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Results of Grade 9 Boys Forum for Math Summary of Findings of NTIP Action Research Project by David Briggs and James Williamson.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of Grade 9 Boys Forum for Math Summary of Findings of NTIP Action Research Project by David Briggs and James Williamson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of Grade 9 Boys Forum for Math Summary of Findings of NTIP Action Research Project by David Briggs and James Williamson

2 Preamble – Why the Forum? O Gap in Grade 9 Applied results when sorted by gender (about a 30% difference) O Grade 9 Applied girls forum launched in Semester 1 O Grade 9 Applied boys forum launched in Semester 2 as part of NTIP action research project


4 Summary of Results O Each slide will contain: O one of the questions asked in the forum O sample student answers to that question O a summary of their responses O how these results can be used in future Grade 9 Applied Math courses

5 What do you enjoy most about Math class? Summary: the boys opinions on what they enjoyed about Math can be equally distributed into 3 categories: O Real-life applications; prepares for real life O Social aspect; group work and discussions O Teaching style makes Math enjoyable even when its not

6 Implementation to Grade 9 Applied O Students want lessons that are engaging (by teachers who can relate to them) O They want to work on assignments and exercises in groups O They want examples and problems that have real-life applications that interest them O The girls echoed these sentiments in their forum in Semester 1.

7 When you find yourself having difficulties understanding Math, what do you do? Summary: The males would rather ask one of their friends or group members for help first, and then ask the teacher for assistance second. There seems to be a stigma associated with asking a teacher for help.

8 Math ARC and Homework Help O The guys admitted to not using Math ARC, but were willing to use it if necessary O The guys are not interested in using the Homework Help website, while some admitted not having the Internet at home is why they don’t use it O The data backs up this trend (Semester 1 data for all Gr 9 Applied students) Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board Total Number of OENs Uploaded as 2012-2013 Students Number of Students from Column B who have Registered Total Number of Students from Column C who Entered Site After Initial Registration Total Number of Students from Column C who Entered Chat September 23, 2012 to February 28, 2013 Grade 9 Applied 5956102

9 Implementation to Grade 9 Applied O The male students seem less interested or willing to seek assistance the further away from their social circle they go O We can use their preferences to our advantage (group work where the groups work on problems together and help each other out, while the teacher circulates from group to group to answer the harder questions and to ensure on-task behaviour)

10 What can be done to get students to care more about being successful in Math? Summary: The male students are looking for more opportunities to demonstrate their learning before taking a quiz or a test that counts for marks. The boys would also prefer a teacher who circulates around the room, as it is easier to stop them and ask for help, as opposed to the student getting out of their desk and going to the teacher’s desk for help.

11 Implementation to Grade 9 Applied O More use of assessment for learning (small, developing proficiency type quizzes that build student’s confidence) O Differentiating the assessment of learning (move away from the traditional test model where possible) O Example: Teacher/Student interview for Algebra O Moving to group structure for course will allow for quicker and easier circulation by teacher

12 Which period of the day would be the best to learn Math? Boys Forum Girls Forum

13 Which period of the day would be the worst to learn Math? Boys Forum Girls Forum

14 Implementation to Grade 9 Applied O Try to schedule Grade 9 Applied Math during Period 2 or Period 3 both semesters. O Avoid scheduling Grade 9 Applied Math during Periods 1 or 4. O Students in both forums felt that they are still too tired in the morning to learn effectively during Period 1 and Period 4 is just bad altogether.

15 Roles and Responsibilities for Future Grade 9 Applied Courses 1. Classroom Teacher O Implementation of some of these ideas brought forward by students around lesson planning and student engagement O Development of activities that are hands on (like the old TIPS 4RM program), collaborative, and based on realistic situations that interest the students (which the old TIPS program fails to do) O Development of assessments for, as and of learning

16 Roles and Responsibilities for Future Grade 9 Applied Courses 2. e-Learning Coordinator and Numeracy Coach O Support classroom teacher with unit planning, lesson implementation, and assessment O Assist in the development of classroom resources (ie. videos)

17 Roles and Responsibilities for Future Grade 9 Applied Courses 3. Administration and Senior Administration O Strategic scheduling of Grade 9 Applied course O Provide opportunities (ie. release time) for those involved in the course to meet and plan new activities, assessments, evaluations, etc. O Provide PD opportunities where applicable (ie. OAME conference) O Provide future student forums for specifically this course as a way of gauging the students’ opinions on how we’ve improved O Provide financial support for technology (ie. SMART Boards)

18 Roles and Responsibilities for Future Grade 9 Applied Courses 4. Whole Team O Use EQAO results and credit accumulation data to determine whether the changes to the Grade 9 Applied program was successful or not O Use gender specific EQAO results and credit accumulation data to determine whether the new program helps to close the gap between male and female student success at Grade 9 Applied.

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