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ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Building business capacity to become more innovative and to take on or develop.

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Presentation on theme: "ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Building business capacity to become more innovative and to take on or develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Building business capacity to become more innovative and to take on or develop new and improved products, processes and services £215 million IV rate = 44.73% Approx Split T1 = 72% (£154 million) Theme 1: R&D, innovation and technology  Finance schemes to support innovation and R&D commercial potential for individuals and businesses / IP and licensing support for industry, businesses and academia (x-ref Business Finance Framework).  Supporting the relationship between business and academia  Support for establishment of more R&D facilities in Wales to support business needs (linked to academia)  Knowledge based Incubation support  Activities to support the development and adoption of new technologies by businesses in Wales. Activities

2 ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Increasing the effective demand for, utilisation of, and embedded adoption of targeted Information and Communication Technologies. Approx split T2 = 28% (£61 million) Theme 2: ICT infrastructure and Information society for all  Technological Interventions: analysis of future business needs through academic research / activities that exploit new opportunities for Wales e.g. nano-tech, Grid computing systems / stimulating the growth of supply-side, high growth ICT industries  Advisory skills: Addressing the up-skilling of ICT and e-Business advisers.  Community exploitation: initiatives focusing on citizen, community and voluntary sector exploitation of technologies, contributing to the local economy Activities

3 ERDF PRIORITY 2: Enterprise and Business Finance Strategic objective: To strengthen the economy by increasing the size and widening the range of business stock and tackling market failures in relation to business advice, information and finance. £132 million IV rate = 47.59% Approx split T1 = 47% (£62 million) Theme 1: Entrepreneurship  Awareness raising of business support amongst individuals and SMEs.  Improving access to support and information  Expansion of online facilities  General advice service for SMEs – workshops and one-to-ones.  Advice and support geared towards start-up businesses.  Business education. Activities

4 ERDF PRIORITY 2: Enterprise and Business Finance Strategic objective: Assisting the growth and expansion of businesses by improving targeted access to business finance. Approx split T2 = 53% (£69 million) Theme 2: Business finance  Provision of debt finance and venture capital to address market failures in financial support mechanisms required to create new SMEs and develop existing ones.  Grant support packages for businesses, including, but not limited to, high growth sectors.  Support and accelerating Welsh exports. Activities

5 ERDF PRIORITY 3: DEVELOPING STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A MODERN ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Increase accessibility within the region and to promote agglomeration effects by developing sustainable transport solutions. £226 million IV rate = 46.3% Approx split* = 65% (£147 million) Theme 1: Sustainable transport  Supporting key rail and road enhancements, particularly those on or closely linked to the TEN-T network, improving accessibility to wider markets.  Reducing the level of car usage, particularly single occupancy commuting, and improving bus service provision.  Increasing public transport usage and enhancing accessibility to employment opportunities and key services – supporting the ‘Smarter Choices’ programme.  Community transport schemes.  Reducing congestion and carbon emission levels.  Reducing road haulage of goods and encouraging rail and sea. Activities

6 ERDF PRIORITY 3: DEVELOPING STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A MODERN ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Equip region with necessary infrastructure for development of a modern and competitive economy by ensuring region has high quality locations, sites and premises. £226 million IV rate = 46.3% Approx split* = 35.0% (£79 million) Theme 2 : Strategic infrastructure (business & education) (Spatial Framework)  A range and network of high quality sites and premises & business accommodation to develop a vibrant city-region in Tier 1 (Swansea) and Tier 2 regions, promoting Valleys and Waterfront Regeneration.  Strategic employment sites to support network of key interconnected centres across region.  Supporting a small number of high impact learning infrastructure projects.  Must link to general infrastructure developments (roads, ICT, public transport, drainage, energy and utilities access). Activities

7 ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Energy / Climate Change: Support the mitigation of climate change by encouraging greater energy conservation and efficiency, particularly by businesses, and to support the development of clean and renewable energy £157 million IV rate = 45.19% Approx splitT1 = 34% (£54 million) Theme 1: Energy & Tackling Environmental Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth  Energy: Promotion of energy efficiency through dissemination of best practice, advice and training / development and implementation of renewable energy technologies / efficient distribution of electricity and heat / tackling barriers to the adoption of low carbon technologies.  Climate Change Adaptation: flood and coastal erosion risk management / increasing resilience to flooding / sustainable management of water resources Activities

8 ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Improving resource efficiency through the reduction, reuse and recovery of materials and water Approx split* = 33% (£52 million) Theme 2: Materials Efficiency - Waste Management  Provision of advice and support on efficient management of materials resources with business and public sector.  Development of integrated network of materials resources management infrastructure (recycling, waste treatment, landfill and energy recovery).  Support for investment in R&D and knowledge exploitation to develop solutions in resource efficiency. Activities

9 ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Realising the economic potential of the environment through enhancing and protecting the natural, built and heritage environment in ways which promote sustainable economic growth £157 million IV rate = 45.19% Approx split* = 33% (£52 million) Theme 3: Environment for Growth (Spatial Framework)  Enhance the physical environment through countryside & coastal management, developing potential for sustainable recreation and economic benefit.  Strengthening conservation, management and interpretation of culture and heritage, and providing a leisure and tourism resource.  Build on extensive natural opportunities within Swansea Bay region to establish and integrated hub of water & land-based tourism and recreational activities (supporting the development of the Swansea Bay Waterfront Masterplan).  Develop and enhance the inland environment – natural, heritage and urban as a coordinated destination for visitors, and recreational and interactive opportunities for residents. Activities

