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Gene Regulation 8/24/2015. DNA Binding Proteins Histones Sequence specific DNA major grove Homodimeric Inverted repeats 8/24/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Gene Regulation 8/24/2015. DNA Binding Proteins Histones Sequence specific DNA major grove Homodimeric Inverted repeats 8/24/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gene Regulation 8/24/2015

2 DNA Binding Proteins Histones Sequence specific DNA major grove Homodimeric Inverted repeats 8/24/2015

3 Negative Control of Transcription Operator Operon Enzyme Repression Repressor Corepressor 8/24/2015

4 Induction Inducer 8/24/2015

5 Positive Control of Transcription Positive Control Activator Protein Inducer - Effector Operon Regulon 8/24/2015

6 Two Component Regulation Signal Transduction Sensor Kinase Histidine kinase Response Regulator 50 in E. coli 8/24/2015

7 Quorum Sensing Population density Autoinducers Biolumunescence Virulence Chemotaxis 8/24/2015

8 Global Controls Catabolite repression Glucose effect Diauxic growth Catabolite Repressor Protein cAMP Stringent Response Heat shock proteins 8/24/2015

9 Regulation of Bacterial Development Sporulation 4 Sigma Factors Cellular cannibalism Caulobacter Life cycle 8/24/2015

10 Myxobacteria 8/24/2015

11 RNA-based Regulation Noncoding RNA sRNA 40-400 nucleotides Antisense RNA Anti-gene Riboswitches 8/24/2015

12 Attenuation 8/24/2015

13 Attenuator Leader Sequence 8/24/2015


15 Regulation of Gene Expression Constitutive Isozymes Corepressor EnzymesCovalentOperator Regulation of ModificationOperon EnzymeRegulation ofRepression ActivityTranscriptionRepressor FeedbackEnzymeProtein Inhibition InductionNegative Control Allosteric SiteInducerOperator 8/24/2015

16 Gene Expression 2 Negative DNA BindingCatabolite Control Proteins Repression PositiveAttenuationCatabolite ControlLeader Activator Sequence Protein AttenuatorcAMP RegulonGlobal ControlQuorum HistonesDiauxic Growth Sensing 8/24/2015

17 Gene Expression 3 Other GlobalSignalAntisense Controls Transduction mRNA Alternative2-ComponentTriple DNA Sigma Factors Regulation ProteasesSensor Kinases ChaperoninResponse Regulator Chemotaxis 8/24/2015

18 Gen Expression Constitutive Enzymes not Regulated Most Enzymes Can Have Their Activity Regulated Feedback Inhibition 8/24/2015

19 Other Global Controls Quorum Sensing Alternative Sigma Factors Proteases Chaperonin 8/24/2015

20 Others Chemotaxis Antisense RNA Triple DNA 8/24/2015

21 Allosteric Sites 8/24/2015

22 Isozymes Covalent Modification 8/24/2015

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