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Gifted & Talented. Content Identification of our G & T pupils Why we identify pupils as G & T Our expectations of G & T pupils What we provide for our.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifted & Talented. Content Identification of our G & T pupils Why we identify pupils as G & T Our expectations of G & T pupils What we provide for our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifted & Talented

2 Content Identification of our G & T pupils Why we identify pupils as G & T Our expectations of G & T pupils What we provide for our G & T pupils How you can help as a parent/carer Tea and Coffee!

3 Definitions Gifted & talented students are likely to be drawn from the top 5-10% of their cohort Gifted students are defined as having evident high ability in academic subjects Talented students have evident high attainment or blatant high ability in a creative or expressive art or a sport Gifted & Talented Overall students are defined as the top 5% of students in their cohort based on national tests and teacher assessment

4 Indicator used to identify student (KS2) Gifted & Talented overall Top 5% in each year group i.e. between 5- 7 students per year group Teacher Assessment score of at least 354 points in Year 6 At least NC Level 4 in all KS 1 NC Tests Pupils are not identified in Year 5 as Gifted Overall due to lack of data

5 Indicator used to identify students (KS2) Gifted in specific areas Subject teams to review G & T register and make recommendations to confirm place and make additions Use of subject policy guidelines for identification

6 Indicator used to identify students (KS3) Gifted overall Top 5% in each year group i.e. between 5- 7 students per year group Teacher Assessment score of at least 400 points in Year 7 and 420 points in Year 8 At least NC Level 5 in all KS2 NC Tests At least KS2 points score of 33

7 Indicator used to identify students (KS3)

8 Gifted/Talented in specific areas Subject teams to review G & T register and make recommendations to confirm place and make additions Use of subject policy guidelines for identification

9 Why bother? All pupils are entitled to be stretched and challenged The most effective G & T provision improves good teaching and learning within the classroom By planning for the most able and differentiating down overall standards are raised The focus on more able pupil groups is a key driver for whole school improvement

10 What do G and T pupils want? To be given enquiry based approaches and genuinely investigative tasks where outcomes are not fixed or limited. They enjoy asking questions as much as answering them To work with stimulating learning materials (as with all learners)!

11 What we expect at Oakfield: 1.Highest expectations of behaviour, attitude and work 2.Highest quality class work and homework 3.Every day matters 4.Take responsibility for their progress 5.Re-nomination

12 What you can expect of us: 1.Celebrate excellence 2.Sufficient challenge 3.To be kept informed 4.Experience within and outside the classroom

13 What you can expect of us? Differentiation To plan lessons to challenge and stimulate all pupils (low ability through to G & T) By outcome By task Divide class into ability groups Different texts used for different groups but same theme -Video-

14 What you can expect of us? Designing great lessons GradeThinking Activity A +Create: (re) design, (re) invent A+/AEvaluate: Critique, Judge B/AAnalyse: Compare, Deconstruct BApply: use, Implement CUnderstand D/EKnow: Recall, Identify

15 What we expect of you: 1.As I am a G & T student, my teachers will have the highest expectations of my behaviour, attitude and work 2.Ensure that class work and homework is of the highest quality and meets all school expectations 3.Maintain a high attendance because every day matters 4.Ensure I have an exemplary punctuality record 5.Meet with any member of staff if requested to do so to discuss and support my progress 6.Take responsibility to speak with my subject teachers or G & T coordinator if I do not feel challenged in my lessons 7.Understand that if I do not meet the expectations of a G & T student I may be removed from the G & T register

16 Gifted & Talented outside of the classroom – extra-curricular Educational courses for all subjects 16 pupils already signed up to go this year including Art, English, Science and Maths Oakfield contribute 25% towards all courses that our pupils attend Also, potential for external help towards funding/grants for courses

17 Kilve Court – Pupil Feedback “I really enjoyed myself at Kilve, we went on lots of trips to fire up our imaginations for our creative writing sessions in the afternoons. My writing has improved through learning new techniques and from talking to other people with the same interest in books and writing as I have” Year 8 pupil 2013

18 Kilve - French “Kilve was great, I made lots of new friends and I was able to talk in French for most of the time which I haven’t done before. I have learned so many new phrases and my pronunciation of words is much better too” Year 7 Pupil 2012

19 Gifted and Talented in Modern Foreign Languages French day – for all year 7’s Annual exchange visit to partner school French and German Club

20 Gifted and Talented in Science, Maths and ICT Faraday Challenge day - Faraday Challenge Days give students the opportunity to research, design and make prototype solutions to genuinely tough engineering problems. At each event teams compete to win a prize for themselves and a trophy for their school Maths UKMT team and individual challenges

21 Gifted and Talented in Music, P.E. and Drama and Art PE After school Clubs and teams, trips (Olympics/Cricket/Wimbledon..), Middle school Athletics, Leadership courses, nominations for Somerset trials etc… Music Dance Club, School Choir and Band Karaoke club Drama School Production Theatre trips (Memorial, Merlin and London theatres visited in 2012) Art Black Swann Trip, Artist visits (Neil Buchanan)

22 Gifted and Talented in English Public Speaking Competition Author visits - David Gatward and David Almond GCSE experienced teacher External publishing opportunities e.g. Young Writers poetry anthology and Chris Evans’s 500 Words

23 Gifted & Talented in Geography Gifted & Talented pupils have been attending the “Geography on Tour” after school club

24 Gifted & Talented in Geography 'Under the guidance of Mr McGrath, 17 of the most able pupils in Geography and History have been challenged to choose a topic and plan a short lesson for a group of younger children. The pupils have been working in small groups after school, and in their own free time, to plan engaging lessons that they themselves would enjoy, (the key to any good lesson).”

25 Your role High expectations Place value on hard work and reward/recognise it Ask questions, set challenges Don’t be too pushy! List of recommendations on back table!

26 Final thoughts

27 “The Greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it” Michaelangelo, 1512

28 Final thoughts - Einstein!

29 Tea and Coffee! Pupil work Feedback sheets Email for G & T mailing list

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