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Published byAmos Norris Modified over 9 years ago
ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Building business capacity to become more innovative and to take on or develop new and improved products, processes and services £215 million IV rate = 44.73% Approx Split T1 = 72% (£154 million) Theme 1: R&D, innovation and technology Finance schemes to support innovation and R&D commercial potential for individuals and businesses / IP and licensing support for industry, businesses and academia (x-ref Business Finance Framework). Supporting the relationship between business and academia Support for establishment of more R&D facilities in Wales to support business needs (linked to academia) Knowledge based Incubation support Activities to support the development and adoption of new technologies by businesses in Wales. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 1: BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Increasing the effective demand for, utilisation of, and embedded adoption of targeted Information and Communication Technologies. Approx split T2 = 28% (£61 million) Theme 2: ICT infrastructure and Information society for all Technological Interventions: analysis of future business needs through academic research / activities that exploit new opportunities for Wales e.g. nano-tech, Grid computing systems / stimulating the growth of supply-side, high growth ICT industries Advisory skills: Addressing the up-skilling of ICT and e-Business advisers. Community exploitation: initiatives focusing on citizen, community and voluntary sector exploitation of technologies, contributing to the local economy Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 2: Enterprise and Business Finance Strategic objective: To strengthen the economy by increasing the size and widening the range of business stock and tackling market failures in relation to business advice, information and finance. £132 million IV rate = 47.59% Approx split T1 = 47% (£62 million) Theme 1: Entrepreneurship Awareness raising of business support amongst individuals and SMEs. Improving access to support and information Expansion of online facilities General advice service for SMEs – workshops and one-to-ones. Advice and support geared towards start-up businesses. Business education. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 2: Enterprise and Business Finance Strategic objective: Assisting the growth and expansion of businesses by improving targeted access to business finance. Approx split T2 = 53% (£69 million) Theme 2: Business finance Provision of debt finance and venture capital to address market failures in financial support mechanisms required to create new SMEs and develop existing ones. Grant support packages for businesses, including, but not limited to, high growth sectors. Support and accelerating Welsh exports. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 3: DEVELOPING STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A MODERN ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Increase accessibility within the region and to promote agglomeration effects by developing sustainable transport solutions. £226 million IV rate = 46.3% Approx split* = 65% (£147 million) Theme 1: Sustainable transport Supporting key rail and road enhancements, particularly those on or closely linked to the TEN-T network, improving accessibility to wider markets. Reducing the level of car usage, particularly single occupancy commuting, and improving bus service provision. Increasing public transport usage and enhancing accessibility to employment opportunities and key services – supporting the ‘Smarter Choices’ programme. Community transport schemes. Reducing congestion and carbon emission levels. Reducing road haulage of goods and encouraging rail and sea. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 3: DEVELOPING STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A MODERN ECONOMY Strategic Objective: Equip region with necessary infrastructure for development of a modern and competitive economy by ensuring region has high quality locations, sites and premises. £226 million IV rate = 46.3% Approx split* = 35.0% (£79 million) Theme 2 : Strategic infrastructure (business & education) (Spatial Framework) A range and network of high quality sites and premises & business accommodation to develop a vibrant city-region in Tier 1 (Swansea) and Tier 2 regions, promoting Valleys and Waterfront Regeneration. Strategic employment sites to support network of key interconnected centres across region. Supporting a small number of high impact learning infrastructure projects. Must link to general infrastructure developments (roads, ICT, public transport, drainage, energy and utilities access). Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Energy / Climate Change: Support the mitigation of climate change by encouraging greater energy conservation and efficiency, particularly by businesses, and to support the development of clean and renewable energy £157 million IV rate = 45.19% Approx splitT1 = 34% (£54 million) Theme 1: Energy & Tackling Environmental Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth Energy: Promotion of energy efficiency through dissemination of best practice, advice and training / development and implementation of renewable energy technologies / efficient distribution of electricity and heat / tackling barriers to the adoption of low carbon technologies. Climate Change Adaptation: flood and coastal erosion risk management / increasing resilience to flooding / sustainable management of water resources Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Improving resource efficiency through the reduction, reuse and recovery of materials and water Approx split* = 33% (£52 million) Theme 2: Materials Efficiency - Waste Management Provision of advice and support on efficient management of materials resources with business and public sector. Development of integrated network of materials resources management infrastructure (recycling, waste treatment, landfill and energy recovery). Support for investment in R&D and knowledge exploitation to develop solutions in resource efficiency. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 4: CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Strategic Objective: Realising the economic potential of the environment through enhancing and protecting the natural, built and heritage environment in ways which promote sustainable economic growth £157 million IV rate = 45.19% Approx split* = 33% (£52 million) Theme 3: Environment for Growth (Spatial Framework) Enhance the physical environment through countryside & coastal management, developing potential for sustainable recreation and economic benefit. Strengthening conservation, management and interpretation of culture and heritage, and providing a leisure and tourism resource. Build on extensive natural opportunities within Swansea Bay region to establish and integrated hub of water & land-based tourism and recreational activities (supporting the development of the Swansea Bay Waterfront Masterplan). Develop and enhance the inland environment – natural, heritage and urban as a coordinated destination for visitors, and recreational and interactive opportunities for residents. