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Promoting Sustainability in the Federal Government Edwin Piñero Federal Environmental Executive Environmental Management Workshop March 8,

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1 Promoting Sustainability in the Federal Government Edwin Piñero Federal Environmental Executive Environmental Management Workshop March 8, 2005

2 WWW.OFEE.GOV2 Highlights We’ve made great progress getting here Lots of folks are working on sustainability in the Federal government And we’ve got a big vision

3 WWW.OFEE.GOV3 Federal Leadership “[I]t is the continuing policy of the Federal Government, in cooperation with State and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations … to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.” NEPA, 1969

4 WWW.OFEE.GOV4 “Sustainability” according to OFEE Sustainable environmental stewardship includes those concepts, strategies, tools, practices, and approaches that lead to environmental improvement in a manner that is sustainable over time, considers the long term effects as well as the shorter term, more immediate effects, and that contributes positively, even if indirectly, to the social and economic condition.

5 WWW.OFEE.GOV5 Over the last 30 years … Our economy grew 164% Our population grew 39% Our energy consumption increased 42%

6 WWW.OFEE.GOV6 We’ve made incredible progress Key air pollutants have decreased 25% Toxic releases are down 48% Number of citizens who benefit from modern wastewater treatment doubled (86 million to 165 million)

7 WWW.OFEE.GOV7 Incredible Progress Energy use has grown at 1/4 of economic growth Renewable energy generation is up 30% Our health is improving – life expectancy is a record 77.4 years

8 WWW.OFEE.GOV8 Federal Government’s Progress Cut building energy intensity by 23% Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2.8 million metric tons Tripled renewable energy purchases 125 Federal buildings are Energy Star Significant waste reduction and recycling accomplishments

9 WWW.OFEE.GOV9 … But Challenges Remain So the Federal Government should: Lead by example Be a good steward Be a good neighbor

10 WWW.OFEE.GOV10 So who’s working on sustainability in the Federal government?

11 WWW.OFEE.GOV11 Office of the Federal Environmental Executive Created by Executive Order in 1993 Reports to White House CEQ Funded by EPA Responsibilities & mission have grown

12 WWW.OFEE.GOV12 What We Do Mission: Promote sustainable environmental stewardship throughout the Federal government Strategic Tool: Environmental management systems Sustainable Practices: Waste prevention and recycling Green purchasing Green buildings Electronics stewardship

13 WWW.OFEE.GOV13 How We Do it Training and awareness Sharing success stories, lessons learned, and best practices Measuring and reporting Facilitating dialogue Creating and expanding networks Liaison within the Administration

14 WWW.OFEE.GOV14 What OFEE is Not A regulatory body A rulemaking body An enforcement body A funding source A legislative or lobbying entity An EPA “office”

15 WWW.OFEE.GOV15 Other Groups…. Federal Network for Sustainability ECOS-DOD Sustainability Work Group Interagency Sustainability Work Group Federal Green Building Council Office of Science and Technology Policy EPA Office of Sustainability (ORD)

16 WWW.OFEE.GOV16 EPA’s P3 Strategy Beyond P2 People, Prosperity, and Planet Student design competition – Working to pull together various efforts –

17 WWW.OFEE.GOV17 State Department’s Partnerships Link environmental stewardship, economic growth, and social development to lift people out of poverty $5 billion increase (3 years) in development assistance $15 billion (5 years) to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. More than 20 partnerships – from Congo Basin Forests to Coral Reefs

18 WWW.OFEE.GOV18 DOD’s Sustainable Installations Program 8 bases Working with communities, setting 25- year goals Zero waste, 100% renewable energy Army Sustainability Initiative

19 Sustainability and EMS: Connecting the vision, goal, and strategy to get there

20 WWW.OFEE.GOV20 Current Condition We have existing operational framework We have existing performance goals and metrics (Executive Orders, etc) We have been doing much in terms of performance improvement (compliance, community relations, stewardship)

21 WWW.OFEE.GOV21 Factors for Consideration So we have both: The need to manage our ongoing activities in a more systematic way, and The need to continue to improve our performance towards long term, environmental stewardship

22 WWW.OFEE.GOV22 EMS in Practice An Environmental Management system is the management approach to determining, prioritizing, implementing, and improving upon those environmental issues that will lead to sustainable environmental stewardship.

23 WWW.OFEE.GOV23 Why EMS in the Federal Community? Support meeting agency missions and Administration policy and commitments Realize environmental and cost benefits Use as a strategic planning and action tool Address compliance management concerns Framework to realize pollution prevention and continual improvement So therefore, Required by Executive Order

24 WWW.OFEE.GOV24 EO 13148 (April 2000) Federal agencies to implement EMS at appropriate facilities by 12/31/05 Incorporate EMS into agency directives and policies Does not mandate ISO 14001or third party certification Interagency work group develops policy and guidance

25 WWW.OFEE.GOV25 Is this effort for real? Presidents Clinton and Bush support CEQ/OMB April 1, 2002 letter 2003 OMB A-11 budget guidance Many departments and agencies have issued EMS directives – many also have policies Annual Report and Scorecards Expansion of EMS concepts, continued and stronger Administration emphasis

26 WWW.OFEE.GOV26 Challenges in Federal Facility EMS Implementation Realize Connection to mission Resources ($) and management support Dealing with “political” issues Scale of the effort Multi-Tenant Facilities and contractors Verifying the systems Performance vs. conformance Staff Turnover (including leadership)

27 WWW.OFEE.GOV27 Where are we now? 250+ Federal facilities with an EMS 25 are certified to ISO 14001– many others use 14001 as their foundation Hundreds of others are working on new EMS In 2003, >1,000 Federal personnel trained Developing/ sharing tools and case studies, modules for integration Interagency Workgroup and OFEE issued self-declaration protocol in September 2003

28 WWW.OFEE.GOV28 Using EMS as the Framework for Sustainability Health & Safety Compliance Security Energy NEPA (Adaptive Management) Green Buildings Green Purchasing (and EPP) P2, Waste Prevention, and recycling Electronics Stewardship Real Property asset management (EO 13327)

29 WWW.OFEE.GOV29 Other Federal EMS Efforts Help to maximize use of EMS (“modules”) Partners for Environmental Performance PMC Compliance Management Initiative EPA- Innovation Action Council initiative to test EMS performance EPA EMS support for Sectors Program US-Israel Project on integrating security issues into an EMS MSWG and OFEE initiative to enhance Federal EMSs by community input

30 WWW.OFEE.GOV30 Some Interesting Efforts.. GSA/DLA Battle Creek, MI pilot project to integrate tenant/host agency EMSs Office Building EMS examples Innovative approaches to defining “appropriate facilities” (TSA, FAA, GSA) EMS as a the foundation of National Forest long term planning

31 WWW.OFEE.GOV31 Federal EMS Opportunities Programmatic –Enhance the environmental footprint of the Federal Government –Change Federal business practice to consider full range of environmental issues (not just compliance) –Use EMS as framework or platform for ensuring implementation and performance for policy initiatives –Use EMS to improve community relations

32 WWW.OFEE.GOV32 Five Strategies for Sustainability 1.Integrate our environmental work 2.Integrate environmental issues into our mission 3.Integrate environmental issues across jurisdictions 4.Integrate decisionmaking across time 5.Integrate sustainability into our lives

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