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Unit Three: Lesson Six- “Progressivism” Kirby World History CHS.

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2 Unit Three: Lesson Six- “Progressivism” Kirby World History CHS


4 North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards:  HK 2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in World History.

5 I Can….Describe in writing “Progressivism” and the four goals of “Reformers”


7 USE THE CORNELL NOTE TEMPLATE FOR OF YOUR NOTES TODAY! Relax and enjoy the ride In History Class! Focus Up and……

8 “Progressivism”

9  As America entered into the 20 th century, middle class reformers addressed many social problems.  Work conditions, rights for women and children, economic reform, environmental issues and social welfare were a few of these issues.

10  1) Protect Social Welfare  2) Promote Moral Improvement  3) Create Economic Reform  4) Foster Efficiency

11  Industrialization in the late 19 th century was largely unregulated.  Employers felt little responsibility toward their workers.  As a result Settlement homes and churches served the community.  Also the YMCA and Salvation Army took on service roles.

12  Some reformers felt that the answer to societies problems was personal behavior.  They proposed such reforms as prohibition.  Groups wishing to ban alcohol included the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).

13  The Panic of 1893 prompted some Americans to question the capitalist economic system.  As a result some workers embraced socialism.  Eugene Debs organized the American Socialist Party in 1901. Debs encouraged workers to reject American Capitalism

14  Many Progressive leaders put their faith in scientific principles to make society better.  In Industry, Frederick Taylor began using time & motion studies to improve factory efficiency.  “Taylorism” became an Industry fad as factories sought to complete each task quickly.

15  Efforts at reforming local government stemmed from the desire to make government more efficient and responsive to citizens.  Some believe it also was meant to limit immigrants influence in local governments.

16  Under the progressive Republican leadership of Robert La Follette, Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business. Robert La Follette

17  Though most progressives did not embrace socialism, many writers saw the truth in Debs’ criticism.  Journalists known as “Muckrakers” exposed corruption in business.  Ida Tarbell exposed Standard Oil Company’s cut-throat methods of eliminating competition. Ida Tarbell Some view Michael Moore as a modern muckraker

18  As the number of child workers rose, reformers worked to end child labor.  Children were more prone to accidents caused by fatigue.  Nearly every state limited or banned child labor by 1918.

19  The Supreme Court and the states enacted or strengthened laws reducing women’s hours of work.  Progressives also succeeded in winning worker’s compensation to aid families of injured workers.

20  Citizens fought for, and won, such measures as secret ballots, referendum votes, and the recall.  Citizens could petition and get initiatives on the ballot.  In 1899, Minnesota passed the first statewide primary system.

21  Before 1913, each state’s legislature had chosen its own U.S. senators.  To force senators to be more responsive to the public, progressives pushed for the popular election of senators.  As a result, Congress passed the 17 th Amendment (1913).

22 “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato

23 The “Creative License” Game  The Lightening Rod Answer: Ben Franklin  VCR, CD Answer: Sony Corp.  The Mona Lisa Answer: Leonardo da Vinci  Glass Answer: The Egyptians  Revolver (pistol) Answer: Colt “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato

24 The “Creative License” Game  Calculus Answer: Sir Isaac Newton  Song: “Ice Ice Baby” Answer: Vanilla Ice  Alternating Current (AC) Answer: Tesla  Cotton Gin Answer: Eli Whitney  A Christmas Carol Answer: Charles Dickens “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato

25 The “Creative License” Game  Assembly Line Production Answer: Henry Ford  Play: Romeo and Juliet Answer: Shakespeare  Song: Material Girl Answer: Madonna  Chocolate Answer: Aztecs/Mayas  I-Pod Answer: Apple/Steve Jobs “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato

26 The “Creative License” Game  Airplane-engine powered Answer: The Wright Brothers  Razor Answer: Gillette  Song: We will Rock You Answer: Queen/Freddy Mercury  Methamphetamines Hitler/Nazi Scientists  Gunpowder Answer: The Chinese “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato

27 DBQ PACKET WORK TODAY FOR UNIT 3:  Put your name on your packet when you get it  We will work on this for the remainder of the period;  We will have two kinds of learning opportunities to read/write with this packet today:  Working with me-large group- “Read aloud and discuss/answer questions together to start. Will work in partners after we get a “good start” and feel confident about the packet.  I have pre-selected a few students to work independently On the packet in partners. This is based on scores from Previous two DBQ opportunities and my confidence in your ability to work with little guidance.

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