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Published byBrandon Chandler Modified over 9 years ago
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center 09 SEP 09 Updated 10 Jun 11
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center This training & certification program is directed by AR 95-1. Completion of this training is mandatory prior to performing any initial mission approval authority (IMAA), mission briefing officer (MBO), and/or final mission approval authority (FMAA) duties. Completion of this training is mandatory prior to performing any initial mission approval authority (IMAA), mission briefing officer (MBO), and/or final mission approval authority (FMAA) duties.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Mission Approval Process Training & Certification Requirements Conducted by CDR or CDR’s representative prior to IMA, MBO, or FMAA duties. Documentation shall be accomplished by a DA Form 7122-R entry.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center HISTORY Current AR 95-1 policy is derivative of former VCSA guidance: “Commanders approve missions---experience briefs missions.” “Only PCs may brief missions---this is an experienced 2 nd look.” --GEN Cody
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center POI vs. NON-POI Unless specified, the policy herein applies to POI and NON-POI missions. POI missions are defined as those missions directly supported by an approved 110 th AVN BDE FTG. APARTs, proficiency flight evaluations, to include NVG, no-notice, post accident, and medical flight evaluations are NON-POI missions.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The Mission Approval Process is conducted in 3 distinct steps: Initial Mission Approval (IMA): STEP 1 Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB): STEP 2 Final Mission Approval (FMA): STEP 3
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The IMAA IMAA for any 1-212 th AVN REGT mission is the BN CDR. IMAA within respective companies is the respective CO CDR.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO Designated and limited in number by the CO CDR. May be CDRs, XOs, PLT LDRs, SEC LDRs, Ops Officers, STDZ Officers, IPs, SPs, and Safety Officers. CO CDR forwards MBO rank/name, position, and limits of authority to 1-212 th AVN REGT BN STDZ. EX: CW2 Aviator, SEC LDR, AQC, CT/CS/NVG
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) MBOs shall exercise MBO authority only within respective unit of assignment, e.g., F CO MBOs exercise MBO authority within F CO, etc., and as constrained by the CO CDR.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) There are three exceptions to the aforementioned constraint: 1. A CO and B CO MBOs are authorized to perform MBO duties for any OH58/TH67 mission within A or B CO, irrespective of MBO unit of assignment, provided all other MBO qualifications herein are met.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) 2. B CO and F Co ME’s are authorized to perform MBO duties for any 1-212 th MTPC/ ME Mission within B or F Co irrespective of MBO unit of assignment provided that other applicable MBO qualifications herein are met.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) 3. SPs assigned to the 1-212 th AVN REGT BN STDZ Section may perform MBO duties for any 1-212 th mission provided all other MBO qualifications herein are met.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) MBO selection is based on experience, maturity, judgment, and ability to effectively mitigate aircrew risk. The eminent qualifications for MBO are PC and qualified and current in the mission profile to be briefed.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Qualified and current in mission profile defined: PC with all applicable currency requirements met IAW authorized flight duties and tasks on the MBO’s CTL. If you are the MBO who is to brief a UH60 NVG EXT LOAD mission, you must be a UH60 PC, UH60 current, UH60 NVG current, and be a PC with EXT LOADs on your CTL.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The MBO (cont’d) The MBO is that critical, experienced look that is expected to: a. identify risk in mission planning and b. provide the operational wisdom to mitigate it. Therefore, MBOs may conduct MBO duties regardless of mitigated risk.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who has self-brief authority? Any MBO during POI missions.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The FMAA The BN CDR retains FMAA for any 1-212th AVN REGT mission. The FMAAs within respective companies are the respective CO CDRs and PLT LDRs selected by the respective CO CDR. The Chief, 1-212 BN STDZ possesses FMAA for any HHC 1-212 th mission. Authority to include PLT LDRs as FMAA is provided IAW USAACE Policy Memo 11-04.