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This Webinar Series is co-hosted by The American Geophysical Union and The American Geosciences Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "This Webinar Series is co-hosted by The American Geophysical Union and The American Geosciences Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Webinar Series is co-hosted by The American Geophysical Union and The American Geosciences Institute

2 Introductions  Chris Keane: Director of Technology and Communications at AGI  Pranoti Asher: Manager of Education and Public Outreach at AGU  Heather Houlton: Workforce Development, Education & Outreach Specialist at AGI

3 Basics for Webinar Participants  For audio clarity, participants are in “listen- only” mode.  We encourage discussion and questions: please type comments in “chat box” on the lower right-hand side of your webinar window.  Webinars will be recorded and posted on AGI’s website at:

4 Heads & Chairs Webinar Series Schedule  Student Recruitment: Thursday, September 20, 2:00-3:00 PM EDT  Geoscience Exit Survey - Results and the Future: Wednesday, October 17, 2:00-3:00 PM EDT  Program Assessment: Thursday, November 15,11:00 AM-12:00 PM EST  Recap of the 2012 AGU Meeting Fall H&C Meeting: Wednesday, December 19, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM EST

5 Investigating Why Students Decide to Major in the Geosciences Heather R. Houlton AGI Workforce Program

6  There are limited data on why students decide to pursue or drop the geoscience major. 50% of the current Geoscience Workforce will reach retirement in the next 5-10 years… 23% increase in the number of NEW geoscience jobs available in 5-10 years… Overview and Background AND

7 Overview and Background  Geoscience Academic Provenance: temporal mapping of students’ experiences and decisions. Aimed to delineate a “pathway model” (understand students’ different entry points) as opposed to the pipeline model (one entry point).

8  Recruitment and Retention: Others use pipeline model to understand these factors… Levine et al. (2007) identified “Critical Incidents” to understand why geoscience professionals initially entered the discipline. Critical Incidents: specific events or experiences that lead to decision making (e.g. choosing the geoscience major). Pipeline vs. Pathway Models BUT…

9 ….the pipeline can only list Critical Incidents – doesn’t find relationships between them. Pathway model identifies students’ interests, critical incidents, goals and career ambitions and maps them temporally (Geoscience Academic Provenance). Identified 6 Pathway Steps Pipeline vs. Pathway Models

10 Pathway Model Six Steps

11  The “Alternate Career Pathway” Step Pathway Model An Additional Step For one who has previous education, degree, training and/or career outside the traditional geoscience discipline. One may enter into the geoscience pathway either prior to college education or by directly entering into a geoscience program as an undergraduate or graduate student.

12  Supporting (S): Confirms decision to major in the geosciences – reinforcing experiences.  Behavioral Altering (BA): Induces decision making – responsible for leading students into the geosciences. Pathway Model Types of Critical Incidents

13 Pathway Model Geoscience Student Populations Natives Immigrants RefugeesEmigrants

14 Pathway Model: Pathway Examples

15 More influential Critical Incidents? Earlier entry point into major. Entry Point

16 Externally motivated. Industry-based careers. Altruistic Attributes. Academic or Research-based careers.

17 Epiphany about geoscience perspective of time and space occurs in Pre- and College Pathway Steps Common Expected Career Attributes were found, but not Desired Career Choices

18 Applications – What are Heads’ and Chairs’ Pathways?  Your survey results  How are your pathways similar or different between each other?

19 Geo Awareness related to Curiosity? Geo Careers – early info

20 Hands-on Experiences Realized Ability

21 Integration of Diff Techniques Emphasis on R/R

22 Very Important! Comparable Interests

23 Questions?  Type questions, comments or discussion points in the “chat box” on the right-hand side of your screen…

24 Feedback and Discussion  What are your reactions to this presentation?  What do you think about having the monthly webinar series (starting Sept.)?  Is this webinar series valuable to you? TO TALK: Click the “raise your hand” button and we’ll un-mute one at a time. Please state your name prior to your comment.

25 Wrap-up  If you have additional questions or comments, please contact Pranoti Asher at  If you have questions about Heather’s Pathway Model, contact her at:

26 Heads & Chairs Webinar Series Schedule  Student Recruitment: Thursday, September 20, 2:00-3:00 PM EDT  Geoscience Exit Survey - Results and the Future: Wednesday, October 17, 2:00-3:00 PM EDT  Program Assessment: Thursday, November 15,11:00 AM-12:00 PM EST  Recap of the 2012 AGU Meeting Fall H&C Meeting: Wednesday, December 19, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM EST

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