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REALTOR WATCH ---------------------------------------- Presented By Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Unit Bob White, Sheriff.

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Presentation on theme: "REALTOR WATCH ---------------------------------------- Presented By Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Unit Bob White, Sheriff."— Presentation transcript:

1 REALTOR WATCH ---------------------------------------- Presented By Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Unit Bob White, Sheriff

2 Are You Safe ? ----------------------------------------  Statistics tell us that people whose business brings them in contact with strangers out of their office are at more risk than those who stay in the office.  Real Estate and Insurance Agents are among those who place themselves in Potentially compromising positions daily.  Protect yourself - - Criminals fit no particular mold.

3 Initial Meeting ----------------------------------------  Meet client in your office before showing property.  Obtain a photocopy of client driver license or photo I.D. and leave it posted in the office along with other identifying info.  Introduce client to co workers.  Tell office staff in front of client you will call the office periodically.

4  Call your office upon arrival at each location as a safety check. If no one answers your call - - Fake it.  Take your own vehicle and ask the client to follow you in their car.  Your office should have all your vehicle information.  Communicate with other Realtors about any suspicious individual or incident.  Carry your Cell Phone with you.

5 Working at Night ----------------------------------------  Try not to show Homes or Property at night.  If you must: Use two salespeople and tell your office or someone you will call regularly.  Carry a flashlight.  Leave lights on outside the place you are showing and leave the door open.

6  See that the client stays in front of you at all times and continually plan an escape route.  Day or night; in or out of the office - - Have a pre-planned code word for a distress signal.

7 Model Homes ----------------------------------------  Use two salespeople if possible.  If you cannot; make it look as if there are two there, ie: phone message, coffee cups, Man’s sweater.  Position desk for best view of front door.  Always leave a way out.

8 Open House ----------------------------------------  Let prospects ring bell for access through locked entry door.  Two or more salespeople if possible.  Allow prospects to self tour or walk behind them.  Make those safety check calls to the office.  Neighbors should know you are showing.

9  Never advertise as vacant.  Do not wear expensive jewelry.  Lock purse and keys out of the sales/office area.

10 Danger Signals ----------------------------------------  Prospect wants appointment immediately.  Male asks to be picked up/can’t come to the office.  Tells you they have large sum of money to invest.  Prospect refuses to give personal information.

11 Confrontation ----------------------------------------  Never go with them in a car.  If situation gets bad - - give up property or possessions.  Use that cell phone.  Make noise/use noisemaker  Use panic button on car alarm  Use pepper spray.  Run In opposite direction of a pursuing car.

12 Trapped ---------------------------------------- If there is nothing else that can be done. If you have decided you must stand and fight  Use any thing and any means you can.  Heel of shoe Umbrella  KeysHair spray  CombFlashlight  Fireplace tool

13 What can we do ----------------------------------------  Support a Realtor Watch Program.  Dress professionally but simply and comfortably.  Talk with fellow agents. Learn from their near miss experiences.  What you don’t know can hurt you.

14 Conclusion ----------------------------------------  Nothing is foolproof but if we help just once, this program is successful.  Male agents are as vulnerable as females.  Criminals look for opportunity to commit rape, robbery, car theft and even murder.  Violent people do not play favorites if the opportunity presents itself for them to strike.

15 Thank You Bob White, Sheriff

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