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Diseases of the Renal System KNH 413. CKD - Renal Replacement Therapy Hemodialysis (HD) or Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Type based on underlying kidney disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Diseases of the Renal System KNH 413. CKD - Renal Replacement Therapy Hemodialysis (HD) or Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Type based on underlying kidney disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diseases of the Renal System KNH 413

2 CKD - Renal Replacement Therapy Hemodialysis (HD) or Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Type based on underlying kidney disease and co-morbid factors Both require selective, permeable membrane Allows passage of water and small molecules

3 CKD - Renal Replacement Therapy Hemodialysis (HD) Membrane is manmade dialyzer Preferred access site – AVF, AVG Typical regimen

4 CKD - Renal Replacement Therapy Peritoneal dialysis (PD) Lining of patient’s peritoneal wall is the selective membrane Types CAPD CCPD Access via catheter into peritoneal cavity Dwell time and number of exchanges


6 CKD - Stages 1 & 2 Nutrition Therapy Focus on co-morbid conditions: diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, progression of CVD K/DOQI guidelines for GFR ≤ 20 SGA every 1–3 mo. Dietary interviews and food intake Protein:.6-.75 g/kg Energy: 30-35 kcal/kg

7 CKD - Stages 3 & 4 Nutrition Therapy See ADA guidelines Nutrition assessment recommendations Nutrient recommendations Protein, energy, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, minerals, fluid may need adjustment Emphasize usual foods


9 CKD - Stages 3 & 4 Outcome measures Clinical Biochemical Anthropometrics Clinical signs and symptoms Behavioral Meal planning, meeting nutrient needs, awareness of food/drug interactions, exercise


11 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Assessment On dialysis – measures not different Dietary intake Biochemical: serum albumin Goals: meet nutritional requirements, prevent malnutrition, minimize uremia, minimize complications Maintain blood pressure, fluid status


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14 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention HD – high in protein, control intake of potassium, phosphorus, fluids and sodium PD – more liberalized; higher in pro., sodium, potassium and fluid, limit phosphorus nutrients to monitor



17 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Protein - 1.2 g/kg (HD), at least 50% HBV PD same except during peritonitis

18 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Energy to prevent catabolism; needs slightly higher PD - account for kcal in dialysate Caloric load 24-27 kcal/kg/day average intake

19 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Adjusted Edema-Free Body Weight should be used to calculate body weight for calculating protein and kcal For those 115% median standard weight NHANESII For maintenance in HD and PD pts. Obtained postdialysis for HD pts., and after drainage for PD patients

20 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Fat - increased risk for CAD and stroke HD typically have normal LDL, HDL, TG PD higher TC, LDL, TG Recommend TLC diet guidelines for both


22 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Fluid and Sodium highly individualized based on residual urine output and dialysis modality Interdialytic weight gain (HD) should not exceed 5% of body weight 2 gram sodium diet Not more than 1 L fluid daily If urine output > 1 L/day sodium and fluid can be liberalized to 2-4 g and 2 L

23 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Fluid and Sodium PD – based on ultrafiltration; 2 -2.5 kg fluid/day Fluid 2 L Sodium 2-4 g Fluid overload: shortness of breath, htn., CHF, edema


25 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Phosphorus Hyperphospatemia - GFR 20-30 mL/min Dietary phosphorus restriction: 800-1000 mg/day, < 17 mg/kg body IBW Phosphate binders; calcium salts Limit calcium intake

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27 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Calcium requirements higher in CKD Restrict foods high in calcium Take supplements on empty stomach Limit to 2000 mg/day from all sources

28 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Vitamin Supplementation Water-soluble vitamins Daily requirements “Renal” vitamins include B 12, folic acid, vitamin C Avoid high doses of vitamins A & C May need vitamin K if on antibiotics


30 CKD - Stage 5 Nutrition Intervention Mineral supplementation Avoid Mg-containing phosphate binders, antacids, and supplements Iron Zinc

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