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Geography ILC: You will need to choose 1 task from each list below. Level 2/3: Select information and present it clearly Level 3+: Identify key features.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography ILC: You will need to choose 1 task from each list below. Level 2/3: Select information and present it clearly Level 3+: Identify key features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography ILC: You will need to choose 1 task from each list below. Level 2/3: Select information and present it clearly Level 3+: Identify key features within a place or country Produce a map of one EU member country showing its main physical (Rivers etc) and human features (towns and cities etc). -Produce a photo gallery of physical (Rivers etc) and human features (towns and cities etc) for one EU member country. Label the features in each photograph - Make a large version of one EU member countries flag. In different sections of the flag label the countries physical and human features. You could also include some images. Level 4: research places and describe what they are like In this task consider Culture Traditions Food Areas of interest.Produce a Factsheet about one other EU member country. Make a postcard for one EU member country. Write to a friend describing what you have seen and found out about the place as if you have been there, -Produce a PowerPoint slideshow to be presented to tourists on their arrival in an EU member country. Level 5: Suggest reasons why places are different Compare two member countries of the EU. This could include Italy, the UK or the country you have chosen to investigate in task 3 Make a comparison table to show the difference between two EU member countries or two areas within one of these countries (Italy’s North and South). Use the CIA fact book website to write a detailed comparison of two EU member countries (include facts and figures in your answer) and suggest reasons for the differences. Level 6: Demonstrate your own ideas and opinions: Write an article encouraging more countries to become members of the EU. Explain how they will benefit and use other countries you have studied as example of this Suggest how one EU country could improve its peoples standard of living and economy. You may wish to use the South of Italy as your example. Complete some research into current issues in the EU. Find two issues and develop your own ideas to explain how they could be solved. - Produce a map of the EU member countries and their capital cities -- Produce a scroll describing the history of the EU e.g. when it started and when members joined. You could colour this with teas staining to make it look old! -Produce a factsheet showing the 27 EU members flags and names. - Make an EU flag. Cover the flag in the names of the member countries s/the-world-factbook/ Select the country name ws/hi/find_out/guides/europe an_union/newsid_2138000/2 138993.stm DEADLINE:

2 Geography ILC: You will need to choose 1 task from each list below. Level 2/3: Select information and present it clearly Level 3+: Identify key features within a place or country Produce a map of one EU member country showing its main physical (Rivers etc) and human features (towns and cities etc). -Produce a photo gallery of physical (Rivers etc) and human features (towns and cities etc) for one EU member country. Label the features in each photograph - Make a large version of one EU member countries flag. In different sections of the flag label the countries physical and human features. You could also include some images. Level 4: research places and describe what they are like In this task consider Culture Traditions Food Areas of interest.Produce a Factsheet about one other EU member country. Make a postcard for one EU member country. Write to a friend describing what you have seen and found out about the place as if you have been there, -Produce a PowerPoint slideshow to be presented to tourists on their arrival in an EU member country. Level 5: Suggest reasons why places are different Compare two member countries of the EU. This could include Italy, the UK or the country you have chosen to investigate in task 3 Make a comparison table to show the difference between two EU member countries or two areas within one of these countries (Italy’s North and South). Use the CIA fact book website to write a detailed comparison of two EU member countries (include facts and figures in your answer) and suggest reasons for the differences. Level 6: Demonstrate your own ideas and opinions: Write an article encouraging more countries to become members of the EU. Explain how they will benefit and use other countries you have studied as example of this Suggest how one EU country could improve its peoples standard of living and economy. You may wish to use the South of Italy as your example. Complete some research into current issues in the EU. Find two issues and develop your own ideas to explain how they could be solved. - Produce a map of the EU member countries and their capital cities -- Produce a scroll describing the history of the EU e.g. when it started and when members joined. You could colour this with teas staining to make it look old! -Produce a factsheet showing the 27 EU members flags and names. - Make an EU flag. Cover the flag in the names of the member countries s/the-world-factbook/ Select the country name ws/hi/find_out/guides/europe an_union/newsid_2138000/2 138993.stm DEADLINE:

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