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 5: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITITES Strategic Objective: The physical regeneration of communities to focus on the most deprived areas, supporting integrated, sustainable regeneration – capital, and skills and enterprise. £213 million IV rate = 47.68% Approx split* = 71.5% (£152.79 million) Theme 1: Physical regeneration (Spatial Framework) Reinforce Swansea’s Regional capital role to attract business and visitors and to drive economic developments in the region. Renewal of Tier 2 town centres through development of a stronger business environment, to create jobs and attract a skilled workforce. Town centre renewal to create distinctive and sustainable environments. Development of a vibrant Waterfront as a driver for growth. Development or refurbishment of community, training or recreational facilities. Must be aligned with the actions set out in the Community Economic Development Framework. N.B. This framework is under review following PMC changes to eligible criteria. Activities
ERDF PRIORITY 5: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITITES Strategic Objective: Tackling the underlying issues that prevent sustainable economic and social development within communities, including increasing the participation and growth of community and social enterprises within the mainstream economy. £213.69 million IV rate = 50.64% Approx split* = 28.5% (£61.10 million) Theme 2: Community Economic development New or improved community owned or led services and facilities integral to local regeneration e.g. credit unions, social enterprises, community transport, crime prevention and initiatives which remove barriers to employment. Community initiatives addressing environmental issues. Grants / loans packages supporting community enterprises towards sustainability. Activities which support community led economic development and employment opportunities. Activities
ESF Frameworks
ESF PRIORITY 1: SUPPLYING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS NEEDED FOR EMPLOYMENT Strategic Objective: Improving the educational outcomes of young people at risk of underachieving. £110 million IV rate = 54.46% Approx split = 70% (£77 million) Theme 1: Tackling underachievement in schools Enhancing access to the alternative curriculum – vocational training, work experience. Enhanced PSE programmes and implementation of mentoring programmes. Research into combating disaffection. Targeted actions to identify NEETs and to deliver suitable interventions. Activities
ESF PRIORITY 1: SUPPLYING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS NEEDED FOR EMPLOYMENT Strategic Objective: provide young people with suitable information, advice and guidance to make informed choices on their learning and career paths. £110 million IV rate = 54.46% Approx split = 30% (£33 million) Theme 2: Raising skills and aspirations Provision of access to work experience activities. Enhanced careers advice and in-depth careers info and guidance. Working with business and voluntary sectors to encourage young people to take STEM subjects. Awareness raising of higher education. Activities
Strategic Objective: to increase employment and tackle economic inactivity by bringing more people into employment. £192 million IV rate = 55.19% 70% target economically inactive 30% on unemployed and “at risk” Theme 1: Helping people into sustainable employment Active labour market measures including job search support, access to information, work experience, skills and learning development. Interventions that improve and develop work-relevant skills: vocational, soft skills, confidence and motivation, IT. Advice for those facing redundancy on alternative jobs and training opportunities. Enhancing access to support for people with caring responsibilities. Employer engagement strategies. Activities ESF PRIORITY 2: INCREASING EMPLOYMENT AND TACKLING ECONOMIC INACTIVITY
Strategic Objective: Increase employment by developing actions o reduce the risk of people becoming long-term unemployed £192 million IV rate = 55.19% Theme 2: Helping people to remain in employment Developing delivery of workplace health programmes supporting people in managing their health problems at work. Measures aimed at raising employer awareness on support available. Provision of advice and guidance on managing health conditions for employers, and individuals. Activities
Strategic Objective: Improving basic skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT £222 million IV rate = 57.34% Approx split = 60.27% (£130 million) Theme 1: Raising the skills base and supporting progression Targeted interventions to improve access to basic and functional skills provision for employees within and outside the workplace. Providing low skilled workers with academic and vocational skills up to Level 2. Supporting demand-led progression up to Level 3 through flexible learning provision for individuals, including apprenticeships. Targeted interventions for minority groups e.g. BME, disabled. Activities ESF PRIORITY 3: IMPROVING SKILL LEVELS AND IMPROVING THE ADAPTABILITY OF THE WORKFORCE
Strategic Objective: Improving systems for workforce development, addressing skills gaps and shortages £222 million IV rate = 57.34% Approx split = 34.6% (£76 million) Theme 2: Skills for the knowledge economy Interventions supporting the knowledge economy to develop higher level skills Improving research into skills needs in relation to market demand Supporting employers to identify and address the skills of their sectors Helping workers and enterprises adapt new forms of work organisations and new technologies. Activities
ESF PRIORITY 4: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS –MODERNISING OUR PUBLIC SERVICES £22 million IV rate = 50.77% Approx split = 40 / 60% Theme 1: Transforming public services through more effective collaboration Theme 2: Building the capacity of Public Service Sectors to deliver higher quality services. Making the Connections Efficiency, access, integration, responsiveness; shared services (LSBs); procurement; access channels and ICT; customer service and service integration, re-engineering. Skills, capacity of managers & workforce, workforce planning & development strategies, skills for change and delivery, secondments & trans national working, learning & development portal. Activities
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