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The FMAA NOTES on PLT LDRs with FMAA Authority PLT LDRs with FMAA authority may do so intra-unit at the discretion of the CO CDR. A CO PLT LDRs with FMAA may do so for any OH58/TH67 flight operation under the jurisdiction of the 1-212 th AVN REGT at Shell AHP.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The FMAA (cont’d) FMAA is executed on the mission, not the aircrew. Therefore, an FMAA is authorized to perform FMAA duties for a mission that assigns a PC from another unit.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The FMAA (cont’d) FMAA shall remain IAW the USAACE Risk Decision Authority memorandum 11-04: Low risk FMAA is the CO CDR/PLT LDR. Moderate risk FMAA is the BN CDR. High risk FMAA is the 110th AVN BDE CDR. Extremely high risk FMAA is the CG, USAACE.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center The center of gravity of this entire process is our best effort to keep each step segregated, this is, each step performed by different members of the mission approval/briefing process.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center BN CDR’s segregation intent in the Mission Approval Process steps: NO PERSON SHALL PERFORM MORE THAN TWO (2) STEPS OF THE MISSION APPROVAL PROCESS WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE QUALIFICATIONS.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Example of a potential occurrence wherein a CDR may perceive authority to perform all three (3) steps: CPT America is the CDR, E CO 1-212 th. CPT America conducts IMA on the weekly flight schedule for a FSXXI UH60 NVG POI mission where NVG external loads are to be conducted on the following night. So…let’s walk this through.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center CPT America is authorized to conduct IMA as the CDR of E CO, 1-212 th. CPT America is authorized to brief this mission because he is a designated E CO MBO, a current UH60 IP (PC), UH60 NVG current, has NVG EXT LOADS o n her CTL. The PLT LDR is called away and he decides to step in and brief the mission, and endorse it as the FMAA.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Issue? Yes; he shall not perform both of the remaining duties of MBO and FMAA. As the CDR, he performed IMA for this mission. In this case, he must acquire an MBO to brief the mission, or one of her PLT LDRs (or BN CDR) to perform FMAA.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 1 Initial Mission Approval (IMA) IMA is embedded and is considered to be complete based on the approval of the USAACE White book and associated POIs and FTGs. Therefore, further record beyond this embedded IMA is not required.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 1 IMA (cont’d) IMA for NON-POI missions is based on alignment with METL, a/c required vs. available, mission equipment requirements, trained aircrew, and impact on other missions.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 1 IMA (cont’d) IMA for NON-POI missions shall not occur beyond the weekly flight schedule. The IMAA shall sign a record of the weekly flight schedule indicating date of signature.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 1 IMA (cont’d) Digital signature & record of IMA is authorized.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 1 IMA (cont’d) An IMA change or addition is defined as an action that affects a DA Form 5484-R entry. (Exception: The date is the only exceptions within the approved weekly flight schedule.) Changes or additions to the weekly flight schedule may be documented by issuance of the same weekly flight schedule, noting changes/additions, and indicating IMA and date of same.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB) Conducted IAW the 1-212 th / 110 th AVN BDE Mission Briefing Officer Checklist (MBOC) and the 1 SEP 10 version of the 1-212 th /110 th AVN BDE Risk Assessment Worksheet (RAW). MBO shall verify that the IMA is complete and documented.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB) Participants in this step shall not be less than the MBO and PC; AMC, and if designated ACSIs/FIs.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 MPB (cont’d) This step reviews mission planning with the MBO and PC or AMC and is THE detailed risk assessment and risk mitigation action.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 MPB (cont’d) POI MBOs shall sign/date the RAW signifying the completed briefing requirments POI MBO shall sign/date RAW as AMC if self brief. Otherwise, AMC signs/dates RAW, accordingly. POI PCs shall initial manifest or a/c issue log signifying that they have received the mission briefing..