10 ERDF PRIORITY 5: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITITES Strategic Objective: The physical regeneration of communities to focus on the most deprived areas, supporting integrated, sustainable regeneration – capital, and skills and enterprise. £213 million IV rate = 47.68% Approx split* = 71.5% (£152.79 million) Theme 1: Physical regeneration (Spatial Framework)  Reinforce Swansea’s Regional capital role to attract business and visitors and to drive economic developments in the region.  Renewal of Tier 2 town centres through development of a stronger business environment, to create jobs and attract a skilled workforce.  Town centre renewal to create distinctive and sustainable environments.  Development of a vibrant Waterfront as a driver for growth.  Development or refurbishment of community, training or recreational facilities.  Must be aligned with the actions set out in the Community Economic Development Framework. N.B. This framework is under review following PMC changes to eligible criteria. Activities

11 ERDF PRIORITY 5: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITITES Strategic Objective: Tackling the underlying issues that prevent sustainable economic and social development within communities, including increasing the participation and growth of community and social enterprises within the mainstream economy. £213.69 million IV rate = 50.64% Approx split* = 28.5% (£61.10 million) Theme 2: Community Economic development  New or improved community owned or led services and facilities integral to local regeneration e.g. credit unions, social enterprises, community transport, crime prevention and initiatives which remove barriers to employment.  Community initiatives addressing environmental issues.  Grants / loans packages supporting community enterprises towards sustainability.  Activities which support community led economic development and employment opportunities. Activities

12 ESF Frameworks

13 ESF PRIORITY 1: SUPPLYING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS NEEDED FOR EMPLOYMENT Strategic Objective: Improving the educational outcomes of young people at risk of underachieving. £110 million IV rate = 54.46% Approx split = 70% (£77 million) Theme 1: Tackling underachievement in schools  Enhancing access to the alternative curriculum – vocational training, work experience.  Enhanced PSE programmes and implementation of mentoring programmes.  Research into combating disaffection.  Targeted actions to identify NEETs and to deliver suitable interventions. Activities

14 ESF PRIORITY 1: SUPPLYING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS NEEDED FOR EMPLOYMENT Strategic Objective: provide young people with suitable information, advice and guidance to make informed choices on their learning and career paths. £110 million IV rate = 54.46% Approx split = 30% (£33 million) Theme 2: Raising skills and aspirations  Provision of access to work experience activities.  Enhanced careers advice and in-depth careers info and guidance.  Working with business and voluntary sectors to encourage young people to take STEM subjects.  Awareness raising of higher education. Activities

15 Strategic Objective: to increase employment and tackle economic inactivity by bringing more people into employment. £192 million IV rate = 55.19% 70% target economically inactive 30% on unemployed and “at risk” Theme 1: Helping people into sustainable employment  Active labour market measures including job search support, access to information, work experience, skills and learning development.  Interventions that improve and develop work-relevant skills: vocational, soft skills, confidence and motivation, IT.  Advice for those facing redundancy on alternative jobs and training opportunities.  Enhancing access to support for people with caring responsibilities.  Employer engagement strategies. Activities ESF PRIORITY 2: INCREASING EMPLOYMENT AND TACKLING ECONOMIC INACTIVITY

16 Strategic Objective: Increase employment by developing actions o reduce the risk of people becoming long-term unemployed £192 million IV rate = 55.19% Theme 2: Helping people to remain in employment  Developing delivery of workplace health programmes supporting people in managing their health problems at work.  Measures aimed at raising employer awareness on support available.  Provision of advice and guidance on managing health conditions for employers, and individuals. Activities

17 Strategic Objective: Improving basic skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT £222 million IV rate = 57.34% Approx split = 60.27% (£130 million) Theme 1: Raising the skills base and supporting progression  Targeted interventions to improve access to basic and functional skills provision for employees within and outside the workplace.  Providing low skilled workers with academic and vocational skills up to Level 2.  Supporting demand-led progression up to Level 3 through flexible learning provision for individuals, including apprenticeships.  Targeted interventions for minority groups e.g. BME, disabled. Activities ESF PRIORITY 3: IMPROVING SKILL LEVELS AND IMPROVING THE ADAPTABILITY OF THE WORKFORCE

18 Strategic Objective: Improving systems for workforce development, addressing skills gaps and shortages £222 million IV rate = 57.34% Approx split = 34.6% (£76 million) Theme 2: Skills for the knowledge economy  Interventions supporting the knowledge economy to develop higher level skills  Improving research into skills needs in relation to market demand  Supporting employers to identify and address the skills of their sectors  Helping workers and enterprises adapt new forms of work organisations and new technologies. Activities

19 ESF PRIORITY 4: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS –MODERNISING OUR PUBLIC SERVICES £22 million IV rate = 50.77% Approx split = 40 / 60% Theme 1: Transforming public services through more effective collaboration Theme 2: Building the capacity of Public Service Sectors to deliver higher quality services.  Making the Connections  Efficiency, access, integration, responsiveness; shared services (LSBs); procurement; access channels and ICT; customer service and service integration, re-engineering.  Skills, capacity of managers & workforce, workforce planning & development strategies, skills for change and delivery, secondments & trans national working, learning & development portal. Activities

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