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Welcome to Team Dedication! Mr. Seibert: Math and Science Mrs. Shaffer: Language Arts Mrs. Phillips: Math and Social Studies Mrs. Pepper: Language Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Team Dedication! Mr. Seibert: Math and Science Mrs. Shaffer: Language Arts Mrs. Phillips: Math and Social Studies Mrs. Pepper: Language Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Team Dedication! Mr. Seibert: Math and Science Mrs. Shaffer: Language Arts Mrs. Phillips: Math and Social Studies Mrs. Pepper: Language Arts Mrs. Gorsegner: Learning Support Mrs. Ewell: Learning Support Aide

2 Mr. Seibert 7th full year of teaching 6th time teaching 5 th grade! South Western High School Grad York College Bachelors Graduate work at Penn State (York campus) Love sports and outdoor activities Married to an Art Teacher at Spring Grove

3 8 th year teaching in Dallastown; 11 th year overall Husband’s name Jason, sons’ names are Tyler and Ryan Love reading, fishing, and football (GO COLTS!!)

4 What is Fifth Grade All About? Responsibility and Organization –Materials (BINDERS and PENCIL) –Homework –Morning routine (copying homework) Accountability –Taking charge of what you do –Understanding effects of your actions High Expectations –Set them and expect them!

5 Schedule 8:15 Students arrive 8:20 Homeroom begins 8:30 School starts/ Students Tardy after this point 8:45 - 10:50 Core 1 Language Arts or Math and Science/Social Studies 10:55 - 11:15 Lunch 11:15 - 11:35- Recess 11:45 - 1:50 Core 2 Language Arts or Math and Science/Social Studies 1:50 - 2:15 I/E 2:25 - 3:10 Specials 3:15 - 3:35 Buses are called

6 Reading Strategy Instruction (Super Six) Reading response log Reading responses-Tag Expansions/RAFT 6 day a week homework reading requirement -20 minutes/day -Record title of book and page numbers in assignment book

7 Writing Writing Process (prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish) Five Paragraph Essays Four Square Format Craft of Writing (focus, content, organization, style, conventions) Rubric to Assess 3 Modes of Writing Word of the Day Grammar Poetry Anthology Writer’s Notebook

8 Concepts –Geometry –Perimeter and Area –Measurement –Place value –Multiplying Whole Numbers –Dividing with One-Digit and Two-Digit Divisors –Mode, Mean, Median, and Range –Graphing –Fractions –Probability Flexible Grouping Homework Problem of the Week Math Journal (notes)

9 Science Students will complete a SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT in small groups Student lab days: two days per cycle Units of study in 5 th grade: Scientific processes Life Science Earth Science Landforms-Foss Kit Physical Science

10 Social Studies Five Themes of Geography/Map Skills Ancient Americans Explorers Colonial America Revolutionary War A New Nation Expansion Civil War

11 Word Study This year it will be done within Language Arts. It will look different than last year in terms of homework.

12 Instruction Small group and/or one-to- one instruction available in the areas of Math, Reading, Writing, and Spelling Science or Social Studies supported by Instructional Aide within classroom and additional support within Learning Support classroom Support with organization Progress Monitoring of IEP Goals Followed as outlined in the IEP During the first week of school, necessary baseline will be collected Friday is often assessment day and data will be graphed and reported every marking period Mrs. Gorsegner – Teacher Mrs. Ewell – Instructional Aide

13 Important Dates to Know November 19 th and 20 th : Parent-Teacher Conferences March 11 th – 15th: PSSA (Writing) April 8 th – 19 th : PSSA’s (Reading and Math)

14 Homework Policy 50 minutes/night maximum including 20 minutes of reading Effort is key. Please set aside a time and place for your child to complete their homework. It is important to let them know how important you think school is. Your attitude is contagious!

15 Homework Policy 1 st = Warning and complete in HW Support 2 nd = Highlight in Assignment Book and HW Support 3 rd = Homework Support (Student will Call Home) 4 th = Homework Support 5 th = Homework Support (Student will Call Home) Etc… Starts fresh each quarter

16 ~The Late Policy~ In order to be prepared for the 6 th grade and beyond, it is crucial that all work is handed in on time!! Negative percentage points add up quickly!  1 to 2 days = -5%  3 days to 1 week = -10%  After 1 week = -20% * If a student is absent or misses class for band, chorus, etc, arrangements are to be made with the teacher (by the student) to hand in any missed assignments. They are responsible for making up missed work. If your child is absent for multiple days, please call the school to arrange to pick up the missed or get it sent home with someone else. This way your child will not fall too far behind and get stressed.

17 DALLASTOWN TARDY POLICY Students will be tardy to school at 8:30 AM. All students will be issued a slip to class from the secretary. Every 3 tardies each marking period will result in a student being assigned after school study club the next day. REPORTING ABSENCES You may call, report online, or send in an absence excuse form.

18 Strike Policy 1 st Strike = warning 2 nd Strike = BIG warning 3 rd Strike = phone call home 4 th Strike = involve others Verbal warnings are given for most behaviors before strikes are assigned. The goal is to help the children keep track of their own behaviors and progress to make positive changes. Incentives will be given!!! Kids start fresh each week!!

19 Marking Period Reward System Combining BEHAVIOR and RESPONSIBILITY to reward the “whole student.” If a student receives less than 4 “INFRACTIONS” in a marking period, they will participate in the reward. 1) Strikes 2) Missed HW 3) Prepared with a pencil

20 Hand-Held Devices School is a great time for the students to work on their social skills. No cell phones on at school; can be left off and in backpack Hand-held devices can be used at indoor recess only. Be sure their name is on EVERYTHING!!!

21 Specials Schedule Even Days: Seibert and Phillips have P.E. Odd Days: Pepper and Shaffer have P.E.

22 Contact Us… Please feel free to call, email, or send a note in with any questions, comments and concerns. Please give us 24 hours to respond. Expect calls and notes from us…they are not all bad!!! We communicate daily with one another.



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