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Chapter: Science, Technology, and Society

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2 Chapter: Science, Technology, and Society
Table of Contents Chapter: Science, Technology, and Society Section 1: Science and Technology Section 2: Forces that Shape Technology Section 3: Developing Technology

3 Disease Prevention Today
Science and Technology 1 Scientific Discovery History is full of breakthroughs in science that have changed the course of human history. Scientific Insight Disease Prevention Today Measures are taken now because we know how contagious diseases are spread from person to person and what causes infections in wounds.

4 Weather Forecasting What is technology? 1
Science and Technology 1 Weather Forecasting Meteorologists use a variety of specialized instruments to predict the weather. What is technology? Science is an exploration process.

5 Science and Technology
1 What is technology? Technology is the application of scientific knowledge of materials and processes to benefit people. Technology can be: any human-made object knowledge or skills needed to operate a human-made object a system of people and objects used to do a particular task

6 Technological Methods or Techniques
Science and Technology 1 Technological Methods or Techniques Long ago, people would sit for hours copying each page of a book by hand. Books were expensive and bought only by the very rich. Today, books can be created in different ways.

7 Technological Methods or Techniques
Science and Technology 1 Technological Methods or Techniques Technology also can be the knowledge or skills needed to perform a task. A network of people and objects that work together to perform a task also is technology. A technological system is a collection of the other types of technology that are combined to perform a specific function.

8 Global Technological Needs
Science and Technology 1 Global Technological Needs Technological solutions in developing countries focus on supplying basic needs for families. Technology that would supply adequate and safe drinking water and food supplies would be valued.

9 Industrialized Countries
Science and Technology 1 Industrialized Countries Because the needs for survival are met in industrialized nations, money often is spent on technology. Technology is designed to improve the quality of life of individuals.

10 Bioengineering and Food
Science and Technology 1 Bioengineering and Food Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering, that are used to create, improve, or modify plants, animals, and microorganisms. Genetically altering plant species is a highly controversial practice.

11 Section Check 1 Question 1 Scientific knowledge used to solve a problem or provide for a human need is called _______. A. innovation B. invention C. technology D. theory

12 Section Check 1 Answer The answer is C. Technology is the use of science to solve many different kinds of problems.

13 Section Check 1 Question 2 Which of the following is a true statement about technology? A. Technology has not changed in the last 100 years. B. Technology is used only in industrialized countries.

14 Section Check 1 Question 2 Which of the following is a true statement about technology? C. People all over the world use technology in the same way. D. Technology can be used to supply basic needs to families.

15 Section Check 1 Answer The answer is D. Technology is used in many different ways by people all over the world.

16 Section Check 1 Question 3 A _______ is a collection of technology used to perform a specific function. Answer The correct answer is technological system. The Internet, the national highway system, and the airline industry are all examples of technological systems designed for a specific function.

17 Social Forces that Shape Technology
2 Social Forces that Shape Technology Society is a group of people that share similar values and beliefs. The development of technology is affected by society and its changing values, politics, and economics.

18 Social Forces that Shape Technology
2 Social Forces that Shape Technology If consumers fail to buy a product, companies usually will not spend additional money on that type of technology. People will support the development of technologies that agree with their personal values, directly and indirectly.

19 Economic Forces that Shape Technology
2 Economic Forces that Shape Technology Federal Government One way in which funds are allocated for research and development of technology is through the federal government. Private Foundations A private foundation, which is an organization not associated with the government, is a group of people who work together for a common goal.

20 Responsible Technology Environmental Issues
Forces that Shape Technology 2 Private Industries Industries budget a portion of their profits for research and development. Responsible Technology Environmental Issues Sometimes the consequences of technology are known, but the benefits are perceived to outweigh the risks. Sometimes the benefits of technology are known immediately, but the consequences are not known for a period of time.

21 Forces that Shape Technology
2 Environment Issues Consumers and voters have a responsibility to weigh the benefits and consequences of technology.

