation/ Monitoring process 1. PMIS & Web Hosting of Quality Documents 1. Meeting Schedules Part-IIMonitoring parameters of Outcomes of the State/UT Quality Improvement Plan 9

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