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Microsoft Office SharePoint Server deployment – real gains Michal Rosík Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server deployment – real gains Michal Rosík Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server deployment – real gains Michal Rosík Project Manager

2 Introduction of GRADIENT Slovakia  Microsoft’s one of the TOP ISV and Information Worker Partners in CEE  Over 14 years of experience Key areas  Document and data capture – scanning, OCR/ICR  Document Management Systems  Business Process Management  Record Management

3 Introduction of GRADIENT Slovakia  complete offer of solutions and services  consulting  analysis of business needs  realization design  integration with existing applications  implementation  trainings  customer support  Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR  Národná rada SR  Slovenská konsolidačná, a.s.  Ústav pamäti národa  Dopravný podnik mesta Bratislavy  Doprastav, a.s  Volksbank CZ, a.s.  Raiffeisen Bank, a.s.  Poštová banka, a.s.  OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s.  Ľudová banka, a.s.  UniBanka, a.s.  VÚB, a.s.  Komunálna poisťovňa, a.s.  Česká poisťovňa - Slovensko, a.s.  Prvá česko-slovenská poisťovňa, a.s.  Kooperatíva poisťovňa, a.s.  ČSOB Poisťovňa, a.s. (ERGO)  Wüstenrot poisťovňa, a.s.  Motor-Car, spol. s r.o.

4 References in banking


6 SkyEurope – project goals  Standardize the incoming invoice approval process  Shorten time needed for incoming invoice processing  Create an archive of incoming invoices, thus minimizing the risk of loosing any paper document and offering shared access to the invoices from the ERP-Navision and GArchive environment  Create the connection between the ERP-Navision and Imaging system for data transfer of data mined from invoices as well as mined along the running invoice approval process  Offer electronic access to invoices for every privileged user

7 SkyEurope – architecture


9 GScan  Fast, high quality scanning  Easy indexing – defining searchable attributes for single documents  User-friendly, easy-to-learn handling  Integration with environment  Batch processing  OCR/ICR technology usage for key attribute identification and recognition, enabling automatic document indexing

10 GBatchManager  Managing the transfer of confirmed document batches from the scan stations to the headquarters server  Managing the recognition of batches in the ABBYY FormReader recognition server  Preparation of documents for verification process  Export of batches to the DMS system (e.g. MOSS 2007)  Batch processing exceptions monitoring and logging

11 GVerificationStation  Correction of unrecognized or incorrectly recognized characters  Validation controls (format controls; comparation of recognized characters with data in reference databases-existing systems, DMS; logical mistakes control, e.g. modulo 11)  Verification and confirmation of important key attributes  4-eye principle (correction and verification)

12 SkyEurope – summary  Reduce costs. Drive Business Efficiency  Human resource savings  Automatic creation of electronic archive  Document processing with high recognition rate  Easy integration with “any” DMS  Scanning and electronic archiving of the complete documentation set  Price/performance ratio  Fast ROI


14 Information Portal – Benefits  Provide a simple, familiar, and consistent user experience  Simplify and centralize access to company-wide heterogeneous data sources and content  Connect people for better collaboration  Support decision making processes by providing centralized view on business important information  Offer enhanced security by providing access rights and visibility levels based on groups or roles

15 Information Portal – user experience  Modularity – centralized view on business data is given by access rights granting  Flexibility – easy addition of required or new modules in a consistent design  Ease of use – consistent user experience throughout the whole system including process initiation points

16 OTP Solution Original situation – problem definition  Data distribution  Several custom Bank Information Systems  Distributed Web pages  Documents (both paper and electronic, location not known)  User interface  Different applications and web pages for different tasks  Frequent GUI switching  Information shortage  Information difficult to find  Information source missing or not easily accessible  Decision making support information not instantly available in desired form Resulting in work efficiency degradation and communication and decision making process slow-down.

17 OTP solution Project goals  Create an internal business portal solution built on MOSS 2007 platform  Provide a unified user interface for access too internal information as well as different Bank Information System (BIS) modules  Connect the other information systems including the core BIS using a middleware platform based on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006  Migrate the BIS modules running on the old systems into the new MOSS 2007 based solution  Automate company processes using K2 [blackpearl] business process management platform integrated with MOSS 2007 and employing Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 for dynamic form creation

18 System Architecture

19 System modules  Organizational module  Informational module  Project module  Reporting module  Business (acquisition) module  Check of tasks performance (board of directors)  Printing module (accounts statement)  E-learning (trainings, test)

20 Organizational module  Company's organizational structure  Telephone directory  Branches  Table of exchanges

21 Organizational module – organizational structure

22 Organizational module – employee details

23 Organizational module – branches

24 Organizational module – branch detail

25 Organizational module – telephone directory

26 Organizational module – exchange rates

27 Informational module  Documents ( price lists, ethics code,...)  Photogallery (company activities)  Hot-box (questions & answers)  Important links

28 Informational module – Hot Box

29 Project module  Projects list  Project details  Tasks  Documents  Q&A  Notes  Project team

30 Project module

31 Report module  Reports list  Report creation  Template  Format (.csv)  Mail notification  Scheduling

32 Report module

33 Business module  Groups of customers (retail, corporate)  Detail information about customer  Customer products  Segmentation  Acquisition

34 Business module

35 Check of tasks performance – meeting list

36 Check of tasks performance – meeting minutes

37 Check of tasks performance – task updates

38 Requests – InfoPath forms  Request forms for user classes  creation  modification  deletion

39 User class request

40 Business process  Invoice approval  Regulation approval  Purchase order approval  Permitted bank debit  Access to the banking system approval  Check of performance of the tasks – board meeting minutes approval  Loan approval processes (short term plan)

41 Invoice approval  Invoice scanning and indexing  Approval process  Branch on parameters (invoice type, amount)  Possibility to add notes to process  Possibility to see the process flow  Printing of the approval protocol

42 Invoice Approval

43 Regulations Approval  Process divided to two phases  Review  Approval  Approval process  Branch on parameters (regulation type)  Possibility to add notes to process  Possibility to see the process flow  Possibility to create a new version of regulation  Printing of the approval protocol

44 Regulations Approval Overview of other users comments User annotation

45 OTP solution – summary Solution summary  Scattered internal information sources – one user interface experience  Flexibility by modularity  Portal – information supplier, not only demander  Integration of BIS? – nothing easier  Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency – faster processes, less mistakes  See through the bank – business process transparency  Monitoring – your reliable watch-dog

46 OTP solution – where to go? Solution deployed – what now?  Modularity enables further modules to be easily deployed and the functionality of the overall solution to be thus enriched – 2 new modules implemented  Further steps are beeing made to raise the process automation level in OTP Bank, Slovakia – 2 new processes designed and deployed  Integration with other BIS can be efficiently implemented and incorporated into the bank processes  Document workflow automation initiated by seamless integration of PayScan and other scanning solutions into the existing and new business workflows – digitalization of majority of documents flowing through the bank

47 Questions and Answers GRADIENT SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Košická 56 821 08 Bratislava Tel.:+421 (2) 555 615 17 +421 (2) 555 725 32 Fax.: +421 (2) 555 760 85

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