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 MPB (cont’d) NON-POI missions require appropriate entries on the MBOC, DA Form 5484, and 1-212 th RAW. MBOs shall use the DA Form 5484-R for NON- POI missions.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB) Summary: POI: Brief the MBOC. POI MBO sign/date RAW. If MBO is also AMC, MBO signs/dates as AMC. Otherwise, AMC signs/dates accordingly. MBO/ PCs initial manifest or a/c issue log.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB) NON-POI: Brief the MBOC. NON-POI missions require appropriate entries on the MBOC, DA Form 5484, RAW.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 MPB (cont’d) Aircrew and/or mission changes that increase the risk decision authority per the descriptors of this training & certification restart the IMA, MPB, and FMA. Recurrent IP/student changes associated with our POI missions will occur. Therefore, the aforementioned aircrew change directive does not apply to POI missions.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 MPB (cont’d) MPB that occurs prior to previous duty day restarts MPB and FMA only. STEP 2 may be digitally managed, signed, and maintained. If individual IPs don’t fill out their RAW they will initial by their line showing they have reviewed the RAW for that mission. A record of the DA Form 5484, MBOC, manifest/aircraft issue log and the 1-212 th / 110th AVN BDE RAW administered in this step shall be maintained for NLT 30 days.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Here’s how HHC and BN STDZ is gonna do this “previous duty day” constraint: Our mission cycles (duty day) are commensurate with all other 1-212 th units: 0500 to 0100; a 20 hour 1-212 th duty day. If an HHC/BN STDZ MBO briefs a mission anytime during that 20 hour duty day, that mission may be executed anytime during the following duty day.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center What about duty day to duty day with regard to weekends, holidays, DONSAs? It is as stated earlier. Duty day to duty day. If an HHC/BN STDZ MBO briefs a mission anytime during the 20 hour duty day of a THU preceding a holiday/DONSA, that mission may be executed anytime during the following duty day, TUE of following week.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 2 (cont’d) The Mission Briefing Officer Checklist MBOC NOTE: This is only a training overview of the MBOC rather than a comprehensive list of all considerations therein.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Commander’s Intent MBO entries herein shall be as descriptive as necessary to assure attention, completion, and verification. This may vary from verbal acknowledgement to check marks to written responses, as required. The MBOC is intended to facilitate “challenge and reply” interaction between the MBO & PC(s) or AMC(s) to include SIs/FIs, as applicable, without further need for any entry herein. CO CDRs may add to this MBOC. Risk identification and mitigation is the objective of the MBOC.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center MBOC GUIDED DISCUSSION
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 3 Final Mission Approval (FMA) The FMAA shall review the mission validity, planning, and risk assessment and mitigation. The FMAA approves the mission by signing the 1-212 th / 110 th AVN BDE RAW and indicating date of signature.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 3 Final Mission Approval (FMA) FMA shall not precede the previous duty day. Failure to comply resets MPB and FMA. Define previous duty day, or duty day to duty day as in STEP 2. Verbal or digital FMA is authorized.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center STEP 3 Final Mission Approval (FMA) FMA on the 1-212 th / 110 th AVN BDE RAW may be digitally managed, signed, and maintained. A record of the FMAA on the 1-212 th / 110 th AVN BDE RAW administered in this step shall be maintained for 30 days or as directed.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center DD Form 175 All NON-POI missions shall be filed on DD Form 175. The DD Form 175 “SIGNATURE OF APPROVAL AUTHORITY” block shall be the PC since all other approval and briefing requirements in the Mission Approval Process have been met prior to this action.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Evaluation NOTE: Each evaluation item below is intended to be a review of the critical points in our Mission Approval Process Training & Certification Program. correct answer Therefore, an immediate reply of the correct answer is provided.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center What are the 3 steps in the Mission Approval Process? Initial Mission Approval: IMA Mission Planning and Briefing: MPB Final Mission Approval: FMA
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center In the 1-212 th AVN REGT, what do we consider to be the “center of gravity” in our Mission Approval Process? The center of gravity of this entire process is our best effort to keep each step segregated. NO PERSON SHALL PERFORM MORE THAN TWO (2) STEPS OF THE MISSION APPROVAL PROCESS WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE QUALIFICATIONS.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Authorized or Not Authorized: F CO MBO, CW2 Aviator, may conduct IMAA and MBO duties, to include self-brief. Not Authorized: IMAA is restricted to the BN CDR or respective CO CDRs.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Authorized or Not Authorized: CPT Aviation, C CO CDR, is a current UH60 NVG IP, possessing all FSXXI POI/FTG tasks on his CTL. He intends to brief an AM BCS section that he also IMA’d and FMA’d on the weekly flight schedule but will fly in the other BCS section downstairs.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center NOT AUTHORIZED. Irrespective of his qualifications and to perform all three steps of the mission approval process, no person in the 1-212 th AVN REGT shall ever perform more than two (2) steps.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who has self-brief authority? Any MBO for POI missions only, within the constraints of this policy.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who is/are the IMAA(s) for any 1-212 th AVN REGT mission? BN CDR