22 The Chernobyl Accident
Forces that Shape Technology 2 The Chernobyl Accident The worst technological accident in modern times occurred on April 26, 1986, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine. An accumulation of radioactive fallout in the upper layers of soil has destroyed important farmland. Groundwater and surface waters were contaminated.

23 Moral and Ethical Issues
Forces that Shape Technology 2 Moral and Ethical Issues Ethical issues in science pose questions and establish rules about how scientific hypotheses should be tested and how society should use scientific knowledge. Ethics help scientists establish standards that they agree to follow when they collect, analyze, and report data.

24 Section Check 2 Question 1 _______ is a group of people that share similar values and beliefs. Answer The correct answer is society. Society often helps determine how technology will be used.

25 Which of the following was NOT a result of the accident at Chernobyl?
Section Check 2 Question 2 Which of the following was NOT a result of the accident at Chernobyl? A. loss of farmland B. water contamination C. human population relocation D. increased nuclear power usage

26 Section Check 2 Answer The answer is D. The accident affected a great number of people and a large area of land.

27 Section Check 2 Question 3 What percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) shown in the table is produced by the United States? A. 2.5% B. 10% C. 40% D. 80%

28 Section Check 2 Answer The answer is C. To calculate the percentage, first add up all the CO2 emissions. Then divide the US emissions (1,446.8 tons) by the total (3,597 tons) and multiply by 100%.

29 Scientists and Engineers
Developing Technology 3 Scientists and Engineers Scientists have knowledge of scientific principles. Scientists often work in research laboratories doing research.

30 Developing Technology
3 Engineers A researcher who is responsible for bringing technology to the consumer is called an engineer. Technological problems often create a demand for new scientific knowledge.

31 Identifying the Problem
Developing Technology 3 Finding Solutions Identifying the Problem The first step in finding a technical solution is to define clearly the problem that you are trying to solve. Proposing Solutions Once the problem is clearly defined, the search for the solution can begin.

32 Constraints Performance Testing 3
Developing Technology 3 Constraints Design restrictions for products from outside factors are known as constraints. Performance Testing The type of performance test used depends upon the design. A computer simulation uses a computer to imitate the process to collect data or to test a process or procedure.

33 Complying with Laws and Regulations
Developing Technology 3 Complying with Laws and Regulations Local communities, states, and the federal government have laws and regulations regarding manufacturing processes, products, or buildings.

34 Prototypes and Pilot Plants
Developing Technology 3 Prototypes and Pilot Plants A prototype is a full-scale model that is used to test a new product such as a new car design or a new airplane product. A pilot plant is a smaller version of the real production equipment that closely models actual manufacturing conditions.

35 Limiting System Failure
Developing Technology 3 Limiting System Failure Performance testing is one way to limit system failures. Other ways to limit system failures are to put redundant systems within a design. A control system is a device or collection of devices that monitors a system.

36 Intellectual Property
Developing Technology 3 Intellectual Property A patent is a legal document granted by the government giving an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specific number of years. Intellectual property is any type of creative work that has financial value and is protected by law.

37 Question 1 3 An engineer is responsible for _______.
Section Check 3 Question 1 An engineer is responsible for _______. A. studying a specialized area of science B. using scientific knowledge to solve problems C. teaching society how to use technology in an ethical way D. discovering scientific theories and laws through laboratory research

38 Section Check 3 Answer The answer is B. Engineers use scientific information to develop products and techniques that solve problems.

39 Section Check 3 Question 2 _______ are restrictions for products from outside factors. Examples include cost, environmental impact, and available materials. Answer The correct answer is constraints. The solution to a problem often is affected by many constraints.

40 Section Check 3 Question 3 A _______ is a smaller version of production equipment that is used to test manufacturing processes. A. computer simulation B. control system C. pilot plant D. prototype

41 Section Check 3 Answer The correct answer is C. The pilot plant is part of the performance testing procedure. Performance testing helps engineers identify design flaws.

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43 End of Chapter Summary File

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