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1 National Action Research Network for Researching and Evaluating PDP and ePortfolio Practice Dr John Peters, NTF University of Worcester Sue Burkinshaw,

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Presentation on theme: "1 National Action Research Network for Researching and Evaluating PDP and ePortfolio Practice Dr John Peters, NTF University of Worcester Sue Burkinshaw,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National Action Research Network for Researching and Evaluating PDP and ePortfolio Practice Dr John Peters, NTF University of Worcester Sue Burkinshaw, University of Bolton

2 2 Plan Overview of the project –Origins –Aims and objectives –Structure and method Progress –What we have already learnt about PDP –Reports from Midland partner institutions

3 3 Project Issues Repeated calls for more robust evaluation –[QAA 2001, Burgess 2004, Clegg 2004, Gough et al 2003, Ward & Strivens 2004] Purposes and claims of PDP clearly defined [QAA 2001 & 2009] But implementation varies in terms of models, methods and emphasis

4 4 Aim Capacity building amongst PDP practitioners to develop, undertake and share situated, rich, authentic and robust research and evaluation of PDP practice.

5 5 Objectives Build on existing practice, expertise, network and ‘community of practice’ Address sector concerns about effective PDP implementation Provide 2 key outputs –A community of ‘research capable’ PDP practitioners –A body of scholarly knowledge to inform more effective PDP implementation

6 6 Means Participant / community action research at the meta-level of sharing, developing and undertaking research and evaluation design and outcomes –‘Fostering relationships and collaboration amongst diverse organizations … creating settings for collective reflection that enable people … to ‘see themselves in another’ [and] leveraging progress… through cross-institutional links’ [Senge & Scharmer 2001]

7 7 Why community action research? ‘Action research is an inherently value laden activity, usually practised by scholar- practitioners who care deeply about making a positive change in the world’. –(Reason & Bradbury, 2006, xxv) Capacity building defined as ‘enhancing people’s awareness and capabilities, individually and collectively, to produce the results they truly care about’ –(Senge & Scharmer 2001)

8 8 Project Nature Network project 16 & 1 HEIs 3 regional networks University of Bolton leadership Based within CRA network ‘Principal investigator’

9 9 Progress Now in final year Annually –2 national meetings –2 rounds of regional meetings Key activities –Sharing research questions –Research design –Data analysis

10 10 Regional Groups Northern – Bradford, Bolton, Newcastle, Liverpool, Salford, UCLAN Midland – Bedfordshire, City University Birmingham, Coventry, Gloucestershire, Wolverhampton, Worcester Southern – Bournemouth, Christchurch Canterbury, Portsmouth, Exeter [Kent]

11 11 Outputs so far Awareness raising publications from project at project plan and community building level Presentations to CRA,SEDA & HE Academy conferences and events Materials on CRA website Emerging outputs from project members

12 12 What have we learnt? The power of a community of practice The variety of –PDP practice –institutional strategies –Institutional PDP practitioners The difficulty of defining for PDP the –Terminology –Methods –Outputs

13 13 References 1 Argyris, C. and Scön, D. (1974) Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional Effectiveness Brennan, J. & Williams, R. (2004) Collecting and using student feedback: a guide to good practice, Higher Education Academy, =generic&id=352 accessed 20/12/2006 =generic&id=352 Burgess, R. (2004) Measuring and recording student achievement: Report of the Scoping Group Available at: downloads/measuringachievement.pdf downloads/measuringachievement.pdf Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986) Becoming Critical: Education Knowledge and Action Research Clegg, S. (2004) ‘Critical readings: progress files and the production of the autonomous learner’ Teaching in Higher Education 9, 3, 287-298 CLEGG, S. & BRADLEY, S. (2006) ‘The Implementation of Progress Files in Higher Education: Reflection as National Policy’, Higher Education 51, 4, 465–86.

14 14 References 2 CLEGG, S. & BRADLEY, S. (2006) ‘Models of Personal Development Planning: Practice and Processes’, British Educational Research Journal 32, 1, 57–76. Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2000) Research methods in education, Routledge Falmer CROOT, D. & GEDYE, S. (2006) ‘Getting the Most Out of Progress Files and Personal Development Planning’, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30, 1, 173–9. EAST, R. (2005) ‘A Progress Report on Progress Files’, Active Learning in Higher Education, 6, 2, 160–71. Elliott, J. (1991) Action Research for Educational Change FRY, H., DAVENPORT, E. S., WOODMAN, T. & PEE, B. (2002) ‘Developing Progress Files: A Case Study’, Teaching in Higher Education 7, 1, 97–111.

15 15 References 3 Gough, D et al (2003) A systematic map and synthesis review of PDP for improving student learning London: EPPI-Centre, SSRU at: TSN/LTSN_intro.htm TSN/LTSN_intro.htm Jackie Haigh, (2008) ‘Integrating progress files into the academic process: A review of case studies’ Active Learning in Higher Education, 9, 1, 57-71 JACKSON, N. & WARD, R. (2004) ‘A Fresh Perspective on Progress Files – A Way of Representing Complex Learning and Achievement in Higher Education’, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 29, 4, 423–49. KNEALE, P. (2002) ‘Developing and Embedding Reflective Portfolios in Geography’, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 26, 1, 81–94. Krueger, R. & Casey, M. (2000) Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research, Sage McKernan, J. (1991) Curriculum Action Research: A Handbook of Methods and Resources for the Reflective Practitioner

16 16 References 4 Kathy Monks, Edel Conway and Muireann Ni Dhuigneain, (2006) ‘Integrating personal development and career planning: The outcomes for first year undergraduate learning’, Active Learning in Higher Education, 7, 1, 73–86 Patton, M. (1990, 2002) Qualitative evaluation and research methods, Sage Policy Hub, The Magenta Book: guidance notes on policy evaluation, HM Treasury accessed 8/5/06 QAA, UUK, SCoP & CoSHEP, (2001) Guidelines for HE Progress File QAA Scotland, (2005) Student Evaluation and Feedback Online Toolkit, Linney Direct accessed 20/12/2006 Senge P. & Scharmer, C. ‘Community action research: learning as a community of practitioners, consultants and researchers’ in Reason, P & Bradbury, H. (2001) Handbook of Action Research,Sage

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