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SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL Grade 10 Academic Choices Feb. 15th, 2012.

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1 SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL Grade 10 Academic Choices Feb. 15th, 2012

2 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 2012-2013 Need 54 credits to graduate. (Minimum of 20 from Secondary V). Students must pass the following courses to graduate. History (Histoire) in Grade 10 Science and Technology in Grade 10 Mathematics in Grade 10 Arts in Grade 10 English in Grade 11 French in Grade 11 Ethics and Religious Culture OR Physical Education and Health in Grade 11

3 Grade 10-Compulsory Courses English Language Arts French Mathematics Science and Technology Histoire Ethics and Religious Culture *** Arts *** Physical Education

4 Senior School Science 9Science and Technology 10Science and Technology Environmental Science 10 or 11Biology-Human Systems Biology-Evolution and Genetics Biology-Issues in Genetics Biology-Marine Biodiversity Chemistry (need 70% in Environmental Science) 11Physics (need 70% in Environmental Science) Physics-Selected Topics Honours Science

5 Grade 10 Math-Science Choice Next year I would like to take: Math 565-406 (S) (needed for Grade 11 science) Science 555-406 (mandatory) Science 558-406 (needed for Grade 11 science) OR Math 564-406 (TS) (needed for Grade 11 science) Science 555-406 (mandatory) Science 558-406 (needed for Grade 11 science) OR Math 563-404 (CST) (non-science math) Science 555-406 (mandatory) + an option course

6 Senior School Computer Science 9 Computer Programming Photoshop 10&11 Digital Storytelling 1 & 2 Computer Programming 11Media Art (3D Design) Computer Programming

7 Senior School Social Sciences 9Histoire Current Events Revolutionary History 10 Histoire 10 and/or 11 Law-Criminal Law-Civil US History 11 Contemporary World Economics Political Science World Geography World History

8 Ministry Arts Program In Grade 9 you will have completed Grade 9 Arts (Term 1) and Grade 10 Arts (Term 2). ART MUSIC DRAMA

9 Grade 10 and 11 Options Selwyn House offers 28 different academic options in Grades 10 & 11. This gives students the chance to explore different areas of interest. 21 of the options are half-year courses that are offered concurrently to Grade 10 and 11 students. 7 are full-year courses offered in Grade 11.

10 Grade 10 and 11 Options GRADES 10 & 11( choose 2/year)GRADE 11 (choose 2) (Half year courses)(Full year courses) Biology-Evolution & Genetics Chemistry Biology-Issues in Genetics Economics Biology-Human Systems Multimedia Projects Biology-Marine Biodiversity 1 & 2 Physics (1 st week of Sept.) Political Science Computer Programming World Geography Creative Writing World History Digital Storytelling 1 & 2 Drawing Drama-Improv Only 1 & 2 English-Special Topics (AP Prep) Honours English Honours Science (11 only) Monde Francophone Law-Criminal Law-CIvil Monde Culturel Francophone Music-Rock “n” Roll to Rap Outdoor Pursuits Physics-Selected Topics (11 only) Spanish US History

11 Senior School - Extracurricular Programs Next year students will be able to take part in many exciting and enriching extracurricular programs that are offered, usually on Monday afternoons. Students are encouraged to sign up for one or more (where possible). The following offerings will be available: Animation Debating Jazz Band Photography Public Speaking Robotics School Newspaper School Play Social Justice and Development Yearbook

12 Physical Education Program Physical Education classes take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. The year is divided into three terms, with the following tentative offerings: FALL TERMWINTER TERMSPRING TERM Bantam & Senior Football TeamsBantam Hockey TeamMidget Rugby Team Midget Soccer TeamMidget Basketball TeamBaseball Team Cross Country Running TeamWrestling TeamTrack Team RowingX-C Ski TeamRowing Team Badminton/SoftballCurling TeamTennis Team SquashSquashSquash Intramural SoccerIntramural BasketballIntramurals Weight Training Weight TrainingBall Hockey Climbing WallTennisClimbing Wall Golf Instruction PE selections will be done in April.

13 Registration for Courses  Log into Netclassroom. The link can be found at under My Selwyn/ My Page  Type username and password. Login.  Choose Registration tab.  Press Enroll in Classes button  Click the “Edit Requests” button  From the pulldown menus, choose one course in each option.  Click the “Submit” button  You will then be able to review your choices.  If you wish to make changes, click “Edit Registration” until you are satisfied with your selections, then log out of NetClassroom.

14 DEADLINE-Tuesday, Feb. 21st You will be choosing: 2 half year academic courses Your desired math level ECA (optional)

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