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June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 1. June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 2 Doctoral Research University of Missouri - Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 1. June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 2 Doctoral Research University of Missouri - Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 1

2 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 2 Doctoral Research University of Missouri - Columbia

3  Chair ◦ Sandy Hutchinson, Ed.D.  Committee members ◦ David Kreiner, PhD ◦ Barbara Martin, EdD ◦ Sony Castro, EdD ◦ Dennis Laster, PhD June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 3

4 History of UCM MS-IH Program Methodology Research Questions Results Discussion June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 4

5  Dr. Zey is not responsible for any feelings of ill heath you may experience  If you do not understand the jokes, do not fear ◦ NIOSH research found (p value = 0.05) to understand Zey’s humor requires a high IQ  Some of Dr. Zey’s students do not “get” his jokes for 2-3 days! June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 5

6  Started in 1972-73, 1 st graduates in 1974  Both MS-IH and BS-IH until 1996 ◦ Previous database collected by Zey showed the following:  509 alumni, located in 45 states  50 BS-IH  459 MS-IH June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 6

7  Why assess the UCM’s IH program ◦ To ensure constituents of the program’s quality  Alumni  Current & prospective students & their parents  IH Advisory Board  Accrediting bodies, both r egional academic & national accrediting bodies  Friends June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 7

8  Instruments used ◦ On-line survey  Divided year of graduation into time periods: 1974-1984, 1985-1996, 1997-2009 ◦ Historical documents  5-year internal reviews by UCM  Minutes of Department meetings  Graduate catalogs  Student transcripts June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 8

9  Additional To help insure researchers familiarity with IH Program did not adversely affect study additional reviews: 3 External reviewers added Department faculty & College Dean also reviewed survey & the draft dissertation Some family members also served as reviewers June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 9

10 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 10 Data ComparedMain Source Secondary Source MS-IH Graduates By Time Period On-Line Suvey Data Researcher’s original data base

11  What courses/topics do MS-IH alumni view as critical for entry level industrial hygienists?  What knowledge & skills do MS-IH alumni view as critical for entry level industrial hygienists? June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 11

12  How has the satisfaction of alumni with their preparation by the Department of Safety Sciences for their career in industrial hygiene changed since the program began? June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 12

13 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 13 Results

14 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 14 + AG + JZ ABET Accreditation for IH + LF for Labs Revised General Studies Course Approved 0909 0707 0808 0606 0505 0404 0303 0202 010109 IH- Training Grant approved 9797 9898 DL Selected Chair 9696 9595 IH Curriculum expands from 36 to 44 Hrs Safety General Studies Course is Disapproved JP Leaves; AG selected as Chair AG selected as CAST Dean; LW Selected Chair IH Masters ABET Reaccredited after interim visit IH Training Grant Re- approved + AI + GP LW retires; LAB selected as Chair DL Retires; LW selected as interim chair for 1 yr -DB Dept Safety Sciences goes into new College-CHHS; RS is Dean 9494 GPA entrance requirement increased from 2.5 to 3.0 Curriculum modified: internship from 6 to 3 hrs, 3-hrs research requirement added IH Advisory Board Established 1st ABET Application submitted & withdrawn +/- RJ joins IH Faculty 1 yr 9393 Results

15  400 alumni with MS-IH  48 BS-IH  Had email over 275 alumni  Overall response rate of 50.7% (136 people)  1 individual did not wish to take the survey,  11 did not have an IH degree from UCM  118 -122 alumni gave responses to most questions June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 15

16  More realistic response rate for individual questions was 44% - 45.5%  28% of the MS-IH alumni have other degrees from UCM (e.g., BS-Biology)  Word of mouth was the primary source of information about MS-IH program  Notable increase in percentage of female alumni from early years to current time June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 16

17 June 2011JN Zey; ASSE17 Comparing MS-IH Graduates With Total Department Graduates

18 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 18 Percentage of Alumni (MS-IH) & Respondents By Time Period Time Period Total Alumni (%) # Alumni Respondents (%) # of Female alumni (%) # of Female alumni respondents (%) 1974- 1984 172 (43) 53 (44.9) 22 (12.1) 4 (7.5) 1985- 1995 142 (35.5) 37 (31.4) 29 (20.1) 8 (21.6) 1996- 2009 86 (21.5) 28 (23.7) 30 (35.1) 10 (35.7)

19  76 (64.4%) reported having the certified industrial hygienist,  31 (26.3%) reported having earned the certified safety professional  18 alumni (15.3%) indicated they had obtained the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 19

20 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 20

21 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 21

22 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 22

23 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 23

24 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 24

25 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 25

26 June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 26

27  Those Courses & Topics receiving the most “essential” ratings, include ◦ Regulations & standards ◦ Monitoring & instruments ◦ Noise & vibration ◦ Toxicology ◦ Engineering controls ◦ Administrative controls ◦ Personal protective equipment ◦ Chemistry & Radiation June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 27

28  Skills & knowledge receiving the most “essential” ratings include ◦ written communication, ◦ problem solver, ◦ critical and analytical thinking, exposure control, ◦ hazard recognition and anticipation June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 28

29  Skills & knowledge considered important (but not essential) ratings include ◦ Financial planning, ◦ Ability to demonstrate value added services ◦ Research methodology June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 29

30 Percentage of certified alumni June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 30 1 st Time Period 1974-1984 2 nd Time Period 1985-1995 3 rd Time Period 1996-2009 Online Survey Data 44.335.5 21.5 Researcher Original Data Base 46.235.318.5

31 Total Number of MS-IH Graduates June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 31 MS-IH Graduates Researcher's Original Data Base 449 Alumni Database From Alumni Office 400

32  What courses/topics do alumni view as critical for entry level industrial hygienists  What skills & knowledge do alumni view as critical for entry level industrial hygienists ◦ For both questions, practitioner skills were rated most important June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 32

33  How has the satisfaction of alumni with their preparation by the Department of Safety Sciences for their career in industrial hygiene changed since the program began? ◦ M ajority of alumni are very positive about their preparation for each time period June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 33

34  Researcher familiarity with program ◦ A student 1975-1976 ◦ Faculty 1996-2010  “Memories” of alumni  Quality and condition of records June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 34

35  Based on results no major changes to program are needed  Program should assess the adequacy of communication training in curriculum  Make laboratory course a required course (not an elective) June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 35

36  Department should focus on “word of mouth” recruiting for IH: ◦ Alumni ◦ Family & Friends ◦ Experts in OSHE ◦ Recruiters at UCM ◦ General Studies Course June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 36

37  Specific components of this assessment should be repeated on a regular cycle ◦ Survey of IH alumni  Consider assessment of UCM IH program via other avenues: focus groups, interviews  Other BS/MS programs in the Department should be assessed  Recommend other OSHE programs at other Universities consider this approach June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 37

38  Quality of program received high ratings overall  Rating for some specific topics varied by time period  Some of this can be explained by changes in curriculum  Original 32 hr curriculum included chemistry, biology, physics  Current 44 hr curriculum requires those as background June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 38

39  Triangulation of historical documents and survey data suggests sample for dissertation is valid ◦ Alumni ratings of subjects covered & historical graduate catalogs helped explain some differences in ratings ◦ Review of transcripts helped eliminate names from original database that were not alumni June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 39

40  Method of building data base via multiple sources resulted in some inaccuracies  Methods used in this research can be used by most other academic programs June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 40

41 Are There Any QUESTIONS? June 2011 JN Zey; ASSE 41

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