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Assessment for the longer term Mission Impossible? Elaine Payne Senior Adviser, Higher Education Academy Assessment in Lifelong Learning, Birmingham 27.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment for the longer term Mission Impossible? Elaine Payne Senior Adviser, Higher Education Academy Assessment in Lifelong Learning, Birmingham 27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment for the longer term Mission Impossible? Elaine Payne Senior Adviser, Higher Education Academy Assessment in Lifelong Learning, Birmingham 27 November 2006

2 Sage on Stage Guide on Side Elite 10% of students 50% of 18-30 year olds Full time Varying modes Students – holiday work Work during term time Full attendance Absenteeism Motivated students Variety of motivations Low technology Virtual learning environments Didactic Collaborative, interactive Assessment by Variety of methods examination 31% students do paid work during term time Source: Sodexho survey 2006 72% - improved career opportunities 60% - improved salary prospects Source: Sodexho survey 2006

3 ! Assessment is important ! Assessment defines what students regard as important, how they spend their time and how they come to see themselves as students and graduates (Brown and Knight, 1994, p. 12) 2006 National Student Survey 71% - arrangements for assessment fair Source: National Student Survey 2006 55% - feedback helpful Source: National Student Survey 2006

4 Issues in Assessment FeedbackPlagiarism Criteria WorkloadModeration

5 Why Assess? END PRODUCT Certification Grade Proceed Selection Quality Assurance Standards Evaluation Effectiveness Learning “…learning elements are emphasised more than measurement ones” (Carless, 2003) Assessment to foster learning throughout life Boud & Falchikov, 2006

6 Living and Working in 21 st century  Technology  Globalisation  Knowledge  Career patterns Complexity Change Uncertainty

7 What ……….????  Acquisition of knowledge  Learning for earning What are employers looking for? What are employers looking for?  Learning for living in 21 st century Earning Personal development and Citizenship Learning power

8 Transferable skills Self reliance Independenc e Judgement Evaluation Learning power Resilience Reciprocity Playfulness

9 How ? Effective Assessment  Contextualised  Authentic  Problem formulation  Encourage student autonomy  Promote dispositions for learning  Students as active agents Empowers learning

10 Who ?  Tutor  Student  Peer  Collaborative

11 Some suggestions  Portfolios  Action plans  Capstone projects  Role play  Simulations

12 Example Assessment Business plan – group Presentation (AGM) - peer Assessment Reflective log – individual

13 The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who can not learn, unlearn, and relearn Alvin Toffler

14 Academy Resources 1. General Academy resources 2. Implementing an institutional Assessment Strategy ord&section=generic&id=351 3. SENLEF Project – 7 principles for effective feedback 4. Managing Effective Student Assessment (MESA) 5. Assessment Audit and Tools 6.Card sort and dvds

15 Academy Assessment Projects  Small and specialist colleges  Students as change agents  Students supporting students  Welsh case studies  Working intensively  Subject centre resources  Networks

16 Reflections  Should we continue to assess knowledge acquisition?  Is it the role of HE to develop and/or assess the qualities required for survival in the 21 st century?  If so, what criteria could we use?


18 What are employers looking for? Higgins N & Pettifor C (2002), Learning to Earning, Mander Portman Woodward What ……….Assessment of ????


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