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who is/are the IMAA(s) within the respective companies of 1-212 th AVN REGT? CO CDR
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who designates MBOs? CO CDR
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center From what positions may they be chosen? May be CDRs, XOs, PLT LDRs, SEC LDRs, Ops Officers, STDZ Officers, IPs, SPs, and Safety Officers.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who receives and maintains the rosters for IMAAs/MBOs/FMAAs? IMAA’s are designated by position (CDR’s) in the BN Stanz Memo Co’s Maintain their own MBO Rosters AND forward a Copy to BN STDZ FMAA’s are maintained by 1-212 th AVN REGT BN STDZ Section (DAC Leland Tingey)
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who may be solicited to perform as an MBO, within the constraints of this policy, regardless of unit of assignment? SPs assigned to the 1-212 th AVN REGT BN STDZ Section
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center What are the “eminent” qualifications for designation as an MBO? PC and qualified and current in the mission profile to be briefed.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Define “qualified and current in mission profile”? PC with all applicable currency requirements met IAW authorized flight duties and tasks on the MBO’s CTL.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center T or F: MBOs may only brief low risk missions. FALSE. MBOs may conduct MBO duties regardless of mitigated risk.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Scenario: You are an IP in F CO looking for an FMAA for your mission. “Who” are your options? F CO CDR, F CO PLT LDRs or BN CDR. REMEMBER THAT PLT LDRs WITH FMAA AUTHORITY MAY DO SO INTRA-UNIT.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who is the FMAA for moderate risk missions in the 1-212 th AVN REGT? BN CDR
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who is the FMAA for high risk missions in the 1-212 th AVN REGT? 110 th AVN BDE CDR
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who is the FMAA for extremely high risk missions in the 1-212 th AVN REGT? CG, USAACE
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center How far in advance may the CO CDR “IMA” POI missions? POI IMA is “embedded” and therefore does not require further action.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center How far in advance may the CO CDR “IMA” NON-POI missions? Not beyond the weekly flight schedule.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Who are the minimum participants in the MPB (STEP 2)? MBO & PC/ AMC, and if designated ACFIs/SIs,.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Of the 3 steps in the Mission Approval Process, which is THE detailed risk assessment/mitigation action? STEP 2: Mission Planning & Briefing (MPB).
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Scenario: During an MPB, the mission experiences a change that you and the MBO determine to elevate the mission risk to moderate. So what? The IMA, MPB, and FMA is restarted. If you can’t mitigate back down, you will need the BN CDR for FMAA.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center T or F: B CO MBOs may conduct MBO duties within A CO. TRUE…but explanation is needed: A CO and B CO MBOs are authorized to perform MBO duties for any OH58/TH67 mission within A or B CO, irrespective of MBO unit of assignment, provided all other MBO qualifications herein are met.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center T or F: B CO PLT LDRs with FMAA may conduct FMA duties within A CO or Headhunter. FALSE…but explanation is needed: Only A CO FMAAs may perform FMA duties for OH58/TH67 flight operations at Shell AHP for missions outside of A CO, such as HeadHunter or training/evaluation conducted by BN STDZ @ Shell AHP.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Scenario: You are a SEC LDR in F CO AQC. You have had to change some of the IP/student (aircrew) assignments in today’s AQC POI mission. So what? That’s right, so what. Regarding the Mission Approval Process, this changes nothing.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Scenario: You are the PC on a NON-POI mission. The date entry that you and the MBO made on the 5484 & RAW has expired by more than the “previous duty day”. So what? The MPB and FMA is restarted.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center POI MPB At the conclusion of a POI MPB (STEP 2), what entries are required where, by whom, and for how long to you keep it? POI MBO signs/dates RAW. If MBO is AMC, sign/date accordingly; if not, AMC signs/dates accordingly. POI PCs shall initial RAW and manifest or a/c issue log. Keep them for NLT 30 days.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center NON-POI MPB At the conclusion of the NON-POI MPB (STEP 2), what entries are required where, by whom, and for how long to you keep it? Appropriate entries shall be made on the MBOC, 5484, and RAW. Keep them for NLT 30 days.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center How far in advance can FMA (STEP 3) occur? FMA shall not precede previous duty day.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center If FMA expires, what now? If the date on the RAW expires by more than “previous duty day”, the MPB and FMA are restarted.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center How does the FMAA indicate FMA? By signing the 1-212 th / 110 th AVN BDE MBOC/ RAW and indicating the date of signature.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center If no other means are available, may I get the MBO and FMAA to conduct their actions either verbally or digitally? Yes
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center How long do we need to keep record of FMAA actions? NLT 30 days. NLT 30 days.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center Lastly, what do I do with the “SIGNATURE OF APPROVAL AUTHORITY” block on the DD Form 175? That signature will be the PC since all other approval and briefing requirements in the Mission Approval Process have been met prior to this action.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Aviation Warfighting Center QUESTIONS?
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