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Stredná odborná škola obchodu a služieb – Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltatóipari Szakközépiskola Budovateľská 32, Komárno.

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Presentation on theme: "Stredná odborná škola obchodu a služieb – Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltatóipari Szakközépiskola Budovateľská 32, Komárno."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stredná odborná škola obchodu a služieb – Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltatóipari Szakközépiskola Budovateľská 32, Komárno

2 List fields at the school  Business Academy  Cook  Waiter  Hairdresser  Beautician  Carpenter  Painter  Confectioner

3 Business Academy  4-year study program  Ends-leaving examination  Education and training  Language of the Slovak and Hungarian  10 classes  students

4 List of vocational subjects Business Economics Introduction to Macroeconomics Tourism Economic Geography Accounting Exercise of accounting Training Firm typewriting Legal doctrine merchandise informatics Introduction to the world of work economic calculations Banking system - Seminar Tax system - Seminar Corporate communications Professional conversation in a foreign language

5 General-education courses Slovak language Hungarian language Languages English German language civics mathematics Ethics Physical education and sport history Biology, ecology

6 Business Economics functioning market economy basic rules of economics creation and management of business entities equipment trade navigate the laws management marketing insurance business - internal, external on-line textbook parlor game School games Business

7 Professional experience  2 weeks in the 3rd and 4 year in private companies defense of theses  SLKB  Wüstenrot  Heineken  ING  Allianz

8 Training firms Simulation of operation of the company Establishment of training firm The choice of the objects of the name, logo training firm The organizational structure of the training firm Cooperation with other training firms Slovak Centre for Training Companies Fair TF Our TF Biolife – sale of herbs and medicinal chemists Caroa – sales, leasing and rental cars Megabuilding – sale and lease

9 Accounting, accounting exercises Posting in the double-entry accounting Accounting bookkeeping system Accounting for banks, insurance Charging using the PC software in OMEGA

10 Typewriting Writing with usage of all ten fingers Writing business letters Writing on electronic typewriters and PC ATFprogram

11 Informatics MS Windows Word Excell Power Point Internet Interactive whiteboard 4 Computer classrooms with Internet access

12 Banking system - Seminar Banking system in Slovakia The role of central banks of EU The activities of commercial banks How to set up a bank account How to arrange a loan Banks in Action Working as bank worker Tax system - Seminar The essence of the tax system in Slovakia Calculation of individual types of taxes Filling in tax returns Working tax Advisor

13 Introduction to the world of work Focus on the labor market Its selection of job offers Application for admission to employment biography Preparing for an interview Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Labour

14 Language Teaching Slovak language Hungarian language English German language Language classrooms Language competition

15 Competitions typewriting Business Schoolgames Young accountant sports competition Mathematical and Information Competition

16 From lives of our students Prom ceremony school disco class trips excursions Meetings

17 Examples of professions for graduate OA  economist,  Payroll Officer,  accountant,  sales representative,  banking and insurance worker  tax advisor  administrative officer,  HR,  Marketers,  Sales Officer,  Assistant Professor,  officer in the government and others.

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