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Computer Passwords.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Passwords."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Passwords

2 Computer Passwords Passwords: a series of letters, numbers, or symbols used to log you into a computer system.

3 Password Security 1. Don’t tell anyone your password.
2. Don’t write down your password (make sure it is one that you can remember, but others can’t guess!) 3. If you think someone might know your password, change it immediately! 4. Make sure no one is around you when you enter your password.

4 REMEMBER: Keeping your passwords private does NOT mean that you don’t trust your friends. It is necessary to keep them private in order to ensure that you are protected online. Because… “Once you put it out there, you can NEVER get it back!”

5 Something to think about…

6 Personal Information

7 Video Clips Digital Footprint – Common Sense Media: Digital Dossier: Hip Hop

8 Digital Footprint A digital footprint is the trail of data that is left behind by users on digital services.


10 Video Clips Netsmartz – “Broken Friendship”: Netsmartz – “Feathers in the Wind”: Think Before You Post – “Bulletin Board”: Your Photo Fate: Hot or Not:

11 Video Clips BrainPop-Internet Safety I-Safe Video
Netsmartz – “Tracking Teresa”:

12 Safety on the Internet Name (especially not your last name) Age
The following direct, personal information should NOT be given out on the Internet to maintain your safety Name (especially not your last name) Age Phone Number Address

13 Indirect Information Indirect information – information that could help a predator figure out who you are should also not be given out. Examples: Friends’ names Family member names School mascot Team name Game time/place Events you are attending (concerts, etc.)

14 User ID/Screen name User ID/Screen name: A name you pick out for yourself to identify you in chatrooms, , or on IM (Instant Messaging) Examples: Hockeyguy14

15 E-mail/Username Activity

16 Video Clips Netsmartz –” Friend or Fake”: Profile Penalty Video and Worksheet: Netsmartz – “Profile Penalty”: Netsmartz – “Two Kinds of Stupid” (after Profile Penalty assignment):

17 Predator/Prey Slideshow

18 Just A Chat Activity

19 Video Clips Netsmartz – “Julie’s Journey”:

20 How to report dangerous activity on the Internet
1. Call the local police and ask if they have a department that works with “Internet Crimes Against Children” If they do (Clayton does) work with those officers 2. File a report with Cybertips hotline OR and click on Cybertipline, to file an online report

21 Video Clips Netsmartz – “Survivor Diaries”: (after How to Report notes) Jigsaw: VGT Commercial:

22 Review for Test BOOM Bags Crossword Puzzle Study Guide Post Test


24 Resources:

25 Contact Info:

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